Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 2/8/16; It's the No of bills passed that will tell the story Abbott's has been told;Has Bolt borrowed? Conservative Prison; Mud slinging don't mention equality; The millstone of Abbott; Bolt's nano problem and his monster creation; Where have the children gone?;


On The Bolt Report and radio tonight - What has Turnbull done in 11 months? Now economy slides

Will Bolt be asking why the statistics on Detention on Remand rates and Detention on sentencing coupled with diversion rates schooling and rehabilitation differ so greatly for Indigenous children and non indigenous children? Why rehabilitation programs don't exist on remand and why NT YJOs  are only part timers given 4 day training programs. Will Bolt be asking why sentencing and policing differ so greatly compared with non indigenous children and why solitary isolation practices over stepped legal protocols? I doubt Bolt will address any of these questions including  Why the previous commissioner and CEO  resigned so quickly. The previous CEO Middlebrook had stated in a previous inquiry the Don Dale was only fit to be bulldozed.  Bolt's 5 minutes  you can guarantee will only address the victims in the case the corrections staff not the children. Who represents the children as far as Bolt's concerned who gives a rats. Here are some must reads you will never hear from Bolt.

 NT juvenile justice: “a blight on the entire Australian legal system”

 You can read earlier posts at The Northern Myth on indigenous and juvenile incarceration in the NT here and here.

 You can read all of The Vita Review 2015 here.



Reserve Banks cuts rates to record low


The reserve bank is just killing the lives of the new generation trying to stampede self funded retirees into the housing and share markets as the possibility of a recession looms over the horizon. In the meantime Conservatives are whinging that the least productive members of the community the wealthy who make money out of inheritance interest and capital gains are being over taxed. Further complaint is the the most productive aren't paying enough for their education. Yes the conservatives love debt and expenses as long as it's not them.  

"This is what’s happened while Turnbull faffs around with Kevin Rudd and his royal commission:"Bolt As I said he's complaining about the wealthy. Governments don't control the Reserve Bank. By the way the mining recovery is but a pipe dream get over it the rest of the world is divesting from coal. Should we consider giving it away? I thought the days of subsidizing defunct industries was over. I recall it wasn't so long ago Bolt was trying to sell the British pound laughing at the disaster that he thought wasn't going to follow. He sounded like Paul Newman's sucker.




Senate nightmare looming for Turnbull


Does anyone need to be reminded that Julia Gillard with a hostile Senate passed 100 more bills than Tony Abbott for the same period of time at almost a record rate. Whereas Tony Abbott almost surpassed John Gorton's rate which was the slowest in over 50 years. It's about negotiation skills that's yet another word for Democracy that defines governments and the facts stand Tony Abbott had none other than bullying. Just look what he did to Peter Sipper and Pauline Hanson during his career just to mention 2.




Conservatives sign up with Bernardi


" That could be turned into a new political party in an instant." This was the promise that never eventuated when Abbott was dethroned. It won't now either will it? They dream of tearing the house down. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk it's safer career wise and pays more money. Bolt in fact said he could lead it if I recall. Talk the talk just more of it in such narrow confines too. They walk in circle and are caught in the prison cells of their own minds.




Imam Burnside on the evil of gay sex


There is one thing very noticeable here there is no attempt to address the issue of equality here. The issue found space in The Spectator because of it's potential for little more than a mud fight. The writer whoever it might be takes no position and even is concerned " I may be verballing Mr Burnside,"  Where does Bolt's blog stand nowhere! Imams and Rabbi's are just scholars there to help and leave you to interpret the word in modern times. Yes it's why more LGBTI murders and deaths occur in Christian countries than have done in Muslim ones.




One month after the election: government leaking, sinking and backstabbing. Enter the Loyal Deputy

 Image result for Images of a millstone around the neck

The Bolt Blog has the same brand but different owner. Peter from Bellvue Hills  troll can now get up every day and feel as Bolt says he does that a piano has dropped on his head . Peter's style is much the same as Andrew's use the writings of other dickheads as his own. Phil Coorey being prominently used. What they have brought to light is just how hamstrung Malcolm Turnbull has been trying to sell Tony Abbott's policies. His denial of Global warming, His denial of  Marriage Equality, The newly formed ABF drug cartel that is able to stop us wherever we go and ask for ID. The great opportunity to help boat people settle in Cambodia . All of these genius ideas from the Abbott cabal within cabinet have certainly had an impact along with the fact that Abbott had told us all he had fixed the economy. There is a lot of truth in that.

The Tag

"There is now just one big question about Malcolm Turnbull’s future: how long it will take a majority of Turnbull’s colleagues to realise he cannot lead."

Good question Peter BH can any dog lead with that sort of punishment collar around his neck? It's called a millstone




Turnbull vs Rudd: another fine mess


Andrew Bolt is about to announce that he will no longer be participating in the Andrew Bolt blog site other than in an occasional guest capacity. The Andrew Bolt Blog will forthwith be known as Peter from Bellevue Hill site. The brand however like Donald Trump's will remain nevertheless. Andrew Bolt is busy selling his name to a chain of Andrew Bolt book stores and travel agencies not in any franchised capacity but just as a brand for use. Dog washes and public latrines  and dumps being considered along with libraries which have fallen away in recent years due to the digitalization of print.

The trivial cabinet decision for Turnbull  which Bolt also declared a few days  to the "nth degree" or unspecified has been blown up like an air monster you see outside used car lots on main highways to grab attention. Bolt has, oops no, Peter BH the new owner of the blog has found the opportunity to turn this into a concern of national interest and emergency if you like. 

Kevin Rudd is being held up as the damaged truthsayer rather than damaged goods by the DelCon media with the leak of videos and letters trying to prove the harm done to him. He's recruiting Bolt media as has ISIS and Bolt has been eager to jump on Kevin's side as he was Pell's. It's again an opportunity to create confusion and fear about Turnbull as was upholding the truths and sincerity of the ISIS message. An opportunity to create fear. It's like a media round up trying to rustle and corral readers into the Conservative yard of thinking rather than have them roam free on the information range. These media Beagle Boys or Gang are yes treating their readers as dipsticks rather than informed.




Why hold a royal commission when one co-commissioner has already identified the “guilty”


This blog isn't Bolt's it's the work of his troll Peter BH so let's cut to the chase.

Firstly Warren Mundine's comments were and always have been about the need for intervention  not the form and  poverty of quality that that intervention has taken. So the Bolt deflection, distortion and misinformation media campaign is ready to roll. In his "Yes/But" initial response you could see what we were about to be delivered a circular argument a flip and turn about where not the children but the untrained guards and the incompetent administration were going to be portrayed as the victims.

  This seems to be neither an exercise in the evaluation NT Juvenile Justice system or even state child care nor is it just a PR exercise in damage control. It has  become yet another poor mans simply  opportunity to sling mud at Turnbull. Poor mans in as much as Bolt is treating his readers as dullards.

 There has been a bipartisan decision has been reached by the LNP and ALP  in a perfectly democratic manner which Bolt fails to accept and in the manner of the Delcons is throwing a frothy tantrum against our system of government.  The uproar has now turned to the appointment of an Indigenous Commissioner to participate in the examination of NT Juvenile Justice when 97% of the cases are Indigenous children supervised by untrained whites. These white bleeding hearts seem more offended by the possible negative racist outcomes that might  result. Outcomes such as already outlined in the Vita /Bath report commissioned by the NT government and then buried. That report is being now buried by the attention being given to everything other than children








The ABC’s contribution to the safety of warders

Andrew Bolt's contribution to the safety of children. Part time 4 day trained staff to supervise children. Illegal Isolation 7-17 days  of 14 year old's by male adults.  Has anybody among Bolt's readers let alone Bolt himself read the string illegalities found in Michael Vita's and Dr Bath's report? Let alone their opinions on the management of NT Juvenile corrections?  The ABC in fact released the report that had been buried.

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