Friday, 30 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/9/16; The ABF were on strike when Wyatt left; Implied by facts or just politics?; One Culture can only be found in a Petrie Dish; The wind turbines are still standing and working well in that wind;


Every Picture Tells a Story








Speccie best

A far better Front page


 " Out now, Rowan Dean's latest Spectator Australia, yet again challenging and entertaining - making you exercise your brain for fun and profit." Bolt

Bolt's invitation to a free beach barbie for bullying bogans. Memebers of the UPF no doubt. You can imagine the intellectual conversations to be had among Bolt's guests. Oh the satire. Whatever did happen to Bevis Tim Blair once Butthead Bolt's favorite jester? Was there a falling out or did Rowan just enter the room? Truth be known Blair has his own gig on Sky. Since Bolt joined he has stopped promoting him because maybe Blair isn't as eager as Dean to do the Bolt show.





 Why Bishop's spiteful attack on intrepid Wyat...

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Tony Abbott created the ABF to stop people going to the war Zones of the Middle East why are so many Australian Muslims  prevented from leaving and even arrested if it's not against any law. They must be stopped purely on suspicion. Roy it seems was not one of these. However neither did he declare his intentions before hand apparently because he might have been prevented from going. Julie Bishop was right even though she may be a part of the nanny state she very much a consistent part. How is it he hasn't been charged  like others before him have? Consistency is not a part of Bolt's ethos. Julie Bishop heads Abbott as the peoples choice for PM in the polls  which would better  explain Bolt's attack on her. In the end what needs saying is Abbott's ABF' obviously doesn't work. It's gone on strike and it has been found to harbour drug smugglers. I think Bolt should zip his lip.



Hypocrites: Greens, ABC whinge of "politickin...

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 This was too hard for Abbott and it is too hard for Bolt

Following Tony Abbott's mantra I don't give a shit about the facts only the politics I don't quite understand Bolt's post complaining about the Australian Institute. The Greens aren't the Australian Institute nor is the ABC. The Greens are doing what comes natural to them as it does Tony Abbott and it seems Andrew Bolt simply playing politics. Bolt veers off the Institute and the initial argument to slag off the ABC. Aunty is in the business of reporting and if they report an event as significant it doesn't mean it's the worst of it's kind as Bolt insists. If they report the government's attitude to a crisis  is the opposite of scientific opinion that too is reporting. Bolt finds facts and the reporting of them gets in the way of opinion commentary and his narrartives where facts are left to languish on the back bench.  Like Abbott which remains a fact. Australians it appears prefer a bit fact with their diet of spin.

To call Bolt a  skeptic is to pay someone who isn't a compliment. Bolt is an agnostic a doubter not a skeptic that's a term for those who believe in the scientific method. Bolt simply regards Climate Science as another religion. At times he seems an athiest and not even a doubter. Like Abbott he's been known to say Global Warming is just bunkum.

The only single culture known to man can be found in a petrie dish
" Former Treasury secretary and Nationals MP John Stone says we must learn that not all cultures fit in - and we should close the door on those that don't.  "
What's in denial here is that Cultures change . They aren't static the fact is they do and every culture is in itself a morphing mix. Settler Nations more so than any other are a tribute to that change.  Australia, Canada the USA and NZ are examples of just that Multicultural immigrant nations since their birth and are in a continuous state of change. The Culture of Australia is Multicultural  which the likes of John Stone Tony Abbott and Andrew Bolt like to deny. There is no turning back there is no denying it and despite their resistance that change will continue. We are neither entirely Western Christian or White whatever that means and it seems only Bolt knows and it means to be like him.
John Stone seems to have extended Islamophobia to more than Hanson and appears braver than Bolt in naming "those others" " Indeed, her proposal really applies more widely. It should extend to people coming from all violence-prone cultures – think Somalia, Sudan and numerous war-torn West African nations – the kind of people now making Melbourne’s streets so dangerous. But that is a matter for another day.". The problem however is that Islam isn't a culture as isn't Christianity both are very much a mix of cultures.  Then to extend the prohibition to violence prone Cultures you couldn't get more violent than than the Western coalition or Israel today. simply do the body count the weapons used the displacement of families caused not just in Vietnam, Aghanisthan,Iraq,Syria,and the Yemen but countless other countries in their life time. 
Just in the very nature of what Stone is saying and Bolt is supporting they have tribalized their image of the world while proudly declaring themselves not to be ultra racists in the same breath.  Hitler had men drop their pants as proof of not being Jewish. Stone has some how associated violence with a place of origin. That African children raised here from birth or near birth have some genetic drive to delinquency.  You can't get more racist than that. Melbourne is the murder capital of Australia and it's not because of Islam, Ethnic heritage or a single culture.
Imagine after the USA war of Independence from the UK  was won  the new Nation had to choose their native language. Not everyone wanted it to be English. The vote was split between German an English it was decided by 1 vote. Imagine what would the US look like today a multiracial nation German speaking nation with Trump a shoe in and Hitler honored for winning the war. Glory to Bolt's Western Christian very White peace loving Culture.


How they gloated when SA blew up its last coa...

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 Still standing still working.

"South Australian Liberal leader Steven Marshall ignored the advice I gave him before the last election to blow up a wind tower to announce his state would be open for business if he won. My plan was too radical. "

Mr Ego Mr Bolt  as if politicians read Andrew Who with their muesli in the mornings. 40% of S.A's energy comes from renewables. 40% will continue to come from renewables because  the unprecedented storm not only was historic but so too was it's path. The storm didn't hit wind turbines it hit transmission towers not 1 but 25. Had the storm hit the wind turbines more electricity would have been produced than was needed and boy would that have been cheap. This post is simply all about the braggadocios Andrew Bolt Why Waleed Aly is one of Australia’s most influential voices


National weather: Adelaide braces for record winds

and it's not Andrew Bolt

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