Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/8/16; Bolt reviving Jingoism, We need the Stasi says Bolt; A Bolt joke; LNP almost agree with Vic ; Germany welcomes Bolt's invasion; AFL; Bolt's a priest on Twitter; Nick Cater reveals his idiot bias;

Anti Chinese he sure is, Anti Pacific he sure is, Anti economy he sure is, Bolt is kicking the Chinese as hard as they were kicked when brought here as cheap labour to build this nation. What does Bolt use his distortion of history for? And this is a disturbing new face of multicultural Australia: Amazing isn't it how Bolt blames the Chinese business community for trying to curry favor with China but denies that that's exactly what happens in Australia and he supports keeping donations secret. The LNP's survival is purely based on the survival of their alliance with major business interests who worship China more than the Australian public who in fact welcome them. It's a small church the China worshipers and they tend to be batting for Bolt's team. He must embarrass them.
There is a big historic difference between Stalin and Mao China is and will be a world economy and historically will remain a modern miracle that actually saved the lives of 1 billion people rather than just caused the deaths of 45 mill. Since the 1950's Australia has supported and participated in the killing of millions of people to and more often lost. They called it liberation as well and in the process developed a lot of hate. In Korea, Indonesia,Vietnam,Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, we however did the guise of liberating as a coalition in the hope of gaining some minor commercial opportunity which larger nations succeeded in doing because they were actually selling the arms to all sides. In that light Mao wasn't all that bad and Bolt's version of history extremely jingoistic
Bolt even sounds a Jingoist and he wants to shirtfront China like the Brits once wanted to do to Russia
"We don’t want to fight,
But by Jingo if we do
We’ve got the ships, we’
got the men, we’ve got the money too.
We won’t let the Russians get to

No nobody in the world can even the Stasi in East Germany had a difficult time. What firstly needs to be done is 1 Stop bombing the hell out of innocent people. Secondly shut down the agent provocateurs that encourage and feed the tha atmosphere to encourage an attack. Andrew Bolt for one needs to be charged. The man uses Curtis Chang as a reason for hatred of Australians when Alpha Chang his son has made it quite clear Andrew Bolt is desecrating the memory of his father by stereotyping Muslims as a danger to Australia. Bolt has no respect for anyone that gets in his way of selling fear for political gain. Bolt's offices deserve raiding as much as any right wing terror group does even if they are MSM even more so
It's very easlily defended any vilification by anybody under the RDA no matter what race is open to the charges placed and the consequent due process required to test those charges. The Law is there in black an white ha ha ha. I'm just not sure why Bolt is laughing when in fact he's claims to be so offended by it. No he just plays a heavily edited loop which by the way is only funny to him. Whatever happened to Tim Blair he's better at this than Bolt.
This is Bot Bolt's Blog but Peter BH
"Michaelia Cash should get her lines right or risk stuffing up an easy brief."
Heaven help reality if pragmatism and problem solving get in the way of politics it might lead to consensus and you can't have that.

Obviously Bolt didn't watch Four Corners. German small towns are crying out for refugees and particularly young people as they are aging towns whose populations are dying. Like Australia the only people who put their hands up to help are refugees and the German government and people are only too happy to pay for the service. Bolt only seems to have one perspective it's his tunnel vision.

What's amazing Bolt protected the teen and kicked the bejeezus out of Adam Goodes and here he's reversed the story so he could generalize that no Racism exists here. The man grabs opportunity even if it means being a hypocrite. That's the nature of Bolt's media truth is unnecessary.

Andrew Bolt has an account and lives in that glass house himself and yes who more than him regards themselves as High Priests?
The bountiful citizens hate to be judged don't they yet are the first to judge in the harshest terms possible and the first to cry remove their funding simply because they are offended. They watch foreign films listen to Opera but are offended by accents. "Every slight, real or imagined, is tendered as evidence of the bigotry eating away at our society." Cater . Here he is defending the right of reclaim Australia and the UPF to be intolerant.
Cater comes from Great Britain for Christsakes where subtitles are required for English speaking TV programs not for foreigners or refugees but the British themselves. The can't understand each other. Cater like Bolt hate the notion of multiculturalism and even when their own origins are multicultural. Is Holland so uniform not at all. Cater doesn't even speak the languages to be found in Great Britain let alone understand them. He doesn't even understand the sounds that result from the varied accents trying to speak the Queen's English. What culture does Cater represent other than the intolerant one of his own making which he's defending, the right to be a public sanctimonious prig and arsehole. Nobody is stopping him.
Bountiful Australia adopting an indigenous lifestyle

"The problem is the culture, not any lack of money. In fact, too much government spending actually makes the problem worse:" Andrew Bolt
40,000 years of cultural survival pre invasion of the bountiful White Western Capitalist Culture and its "all their own fault" claims Andrew Bolt. All we do is feed the problem by giving them government money.
200 years of exclusion from opportunity is denied by Bolt when blaming and pointing to the inability of piecemeal welfare programs that have only benefited administrators and not recipients. They are held up as examples of indigenous disregard for the life boat offered in a hostile sea. The Culture of Poverty isn't exclusive to Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders it exists among us whites as well and in the 21st Century it can be said white Australia too is becoming more indigenous and adopting the survival mechanisms found in the culture of poverty. If homelessness, achohol, drugs, health and other social dysfunctions are taken into account. The culture of poverty is infact growing and it's a survival mechanisn adopted by those excluded from Rowan Dean's and Andrew Bolt's bountiful society. It's not a characteristic of Indigenous culture at all. However intolerance and superiority are examples of the misguided beliefs that Western Culture provides bounty for all and only ingrates don't take up the chance to share it. Facts indicate that Capitalism is in fact accelerating the culture of poverty much faster than any culture of bounty. We are all becoming poorer more indigenous according to Bolt
Andrew Bolt doesn't get out much when he expresses surprise at the number of homeless living on the streets of Melbourne. They too according to him have chosen the indigenous and collective existence. The visibility of booze, drugs and poverty is his complaint it offends him as does the poverty of the indigenous. What do we hear stop the government money that's the solution. The problem is not going to go away if government funding is cut and reliance is placed on the goodwill of Christian Capitalism. The only beneficiaries will be the trusted Charity Industry the most wealthiest being the Catholic Church and they certainly don't give their money away too easily. They have their hand out for more too because the problem is growing.
Today we are foisting debt on our kids before they even have the life skills to manage it they are already developing survival mechanisms recognized in the Culture of poverty sharing being one. It's a survival skill among those that think 'we' before 'me' that Bolt expects them to adopt something he doesn't seem to understand. Drugs and booze just help take the edge off the pain. They can be found among his peers as well but aren't as visible. Government funding is a short term problem and yes it should be removed if the real nature of racist Capitalism is to reveal itself. Then what will Bolt do call for poverty to be a crime which it is already.
I actually believe Andrew Bolt needs to be sentenced to a diversionary program that has him experience the state of homelessness up close and personal. 3months in Hosier lane should do it with no contact with his current social milieu.
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