Wednesday 17 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, Don Dale is "fixed" like Abbott "fixed the economy no need to look anymore; Bolt's a little bit pregnant an left; Reverse Racism???; Bolt makes hypocrisy look physical disease; Trivia is his business; Bernardi reveals another truth;


Trouble in super land


Compared to his troll Peter BH Bolt sound more like an agony aunt in his writing style imagine what his book is like. He certainly got a slap from Curtis Cheng's son on the Project tonight for using him as an anti-Islam poster boy and he showed his Imperialistic insensitivity to the Vietnamese who lost more than 1 million lives to a foreign invading force of Australians that lost 500. What right has Bolt who advocates closed borders in Australia to complain about the Vietnamese being sensitive to the celebration intended at Lon Tan of  the enemy force that raided their country. The man's a Philistine. How dare the Vietname be so insensitive!! Maybe the heard Pauline and Bolt's message we are letting too many Asians into Australia.


Vietnam cancels Long Tan celebration

 Image result for Images of Long Tan Vietnam

Oh those inscrutable Asians they can't be trusted to let us celebrate in their country a war that we should never have entered. Is Bolt angry enough to have his sons called up for anything other than breakfast? Conservatives sent our kids into fight never forget that and they did it on a lie just as John Howard did. Bolt loves celebrating death it seems even when it's for the simple act of politics




ABC bias exposed - and Turnbull fell for it

DonDale Files should be taken to Dondale for investigation says Bolt


Bolt fails to even broach the fact that children had been treated the way  shown in the ABC report for years in a facility that had been so bad it was condemmed Bolt here claims that the the Vita and Bath reports were listened to and changes were made he fails to neither list what was in the Bath Reports  nor specify the changes that were made. Bolt doesn't even begin to explain why these reports were buried . A further report was commissioned but it too has been noted not to be released. To simply say "Yes/ But" because the issue was brought to bear now doesn't address the Juvenile Justice System in the NT as to not only  the differential rates of Aboriginal juveniles in the system but why diversion programs weren't implemented. Why if children had obvious psychiatric problems these weren't addressed. It's insufficient to ask no questions because  of a politicians Abbott response "it's fixed" The cats out of the bag, and a RC is certainly called for. How is it Sky or Bolt ever glorified Don Dale before the ABC brought it to light. After all Bolt spends an inordinate amount of time writing on the failure of Aboriginal communities. Dylan Voller from the age of 10 was made to endure a system that Bolt now says it's fixed. 10 years ago I'm sure that's what the politicians of the day were also saying. We are grateful for the ABC.

Why was a guard seen trying to damage the CCTV camera if he thought their behaviours were justified? Why do we have the highest rate of incarceration of indigenous children in the world. Has that been fixed? Don Dale should process itself according to Bolt.




Explain this challenge, Prime Minister. And explain your surrender

 Image result for Images of only being a little bit pregnant

This is not a Bolt Blog it's a Peter BH offering an anti- Bolt argument

Bolt and Pauline Hanson are Australia's loudest anti- China activists Hanson because she simply declares Australia isn't an Asian country and has too many Asians in it already and Bolt because the Chinese and other Pacific nations simply can't be trusted not to invade. With Chinese here we are creating the seeds for our own demise. Their effort it seems is to make us more European and fear the Pacific nations. They are happy to destroy the economy if that's what it takes in doing so.  Does Bolt  believe that the Chinese aren't aware of his and Hanson's sentiments?

So Bolt's claim MT is surrendering to populism by not allowing the Chinese to invest here is not only contradictory to what he's been advocating all this time but hypocritical and unprincipled as a conservative. It is however Bolt logic the same logic he applied when he called for giving the boot to the UAE embassy. They being where Tony Abbott has parked our bombers in the Middle East. Diplomacy and foreign policy seem very much a weak point for Bolt. Crying to shirtfront sovereign nations like the UAE while expecting them to remain staunch at the same time or insulting nations  like China and expecting them not to notice.

As for Hanson's argument of stopping China buying up Australia well it's rather stupid given they have only a 2.8% investment here. Given the populist cause is the one the conservatives like Hanson insist is an urgency isn't Bolt swimming against the conservative tide here? Hasn't he jumped to the left simply to sledge Turnbull? Maybe Bolt thinks he can get away with being only a little bit pregnant.?


MPs: Turnbull tricked us on free speech


This is not a Bolt Blog it's a Peter BH Blog.  A Long winded cut and paste

 Senator Cory Bernardi ... on Tuesday backed Senator Leyonhjelm’s tactic and predicted it would expose the “social justice warriors” as “racists, bigots and hypocrites."…

John Lord couldn't have said it better  "Senator David Leyonhjelm has launched a discrimination complaint over an opinion article describing him as an “angry white male”, saying it shows why the race speech law is absurd and needs to be repealed. I thought he said we weren’t supposed to get upset about what people say about us.   Beats me how you can lodge a complaint about something you are not offended by.


Mark Kenny is the hate-speaking racialist he claims to denounce

 Only one is Bolt


" Here Kenny makes a classic mistake of the tribalist Left, which divides people into types rather than individuals." Coming from somebody who spends his time getting paid for not treating people as individuals. From someone convicted of racial stereotyping under the RDA bolts argument is a bit rich. The anti- genderist, antii- agist anti -multiculturalist anti- collectivist of any sort is simply an anti realist trying to claim what is isn't by flipping  about like a flea in a flea circus. This folks is what you can expect to find in Bolt's book. That exceptions disprove the rules rather than prove them so because there are exceptions  to all professed rules or groupings there can't be any QED  and I'm Andrew Bolt. Except for that effen Apex gang of black Africans, Oh yes and those Muslims etc etc.

Bolt constantly uses Curtis Cheng's death to malign not a single person but a group, a class, a religion. Maybe Bolt really does need to watch Curtis Cheng's son on The Project about how misused his fathers death is being used by Hansonites and the right wing media jocks like Andrew Bolt who use Mr Cheng as their racist posterboy. Bolt Curtis Cheng even disagrees with you.


Keep peddling or the polar bears will drown

Trivia brought to our attention by a champion of trivialism just look t the ads for Bolt's book posted daily. What's between the pages even more unreasoned trivia. Did anybody see Malcolm Roberts on Q&A this week. He brought a bucket load of empirical evidence with him to show  July 2016 hottest month ever recorded on Earth was a load of Bolt.

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