Andrew Bolt's Blog,3/8/16; No such thing as "reverse racism"; Poverty is criminal; Nothin alleged in the NT just buried; Christian Porter has jumped; When are plotters the "majority"?
All Bolt knows is an attitude that may cost him his position on the ladder of cultural capital. He has his foot firmly on those below and even if they call out in pain Bolt's answer is learn to take it you will never share it with me my children or my tribe unless you become white in my eyes.
It's why he invited others of his mind set to degrade the Don Dale kids "they are little mongrels and deserve to be treated that way". Systems aren't there to be changed! Systems are there to maintain our established order, what is. Imagine if we actually believed Indigenous Australians were equal. Imagine if Andrew Bolt was one and was told he deserved to be treated as such less than human.
Andrew Bolt just might have to give up some of his privilege rather than argue that part time untrained 16 stone correctional staff are the real victims of 10- 17 year old mongrels. Detention remand has no diversion no rehab just punishment for the kids at $1,330 per day. Supervision entails illegal number of hours in isolation cells for some. Their only comeback spitting.
Well Bolt spits too and his spit is vilification of a race broadcast. Ask yourself there 's no intellectual curiosity at work here looking for progress only a fearful old fart fearful of true reform and what it might cost him. That's the basis of racism that's existed here since invasion. It's the basis of what constituted slavery throughout the ages and still does today. Teaching these young kids who they really are.

Peter From Bellvue Hill is on his blog and bike
It's better mojo than a pair of red speedos and a bike that's for sure.
Notice how most of this blog is digging about before July2 when Nessie was being strangled and forced to wear the red speedos. Does Andrew Bolt wear red speedos to show Tony how close he is? well Turnbull was forced to. Also notice the change proffered by others After July2. However Peter BH abandons his research why to have the last word and trying to be funny. It's obviously a private joke between he an Andrew who he only just met after running his blog for over 2 years. The joke is Peter is only a reader

When Bolt says it is, it definitely isn't.
Being Indigenous is as much a skill in the Arts and theatre as asking for any other specific. Does this old cherry Andrew have the specialist skills the department needs for the job no! The job requirement has obviously been been overseen and vetted by the Equal Oppotunities Act and been passed. Neither Andrew or Bolt seem to understand that. Even if Andrew the archeologist was declared Indigenous he wouldn't get the job. They aren't looking for an archeologist.
Reverse Racism Bolt's hidden "New Racism" and Bolt's raceless dream need to be distinguished from what is and what isn't. What Bolt says is, isn't and what Bolt says isn't is! Bolt claims he'd love to be Black because it would make no difference to him, his history or his lifestyle. That isn't true. If he complained as a Black man for the different reality meted out to him he'd be "called" a racist, that's true! However it isn't it's protest. Or is it Reverse Reverse Racism the New New Racism the man is an F#$KWIT
No More Asians

As I said in my
editorial last night, the Turnbull Government is fiddling with
trivialities while the economy is sinking. Name one thing of substance
it has achieved in 11 months in office:" Bolt
Has anyone noticed how Bolt is Against the EU and for Brexit. Against the Pacific Nations because they are Asian. Against our allies in the Middle East because they are Muslim. Has anyone noticed how stupid he is. He wants to break diplomatic ties with the UAE but expects them to allow us to keep our air base there. Has anyone noticed how dumb he is and has only been handed a silver spoon by Murdoch. He more than any single person has helped shrink our economy by waving the piss off we are not multicultural flag.
Hanson and Bolt are anti- Chinese, anti-Muslim, pro- Brexit, pro closed borders , pro ABF & National security on our streets and somehow think our neighbours and the world hasn't noticed their "unwelcome " sign going up? Bolt more than any other media man has put a large effort to try to destroy our exports that in fact are based on a real " welcome mat". His reference the Catallaxy File's Judith Sloan of the IPA. Since when has the board of the Reserve Bank not been independent of government and since when have self funded retirees been the majority of pension holders? She's speaking for the 1%. How on earth is that the be all and end all the center of the economy? The center is based on what the dwindling Middle Class can and can't do. Well they can't borrow as they have spent their assets. Their children can't borrow because the banks and job market has locked them out. The fact is we are all fast becoming indigenous they have known the feeling of being locked out for 200 years. It's why they don't live in Malvern .How is it Bolt is so surprised ant the number of homeless on our streets the wonder is why isn't their more where are they sleeping. Abbott can't fix that he can only bullshit about it as he did once before.
When you can't see any neo-fascists you know it's a protest

" Another sign of the rise of the neo-fascists - Leftist authoritarians and racists resorting to mob violence:" Bolt
In 2015 1,134 were including women and children shot by police. They are only 2% of the population but 5x more likely to be shot if between 18-34 and less likely to be
carrying a weapon than a white person. That's systemic institutionalized and what's culturally accepted violence and Racism. Police in the USA should be as violent towards colored people as colored are seen in Bolt's video that's protest. Reverse Racism does not exist.There
is no such thing as Reverse Racism When people respond to historic
systemic institutionalized biased practices accepted and overlooked
by laws that's protest.

Laughing at the poor. We shouldn't have sent our Team says Bolt
Surprising Bolt didn't call for us not to participate. As he did not to send volunteers to Africa to fight Ebola. Filthy colored and poor countries we should exclude them.
How old how boring Bolt is but then he's concerned the Olympics will be a distraction from him. Tourists in their millions have been going to Brasil for years but watch Bolt he will be looking for selected comments to bag the place.
When spitting is all you can do!

This is way beyond "alleged " The only alledging going on here, no sledging, is by Andrew Bolt.
Why does Bolt avoid like the plague to mention that all this is down to the buried Michael Vita and Howard Bath reports started over 2 years ago and commissioned by the NT government into Juvenile Justice in the NT? It's far too late for Bolt to be pretending they don't exist or that Corrections CEO Middlebrook resigned. There was no alleged treatment just treatment and that's why everyone is up in arms. Bolt hasn't done any debunking.
" Excuse me, Attorney General, but surely you mean “the way in which the system allegedly treats indigenous youth”?Bolt
Calling Gooda an Ignorant Biased Boong "Gooda is not a lawyer. His key qualification is that he has Aboriginal
ancestry and is an activist - the very opposite of impartial. Indeed, he
has already prejudged the issue, declaring the Northern Territory
Government so guilty of the allegations he is yet to probe that it must
be sacked. He has damned it as vindictive, incompetent and resistant to
any reform."Bolt shows just what an ultra-racist he in fact is. Isn't this the words of the KKK "you can't be expected to trust a Nigga "I believe I can predict the key findings of this royal commission even before a single witness has been called."Bolt
You can read earlier posts at The Northern Myth on indigenous and juvenile incarceration in the NT here and here.
You can read all of The Vita Review 2015 here.

Yep it's sour grapes isn't it. Sour grapes all round when the word plotter and plotters refer to the majority. There seems to be a misuse of the English language here in that the majority of the party plotted against the minority. Now that makes perfect sense in Bolt's mind. I wonder if Bolt will add Christian Porter to his list of plotters now that Bolt thinks he voted "for Rudd"

Why you can't believe Bolt
So for days Andrew Bolt has revealed he didn't know what he was talking about and now he claims he does. How would he be in a witness stand totally unbelievable. He simply making it up as he goes along isn't he. Even his cry about the economy is ludicrous it's not something that switches on and off like like a light. We are a globalized economy who does Bolt want us to force to buy?
1) Bolt and Hanson are screaming Asians and Muslims go home. They somehow think our Asian don't neighbors aren't listening or don't do their research as to where to send their kids to school.
2) Hanson pissed and doesn't want Asians to invest their $$ here or buy anything
3) Bolt crying about the Chinese and the Pacific islands as if they aren't paying attention.
Given their fascist ranting can any body expect our neighbors are even interested in buying what we have to offer in the way of Education, Health, Investments or tourism when these two are screaming "Go Home Asians and Muslims
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