Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/10/16; Bolt's; Bolt is dancing on a grave; Notice Bolt doesn't mention Victoria suffered a power outage yesterday; Bolt is in the locker room, Reflections of a fascist promise;

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" The world isn't as it looks in the mind of a Jew" Goebells when he took over the German film industry. He sacked all the Jews  in the arts, media, education and all the prominent cultural institutions. Does anybody recognize the similarity when Andrew Bolt accuses the bias of the Left's power and control of our institutions. Bolt has a list of people that need to be sacked and those to take control of ours just as Hitler did, particularly the media. I'm sure blacks, Muslims, and immigrants not to his liking would not be called on. However like the McCarthy era politics would take pride of place in Bolt's recruitment.


Educational INFLATION. When Phd just means we like you.  However we are paranoid about  cheats and scams. The hypocrisy is self evident no matter how dressed up it is. Howard failed in the worst possible way and sent our children to war despite all the research and Phds that advised against it.


Nats warn Turnbull: no tricks on gay marriage

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Turnbull's worst nightmare is  the coalition and his own party


Anti-violence crusader wishes Kim Kardashian ...

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Can I imagine if Donald Trump had said that? Yes I can it's very easy to imagine him saying just that. However he'd say something even more challenging. Let it be said his locker room talk has been denied by major professional athletes and men around the world. I guess Andrew Bolt being the athlete he is would support Trumps excuse. Bolt on the other hand has to search hard and long for women to do the same. Why does Bolt focus on De Largie is it to prove to us some women are Trump too. Is Bolt telling us Tony Abbott is Trump when behind closed doors or that he is? De Largie is admitting her fantasy faults Trump on the other hand is trying to turn his into fantasy fault which is an extreme difference.  Bolt's really struggling to equate the two but firstly De Largie isn't running for the Presidency.

Rupert Murdoch's men at Fox News were who Andrew Bolt models himself on: D'Souza is a 2nd generation  Goan Indian who seems to have imported India's rape culture to the US or maybe he just learn't it from Roger Ailes who established Trump Culture at News Corp.Roger Ailes, the Clintons, and the Scandals of the Scandalmongers ...

 SEAN HANNITY: All right, his words were wrong. But Bill Clinton’s actions were far worse. So why is it covered this way? Dinesh?

DINESH D’SOUZA: Well, I think that what we are seeing, we have seen a biased media in my entire adult lifetime, but never before have I seen the media so aggressively huffing and puffing to drag this crooked hag across the finish line.

— Fox News, 7 October, 2016

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Roger the dodger forgot to duck Ailes ex CEO of Fox News Bolt's hero.

 It reminds me of Bevis and Butthead Blair and Bolt not so long ago when Bolt used to call on Blair for a laugh attacking frightbats, Ford, Farrelly etc etc yes they imported the Ailes News Corp Culture here. Guess Bolt loves locker room banter too



But Hillary's foul mouth doesn't count

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I feel faint when a women say f#$k. Bolt I'm afraid is not even pushing shit up a hill with a pointed stick but he's trying to do the job with his brain and limited IQ. Trump tried to do the same declaring her Bill Clinton's enabler. Hannity and DeSouza who are on Bolt's team declared her a hag. It's the media version of locker room talk.




The best line of the Trump-Clinton debate

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Only in fascist countries do politicians threaten the opposition with imprisonment and Trump did. But if Bolt considers that the best line of the debate Bolt empathizes with fascism. In the history of Democratic debate has any other politician threaten their opponent with jail if they win? Maybe Pinochet, Franco, and Hitler did.  It reflects on what Bolt probably would like to see if Abbott regained power. Basically Bolt is really saying it's Trump's parting shot.




King coal returns

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Yes Bolt's a believer and hasn't invested a cent in the stuff. Does this for a moment mean that coal powered power stations are on the rise? Not in in the least. Bolt mimics Donald Trump in his interpretation of statistical fact.  Ask him whether or not coal production is on the rise and he will immediately say yes from yesterday. He's like a stock broker trying to sell shares. after a crash.  

What is amazing though is we are about to become the worlds leading LNG  exporter overtaking Qattar except Qattar gets $27 Billion in royalties and we only get $1. As one of the worlds leading coal exporters do we get anything? After all mining is also one of the biggest users of 457 visas as well and heavily subsidized to boot. So why is Bolt celebrating? He seems to be dancing on a grave.

It could happen here: Victoria vulnerable to superstorm blackouts 

 The collapse of transmission lines led to the shutdown of SA's entire power network. 

Did Bolt even consider that the power could go off here not on your life.

"Grattan Institute energy program director Tony Wood said several transmission towers in South Australia were unable to withstand the ferocious storm and had "crumpled like matchsticks". 

He said similar wild weather in Victoria could produce the same result as in South Australia if it hit essential infrastructure."It would be a very foolish person to say it could not happen here," he said." and Andrew Bolt is that very foolish person

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