Thursday 18 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 18/8/16; Why does Bolt run down Melbourne so much? Bolt's silence and Curtis Cheng's son; Dogs just having fun; Where is Mrs Bolt and why is she there? AAA Bolt hates it and says nothing; Bolt is little more than a Photoshop master;


  Melbourne ranked world's most liveable city for sixth consecutive year by EIU

Why does Bolt hate the place so much?



Does Hanson look that starved?


No she has booked her lunches exclusively with Andrew and his Clock Work Orange boys and they are purely tactical lunche but at $200 per head I'm sure in not too public places. Get serious they can both watch this and save the money.
The Project’s Waleed Aly shares emotional moment with Curtis Cheng’s son Alpha






What does the moral Left act like the depraved?

Because the moral right  put on a suits to disguise themselves in order to pretend they are reasoned. However suit are far less  the uniform they once were. Bolt wouldn't be caught dead looking suitless or untidy. However hasn't anyone noticed what happens when he blogs the real Dorian Grey comes to life in a froth frenzied rant. Real cruelty  hatred and out of control hysteria come to the fore not just name simple calling. His personal attack on Adam Goodes drove him off the Richter scale of hate. His stalking of Waleed Aly and his wife is a psychiatric  disturbance.  Bolt's not upset about the message here of Tuck Frump just the clothes sense these people have. None are wearing Peter Jackson's suits like Andrew even though they are showing clarity of wisdom.




Who is in charge of Sydney police when 15 hostages face death?

 Video for Waleed Aly and Curtis Cheng's son

Bolt likes the idea of one political party and one police and security force. Just as they had in East Germany once when it was a fascist state. He romances on the belief there was no crime no there and little resistense. Speech was free because because everyone was culturally assimilated  and they definition of  freedom strictly defined. It's why Bolt runs our current multicultural institutions down except of course for the new Don Dale. 

It has been said if Tony Abbott had picked up the phone or the police had acted earlier Monis who was mentally disturbed at the time might not have spiraled down as much as he did because he wanted attention. However that doesn't fit Bolt's narrative of an organized terrorist attack on Australian soil. 

Did anybody check what Curtis Cheng son had to say about the Hansons and Bolt's of this world in his interview with Waleed Aly? Alpha sees Hanson and Bolt as simply the worst of hate mongers who are busy stereotyping individual people  and seemingly demanding the right  to call themselves individuals at one and the same time. Waleed Aly shares emotional moment with Curtis Cheng's son




Why didn’t the Governor stick to the mineral water?

Bolt is arguing for a Republic. Self indulgence seems all common these days when $200 per head is common place these days in Melbourne restaurants. Bolt knows that and he's simply playing up to his readers pretending to be a humble man. But then he's Dutch and not so much an individual as he'd like to believe just tight. There was a recent study done that proved racists and bigots tend to have a lower IQ. It's proven with Trump's followers and Trump himself. It seems the same with Bolt and his fans as well.




Even Savva getting nervous about Turnbull, scared by Abbott

This is what you can expect in Bolt's book  the cut and pasting of somebody else's ideas. It's what children in pre school are first taught to do with scissors and clag. Bolt always hated the real work of journalists data collection and the constant grind and verification of it. As for his mate Tony Abbott he is sitting back and playing Caesar as I have always said he would waiting to be recalled by the monkey pod room.

 However Savva who is in Canberra doesn't believe in just the scuttlebutt. Moderates are Moderates after all and it's only been 1.5 months and not the 11 months when Abbott found out he could no longer pretend to walk on water.



Ponting knocks NSW Government for six


Ponting Oh the once was a cricketer but always was a gambler has more say in the matter than any other Australians. Reputation  seems to count above all else for Bolt. Mike Baird's once did  when even Tony Abbott wanted to bask in his celebrity. It appears Baird has gone to the dogs as far as Bolt is concerned. The cry "give them a chance to fix it" has always a cry from those like Abbott who suddenly said he fixed the economy with seemingly doing nothing. Bolt's crying out that Don Dale is "fixed" a modern miracle has occurred. It's faith healers cry that I can cure aids and cancer trust me just give me a chance. It's a poor mans magic formula and it seems Ponting one that was conned from a very young age as a kid in Tassie. Let's fix the dogs so they can seemingly be so beautiful to watch for 30 seconds.


How civil libertarians are not

Is that where Andrew Bolt keeps his wife


Is Bolt suggesting there are no white Muslims as he did when he suggested there were no white Aborigines. Bolt lost that argument hands down and he's now applying it to Susan Callard at least all you can say is he's a consistent arsehole. Using Mrs Aly's photo at least shows she's proud and free. Bolt buries his wife  under a photographic burka you never see her photographed in public his kids are hidden from sight one might ask why are the living the cultural life of the Taliban. When the Aly family aren't? 


Having no argument of his own Bolt steals John Lord's and turns it around however the difference is that Lyonhjelm has taken his to to court when he claims free speech and names don't hurt he's the one declaring the foul and contrdicting only himself in doing it


Don’t bank on Bill or Budget repair

Bolt hides the fact he want's us in the red zone


It really cut Bolt to the quick to see Australia not lose it's AAA credit rating. Bolt McCrann and the band of News Corp conservatives were working so hard to publicly screw it for their boys in the monkey pod room. Notice Bolt is still at it complaining when in fact he seems really pleased "These savings, spread out over four years, are actually only tiny compared to the huge deficits we face - $37 billion this financial year alone." Don't kid your self for one moment that he's really panicked after all Standard and Poors aren't and even he fails to mention that Julia Gillard was a negotiator Tony Abbott was a dud Malcolm Turnbull certainly can't be worse.


Column - How Four Corners conned a minister and panicked Turnbull

Bolt believes in Photoshop.  He demands  to take a look at Dondale now and see what the ABC missed after it was photo shopped. Bolt is Dorian Grey. 


Don Dale is much the same a before and after promise that hasn't delivered any change


Bolt calls for context but leaves context totally out. He works for Sky News but we don't see him showing the "real " truth he claims to be Don Dale today the paradise he claims is The real Don Dale of today with the highly trained JYOs  and diversion rather than detention programs that exist . The best Bolt offered was the current CEO denying the little bastards were treated the way they were treated in the past. When the ABC produced facts drawn from the official reports of reputable men Bolt doesn't ask why they were buried or whether a patched up system was any better than a broken down one. A fresh coat of paint doesn't make a buggered system a changed one. What Bolt an apologist  is for the Liberal NT who appears afraid of the changes made simply being cosmetic. What Bolt's taking advantage of is blaming the ABC for not creating facts but revealing them and posing the question is this any way to treat children?  No matter how he phrases it Bolt is merely out to rape the ABC he can't save Don Dale. It's the case of "how dare the ABC reveal priests are pedophiles all over again"

When someone steals $500k and getts off and a kid steals a Fredo Frog and gets jail time something is very wrong.  Rishi Khandelwal avoids jail after filing hundreds of fake tax returns The justice system is broken Bolt 

Bolt insists he's an individual and ought to be treated as such. While he applies all the social graces common  to the role models he aspires to when visible to the public he in fact reveals all his his bigotry and intolerance  when in print. He seems to believe this intolerance is driven by logic and reason when in fact it's applicable to a minority and a group within today's society who seem to believe their privileges have been fairly won and everybody has an equal opportunity to do the same. Basically he doesn't believe in the systematic structure of opportunity. It's the reason why in fact he's opposed to so many educated persons in control of our institutions particularly those non conservatives who question the nature of whats going on rather than supporting it for simply for personal gain as he does. Questioning anything just might have a chain reaction of being concerned with the we rather than the me that Bolt tries to hide. He really is Dorian Grey 

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