Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/8/16; 60 years of a magazine theat cheered when young Australians were sent to die. Tony Thomas a featured bullshit artist at Quadrant; Bolt's lesson in Home Economics; Forgotten people;

It's called projection Bolt is actually projecting what he'd do in the circumstance and not what MT is doing. The fact is he hasn't a clue and is making it up as he goes along. Peter Foster sol his clients Baylin Tea promising it was a weight reduction stimulant. He was prosecuted. How is it Andrew Bolt can sell mental reducing stimulants as knowledge and get away with it. Lying doesn't fall uder the category of free speech surely it's what grifters do
The Quadrant was a betrayal of Australia. Yes it began in 1956 and cheered the Cold War and the deaths of young Australians to Vietnam."From the time of the arrival of the first members of the Team in 1962 almost 60,000 Australians, including ground troops and air force and navy personnel, served in Vietnam; 521 died as a result of the war and over 3,000 were wounded." What is it we should celebrate it's death would be more appropriate.
" The magazine holds a conservative stance on political and social issues.[3]
In March 2008 the magazine was describing itself as sceptical of 'unthinking Leftism, or political correctness, and its "smelly little orthodoxies"'.[3]"
Sorry Thomas Only one story! Bullshit Murdoch Media has been obsessed by this lawyer and conspiracy theorist.
Tony Thomas yes he does represent what The Quadrant symbolizes. Hilary Clinton was exonerated by all investigations into Benghazi in 2012 except by the most extreme of GOP and it's media voices PowerLine and BreitBart but who else pushes something that's all but forgotten Murdoch Media of course. This whole theory has been debunked however here in Australia we still have Tony Thomas resurrecting something so dead for The Quadrant's birthday, how appropriate.
You have to laugh Bolt the Hanson "too many Asians " supporter "stop Asians control of our assets" supporter is now declaring the government is "too desperate" for doing something he seemingly supports. If this is not an indication of " your damned if you do and damned if you don't" accusation of an eel , a hypocrite , you name it an unprincipled unAustralian racist prick who stands for nothing there never was one
Dylan Voller wasn't Oliver he just got pissed and Bolt blamed his family and culture for his pain. Why isn't Oliver Dylan that's the question Bolt
This Is Not A Bolt Blog Peter BH at work
Yes then why doesn't the Reserve bank heed it's own advice and stop spending. Dropping interest rates is the equivalent of bank spending. Did Stevens notice that the big banks didn't follow his line of thinking and saved instead of giving it all away? That's Capitalism.
Maybe politicians should show us how it's done and get rid of those youthful advisers they employ in ever increasing numbers . MP s just don't seem to be doing it for themselves anymore. It's also a reason they keep tripping up they are distancing themselves from those who elected them and getting up close and personal with lobbyists who were often once politicians themselves. It's as if they are all running to financial advisers and we know what that means.
How much attention is already being given to the next election and whether MT will see out a full term or not? When does anybody LNP or ALP get a chance to focus on the job? Corporate boards certainly aren't hammered by a 24/7 news cycle. MT is one person whose aware of that and certainly isn't the circus performer Abbott was. Remember his overseas jaunts and Trumpian Foreign Policy gaffes. In Afghanistan "shit happens" "Canadia" and meanwhile spending. He said he'd "fixed" the economy and he did. Hockey went to NZ and said " there's nothing wrong with it".
The reality is we live in a globalized world and feel it's effects. In home economics welfare is the last to be hit the kids aren't made to be the first to suffer the responsible adults pull their belts in first. It seems Stevens, economists and opinionators don't operate on the parenting principle for them it's kick the kids first then blame the indigenous who for 200 years have been locked out of the economy unable to capitalize and blaming them for being shit parents. How much attention does Bolt pay his kids?

is a dead fish to Bolt when it comes to the country but when sucking up
to the living past it's most important. It goes to show the Chairman of
the board is paying attention to business. "The testimonial for the long-serving Nationals leader will be held
just hours after Mr Turnbull is expected to deliver a “federal report’’
to the annual LNP state convention at the same venue." Bolt prefers rumour's to reality, Warren who is of no concern to me. The indigenous are of no concern to Bolt.
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