Andrew Bolt's Blog,10//8/16; Pig's Arse! Bolt; Turnbull has brought us back from the global dead despite Abbott; Kick the black girl Bolt uses racial stats which he criticizes to blame indigenous Australians; Bolt would be excusing Abbott for the ABS;

" Worse, they are using that power to smear and silence people warning you some children are in terrible danger." Bolt
Let's face it when does Bolt distinguish between a race of people an"some individuals. His stereotyping has been overrides individual personal stories that depict real people and replaces them Kafkaesque stereotypes taht have been in existence for 100s of years. He makes no effort to critique them , question them or even explain their historic origin if he did that he'd come to look in a mirror and see an ultra racist.
"The Australian, drew a cartoon in response to the media outrage over the
alleged abuse of Aboriginal teenagers detained in the Northern
Territory." Bolt
That cartoon might explain why there is massive differential rate of intervention between Blacks and Whites in Australia and that the racism perceived or assumed has in fact a basis in the institutionalized reality of this country and not just in the prejudices of individuals. It's in fact systemic as is the the opportunities available to whites.
"Leak’s message was clear. Those children in detention — where the hell were their parents?" Bolt
Isn't it amazing Bolt ignores the fact that Dylan Voller's mum asked for help when Dylan was 10 and all she got was Don Dale she now regrets that very action that Bolt seems to deem as the best possible practice in taking care of mongrel 10 year olds. He ignores that all reports on the place condemned it and were buried even the latest one.
"Leak’s cartoon cut to the quick of terrible truth — the collapse of good parenting in so many Aboriginal communities out bush." Bolt
If this isn't the wholesale stereotyping of a race I don't know what is it's victim blaming on the scale of Hitler's blaming of the Jews "it's in their blood" It's in their Culture they are all potentially the same ready to go "walkabout" at the drop of a hat. Does he do the same to white Anglo Culture? Of course he does however they are superior in the the larger scheme of things why? That's the question Bolt refuses to recognize a reasoned answer. His is he is more indigenous as most Aborigines and he is not in the gutter and color had nothing to do with it. The man is a denialist so much so he's an alien in Australia.
"but that must not blind us to a crisis." Bolt
Studies in the wealth gap that has been growing between blacks and whites in the USA are relevant because the gap in capital between indigenous Australians and non indigenous is still growing as is their cultural capital diminishing which Bolt acknowledges but blames it entirely on them and not the 200 years if institutionalized racism we have taken for granted. The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years to Build the Wealth of a White Family Today | The Nation This study has relevance to Australia in as much as it has no relevance to Andrew Bolt.
In a capitalist society there is no future without Capital either wealth or cultural. Bolt tells us clearly Aboriginal culture is less than worthless and he also tells us that the income gap is of indigenous making and nothing to do with non indigenous attitudes. He believes he'd be Stan Grant if he was black and Aboriginal...pig's arse.
What do the Polls say Mr Bolt the News Corp favorite seems to be dying and as of today is running 7.5 pts behind. Bolt can't simply say ignore the polls can he? Will Fox News be calling for a replacement they are making money off the man.
Poll: Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Trump

This is not a Bolt blog
The News Corp Greek chorus is brought in to repeat over and over Turnbull has done nothing, Turnbull has done nothing. Turnbull has returned respectability to Australian Government and Democracy to the people that was not only was shattered by Tony Abbott in a short two year period and divided the country but made us appear the most unwelcoming OECD nation on the planet. We went from a welcoming rainbow nation to a global apartheid one in the shortest period of time possible. Governments are meant to legislate an pass bills to progress. Abbott almost broke John Gorton's record of the least bills passed and took us backwards. Turnbull is left with that legacy to repair. The Essential Poll also has Turnbull at 40%- 30 % as preferred PM something Bolt selectively ignores.

" The Socialist Left government of Victoria, already spending more than $160 million of taxpayer’s money on its union mates, now spends some extra to give another mate a job:"
Bolt claims
Only Peris, from the Northern Territory, could do this job in Victoria?
And are Aboriginal girls really not playing enough sport?
Are Aboriginal-only programs really fair, wise and productive?
Is this man aware what a hypocrite he is to prove his point he uses racially divided Naplan stats the very thing he's criticizing the Vic government addressing the man is all balls no IQ
It would take the average black family 200 years to build the wealth of a white family today and Bolt simply fails to acknowledge why. No Capital either in terms of wealth or culture has left indigenous Australians on the bottom of the rung on every social indices and it's not individual but a systemic trend of a people who were only first even recognized as people and as Australians until 1971. Every institution in this country witheld the opportunities provided Andrew Bolt. Who claims to be as indigenous as they are. Ask yourself would Bolt have achieved what Stan Grant if he were black. Whatever happened to Bolt's best mate in primary school any way? Does he even know let alone care?

" True, the buck should stop with the Australian Bureau of Statistics,
and the Turnbull Government is not directly involved in the managed of
this. Yet it will wear the political responsibility, and the price will
be high."Trevor Long
Yes the buck should stop with the ABS but there's one guarantee Andrew Bolt won't let that be the case. The only person he ever made constant excuses for was Tony Abbott to the point when even he shut up. So what we will witness what he calls trivia in the case of Abbott will be be an Everest for Turnbull.
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