Andrew Bolt's Blog;12/8/16; Bolt's Aparthied Nation; AFL is diverse politics and religion aside; Richo a dead man talking; HRC defines free speech Bolt doesn't; Malay Thais Bolt says Huh?; Remember Bolt debating with James Matheson ho ho ho; China 2.5% investment only and Bolt thinks that's too much;
Bolt hates this

Bolt barracks for the Dutch when they are in Australia , listens to opera, and prefers to holiday outside of Australia. "No, the question is: if one does not share those values, why should we let him into this country?"Bolt Yet he no doubt stands when God Save the Queen is played and remains a monarchist.
believes in educational training and not learning. SS youth had it
right when they were trained to dob in an adult for un German
activities. McCarthy had it right in America and ASIO had it right in
the 50s -60s to spy on and infiltrate the CPA. If your not Australian
enough you deserve not to be able to succeed in this country. So Bolt
actually admits indigenous Australians were systemically excluded from
any Australian's right to succeed.
fact fact Bolt supports Australians being challenged at the border and
assesed for their degree of homogeneity and loyalty to this country, to
the Bolt cultural mindset. Australia is a Multicultural nation it's
something Bolt seems to deny. so who is out of step? His parents weren't
challenged on entry and they actually produced an extremely un-
Australian son. Is Bolt actually holding up a mirror to himself ? Are
the rest of his siblings the same I don't think so. If Bolt hates the
country so much he knows where the door is.

The Government Funds: The AFL chooses what to do with the money not Andrew Bolt who distorts the generosity applied to multiracial youth programs. So I guess his affection for Houli is as false as his patriotism. I 'll bet the Muslim community in Australia give more to Charity in this country than the Dutch. By the way the AFL does also sponsor AFL and Jewish programs. Why Andrew Bolt is an ignoramous and Anti-Aussie

Did Richo Rene Rivkin's friend and partner actually support Tony Abbott? Show me the money Richo. When you have Hanson and Bolt calling for an aparthied nation and those they reject being trading partners is there any wonder our economy will suffer. We are living in a globalized world. Bolt figured Brexit would do us a massive favor. It's the reverse. Bolt believes you can say what you want about the Chinese and we will still be a favored business destination. Insult the rest of the Pacific enough and we will need to reconsider what it is we are doing. When the MSM runs on bad news and the ultra conservatives run on fear one would have thought Richo's near death experience would have made him a little more humbled.
Sorry Laws that legislate any speech as free speech turns a civil society into an abusive one and when coupled with a power hierarchy speech simply becomes a weapon of empowerment and used as such by MSM whose interests align themselves with the monied classes and corporations. Bolt can't provide any examples where this has ever occurred free speech societies have never really existed. Bolt never really can explain what it is he's talking about and as such it becomes a meaningless concept in his hands. When access to law is reduced to those only that can afford justice and legal rights justice becomes just becomes a word coined by the monied class. Human Rights demand a fair and balanced society and as such provides some oversight.
"The Human Rights Commission is now a menace to two of our most important human rights - to free speech and a fair trial.
It must go.
Again it sound good in concept about as good a there not being any real need for queues we should be allowed to sort it out among ourselves, oh ye!
Does Bolt even know who's who in this picture?
One must also wonder why this conflict has received such scant coverage
in Western media. Ott opines it is because the U.S. government is in no
way involved, acceding to the wishes of the Thai government to stay out.
has been largely off the radar as far as Western media is concerned,”
he noted. “[But] if Al Qaeda became a player, that would all change. But
there is no indication of that.” Ott
Bolt wants to change that in our region to suggest the middle east has arrived on our doorstep He seems to be reviving the old conservative Domino Theory that had conservatives take us to war in Vietnam except it's not Communist but Muslim
What Bolt would like us to believe this problem is somehow connected to the issues in the Middle East
" Over 6,500 people died and almost 12,000 were injured between 2004 and 2015 in a formerly ethnic separatist insurgency, which has currently been taken over by hard-line jihadis
and pitted them against both the Thai-speaking Buddhist minority and
local Muslims who have a moderate approach or who support the Thai
The problem is Bolt can't even get his facts straight this issue originated as far back as 1948. It's political and in predominantly the Malay ethnic south where both the minority Buddhist population and the majority Muslim population who support the Thai government. Bolt's mission however is to portray and tar Muslims worldwide with the same brush it's why he needs such a closed media structure and moderators to prevent him facing a informed audience where he'd be too exposed.
There is one thing that's 100% certain Andrew Bolt know nothing about Thai politics and history. What has sparked his interest is that a minority political rebellion has been in place since 1948 and it's sparked up again 16 years ago in Southern Thailand which is majority ethnic Malay and Muslim. Bolt's ignorance and facts are wrong he hasn't a clue what is going on or why and he really doesn't care they are Muslim. Trang fishermen have been impoverished by industrial fishing and the land has been made unusable by corporate prawn farms who once they move on leave a desert behind a wasteland that can't be rehabilitated. The politics of the region is of no consequence to Bolt what is important to this maniac is they are Muslim. He'd like us to believe it to be a religious war. The man is an intellectual retard
" some 150,000 Thai soldiers patrol the southern region to battle no more than 9,000 Muslim fighters. The
turning point in the conflict occurred in October 2004 when the Thai
military opened fire on demonstrators in the town of Tak Bai in Pattani,
killing seven people. Afterwards, state security forces detained 1,300
people, stripping and torturing some, while transporting hundreds of
others to a military camp in a journey so arduous that some 80 detainees
died from suffocation. These
incidents radicalized the insurgents to the point where they kill not
only Thai security forces but even their own people suspected of
collaborating with the state."
" “There are many rebel groups operating in the area. Their shared
grievance is that under Siamese rule, the ethnic Malays in the region
have been oppressed and could not exercise self-determination and fully
have their own way of life,” said Sasiwan Chingchit, an independent
research consultant based in Washington and a visiting international
research fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses in New
Delhi, in an interview. “Patani independence from [the] Thai state is
their final aim, but they may hold different views on the territory of
[the] Patani Empire [or] if they want the new state to be a part of

" Strange. Again, anyone watching my interviews will know I do not yell or
heckle or treat guests with contempt. Yet I somehow frighten the people
above in a way that, say, the ABC does not." Bolt
Debate is about informed argument and not just the blind exchange of beliefs no matter how they are presented. Read Bolt's blogs and tell me he doesn't yell or heckle or that they are a non moderated forum. Bolt wouldn't have the apparent number of fans if it was a place for open comment. The Bolt Report is the same no matter how polite Bolt tries to be it's not a balanced forum where debate flows freely when it does Bolt ducks for cover. Remember James Matheson. Bolt thought he was a piece of cake. Matheson ran rings about Bolt in every meaning of the word debate and yes he did it in relaxed style. Bolt's producers had to save Bolt from embarrassment who promised to have him back. Well that will never happen will it. It's those Matheson moments Bolt desperately wants to avoid because they are in fact informative.
Trad deserves to be criticized why for the same reason anyone giving time to ultra extremists do there is no debate. All one has to do is look at the format of Bolt's show and compare it to the Drum, The Insiders, Q&A and everything is patently clear you are watching a structured performance that's all foul and no favor.
So Bolt does believe in elitism over populism. It's very central to his ultra- racist view of Australia Anti-Asian, Anti- Muslim basically Anti- color. The British and Americans don't have to suffer the slings and arrows and suspicion with regard "national interest" and investment. Cheap words "we are open for business" when we aren't. The world over is listening to the apartheid nation. "The “preliminary” decision by Scott Morrison to block Chinese-backed
bids for a stake in the Ausgrid lease will send shock waves around the
Rather than cheer which Hansonite Bolt has been prone to do he's pretending he's more sober "That we have been slack in allowing Beijing to acquire too much
ownership and control of infrastructure in the past is no reason for
being equally slack in future. " He's never complained that the Americans have been caught out spying on us countless times but the Chinese well that's an issue of a different color. Bolt certainly doesn't give a rats about the Economy that's for sure it's the color on money that counts. Why doesn't Bolt compare British and US investment here as well? Because it would show him up to be the racist aparthied scaremonger he in fact is.
Which countries invest in Australia?
Rank |
Country |
A$b |
% of total |
1 |
United States |
860.3 |
28.4 |
2 |
United Kingdom |
499.9 |
16.5 |
3 |
Belgium |
238.5 |
7.9 |
4 |
Japan |
199.6 |
6.6 |
5 |
Singapore |
98.6 |
3.3 |
6 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) |
85.4 |
2.8 |
7 |
China |
74.9 |
2.5 |
8 |
Netherlands |
63.0 |
2.1 |
9 |
Luxembourg |
58.3 |
1.9 |
10 |
Switzerland |
50.2 |
1.7 |
11 |
Germany |
41.2 |
1.4 |
12 |
New Zealand |
39.7 |
1.3 |
13 |
Canada |
38.8 |
1.3 |
14 |
Bermuda |
25.9 |
0.9 |
15 |
Republic of Korea |
23.3 |
0.8 |
16 |
Virgin Islands, British |
22.9 |
0.8 |
17 |
France |
22.1 |
0.7 |
18 |
Malaysia |
20.5 |
0.7 |
19 |
Ireland |
18.4 |
0.6 |
20 |
Cayman Islands |
13.8 |
0.5 |
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