Sunday 7 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 7/8/16 Andrew Bolt is the death of democracy; Bolt's propaganda on Universal Health care answered; Mentally Disturbed is a Muslim free zone; We reall want Chinese business; The Murdocracy media; Real Bigotry is still Bolt's; Fear must Rule!!;


Should Hanson really be bashed into silence?


" It’s not Hanson who is costing us that $1 million in police protection. It’s the Islamists and Leftist who threaten to bash and kill her." Bolt

Islamists weren't around when Hanson was last an MP. The only protection she needed wasn't from the left it was from Tony Abbott who contrived a scheme to have her thrown in jail. Now that's bashing. That was the only real assault she experienced and it came from Abbott acting as John Howard's hit man. It enabled him to grab Hanson's policies and end her career. Bolt simply can't get his facts or context straight can he. Tony Abbott even made a public apology which Bolt has buried.

Abbott did it




Hyperbolic abuse from ACMA and the Age when they can’t fault my warming facts


The intention of Bolt's lengthy blog is to confuse nothing more nothing less. Bolt has constantly said the planet hasn't been warming an in fact has been cooling for the past 18 years. Global scientists have shown that Bolt using Spencer's denial have simply been wrong, Spencer was wrong.Revamped satellite data shows no pause in global warming - Phys.or Bolt will have a hard time insisting no warming has taken place for 18 years the best he can do is say no significant warming had taken place Study drives a sixth nail into the global warming 'pause' myth |

" Research reported in July 2015 on an updated NOAA dataset casts doubt on the existence of a hiatus, and it finds no indication of a slowdown even in earlier years. Scientists working on other datasets welcomed this study, though they have expressed they view that the recent warming trend was less than in previous periods of the same length] Subsequently, a detailed study supports the conclusion that warming is continuing, but it also find there was less warming between 2001 and 2010 than climate models had predicted, and that this slowdown might be attributed to short-term variations in the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), which was negative during that period. Another review finds "no substantive evidence" of a pause in global warming A statistical study of global temperature data since 1970 concludes that the term 'hiatus' or 'pause' is not justified.Independent of these discussions about data and measurements for earlier years, 2015 turned out to be much warmer than any of the earlier years, already before El NiƱo conditions started. The warmth of 2015 largely ended any remaining scientific credibility of claims that the supposed "hiatus" since 1998 had any significance for the long term warming trend."

As I said Bolt is simply providing a long rant to confuse


"I don't know what Cruz, et al., will do now," Dessler said in an email. "I think it will be increasingly difficult for them to claim that the data show now warming, although it may be possible to say that it shows 'no significant warming.'"

Read more at:
"I don't know what Cruz, et al., will do now," Dessler said in an email. "I think it will be increasingly difficult for them to claim that the data show now warming, although it may be possible to say that it shows 'no significant warming.'"

Read more at:

 In Bolt's lengthy defence no mention is made of the specific study he claims is accurate and that support what he has said until now. To say he has never been a denialist is a load of crap. Bolt has been silent this year only because he can no longer say 14 consecutive months of warming and broken records isn't a sign of a trend. Bolt  however has never dealt in trends and he tends to spend his energies trying as he does all his arguments to look for exceptions in order to disprove what he claims to be false rules put forward by climate scientists. 

That's his very problem like medicine climate science works not on hard and fast rules but probabilities and trends. Bolt like a spruiker for the tobacco industry who argues that there is no proof of a causal connection  between smoking and cancer. Bolt argues that there is no evidence for a causal connection man's activities and global warming or even that the planet has been warming. To say anything else is just side stepping the issue. Bolt constantly turned to Spencer's graph to make his point and he has shut up this year. 

 Clexit: The new heights of climate science denial



Who let them in? Now a spruiker for Hamas, the terrorist group?

Andrew Bolt the spruiker for right wing terrorists in Reclaim Australia, the hypocritical advocate of free speech who does not defend it for others only has the freedom of Australia because he's a citizen. The problem however is he abuses it. He abuses democracy and has no respect for it. There was a time in the past when only the wealthy Protestants ran this country. What changed their monopoly of power was democracy when people and the vote actually meant something and politicians were forced to listen when people demonstrated and took to the streets. Politicians and spruikers like Bolt were a dime a dozen. The problem today is the neocons have no respect for what Bolt claims he wants free speech. All he wants is the protection to deliver hate speech. We know from history when that's allowed democracy has gone and Andrew Bolt symbolizes just that.



  IndigenousDads counter Bill Leak cartoon with stories of fatherhood - ABC 

News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)





Lies Americans are told about Universalised Health…. Michael Moore’s ” Sicko”|Right Wing Australia Complains…Movie

Andrew Bolt will lie to you in your face but you have to pay for that lie too.

Sicko – American Healthcare Documentary (2007) – YouTube
Mar 15, 2015 – Uploaded by paagleTV

Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to investigate the American healthcare system.  Andrew Bolt claims we need to be more American and less Australian.







“Mentally disturbed” may just be the latest code words. UPDATE: Belgian attack


Bolt's Information is from the SUN Murdoch Media  and speculation Bolt drops the speculation

Andrew Bolt has never had any trouble ignoring official statements that don't support his kafkaesque constructions trying to formulate a "trend" Bolt can be 10,000 km away on the other side of the world and cry bullshit if official statements of events don't mirror his. If there is a trend for the mentally disturbed to receive messages from god then it's only the Christians who are sick because god is Christian owned and not Muslim. Any mentally disturbed reference to Allah is sane rational and simply terrorist. Think about it for just one moment. Christians when invoking god in violence are mad Muslims aren't. That's Bolt logic.

Apparently Andrew Bolt sees Reclaim Australia and UPF in the same terms as faiths. Religions attached to particular ethnic groups in Australia and as such Philip Galea should be afforded the same protection under the RDA." Victoria Police did not confirm he was a member of Reclaim Australia, but said “the individual in custody has a number of affiliations to different organisations”. So the police certainly must get Bolt's 5 star award for consistency.

But no they don't "Not the slightest problem this time with naming and photographing be suspect." There is no mention here  about the African's charged being under age an therefore not being able to be identified or the fact that Reclaim Australia or the UPF aren't faiths or ethnic groups but are political organizations which Bolt supports. Anything goes when protecting or defaming a side principles out the window who cares.




Morrison must shine because Turnbull won’t



But let's do business

Amazing scrotum face doesn't even ask us to think Abbott. I'm sure the LNP have professional Pollsters keeping track. However why doesn't McCrann tell News Corp just how much they have of recent times been guaranteeing the downturn in the economy simply by declaring "We are a White Christian Nation Asians and Muslims should Piss Off. I guess McCrann and Bolt want to model an economy on what South Africa's was once at it's worst




Unrestrained Spectator Australia

We need the ABC  because this shit is Supported by the Murdocracy

Wow National favorites advertised by Bolt. When will national Security raid these recruiters of extreme right Terrorism in Australia. All three are vocal supporters of Reclaim Australia and UPF. The NT locks up young people at 3 times higher rate than other states and territories –

What they want you to ignore. If they need they will blame them.



Gold medal for bigotry goes to the Lebanese team

 Only somebody like Andrew Bolt can call this incident bigotry. Something he knows only too well. He cried when he didn't get the support form Australia's Jews. However right wing Israelis are born to rule.

The Lebanese are vigilant because they realize Israel does support Muslims. However they tend to support terrorists like the Al Nusra Front and ISIS. You only need ask Shari  Markson of News Corp the secrecy with which Israel those cards so close to it's chest. In also hosted the Saudi Generals last week in Israel to plan their alliance. Given the Lebanese are a multi faith nation and know what Mossad are capable of They were wise not to get up too close and personal with Israeli's who felt they could just push their way onto their bus.  "Israel’s athletes insisted on doing so," The Born to rule attitude of Israli's is learnt from childhood


A stab in the heart of this country

 “Let’s be clear. Class warfare is being waged in this country. It is being waged by the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adeslon, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and all the others who want to decimate working families in order to make the wealthiest people even wealthier. In this class war that we didn’t start, let’s make sure it is the middle class and working families who win, not the millionaires and billionaires.” ~ Senator Bernie Sanders:

Anything and everything will be done to spread the belief you need to be vigilant and live in fear. That's the extremely right way. Did Bolt mention the National security raids throughout Melbourne netted Right wing extremists he supports Reclaim Australia in their net  no he didn't will he? It's hardly likely. The keeps telling us they are the heart of this country.

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