Clinton: Saudis funding Islamic State
What Shari Markson witnessed was the help terrorists were given by Israel
" Saudi Arabia and Qatar are “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL.”
Is this meant to be false? Bolt is throwing wood on a dead fire. America was supporting ISIS in Syria from the get go. They the Saudis Turkey and Israel wanted Assad out. The Americans have been promoting fundamentalism wherever there were secular Arab states. It's simply been a bipartisan policy. The Republicans simply wanted to shift the eye of incompetence off Bush and on to Obama. Assad Gaddafi and Hussein in hindsight may have been dictators but the kept the place stable. Provided free education free health and liberated opportunities for women not seen. The USA and the Coalition reversed that in Afghanistan they tried in Egypt in Iran and Syria why? Because Israel prefers division rather than secular states which are a threat of a pan Arabic union. At the same time they get control of the oil and decrease the possibility of Russian influence. What they thought would be easy simply turned into a mess so complicated it's brought us to the brink of WW3
The naming of the Clinton Foundation is simply a smoke screen. Foundations have been formed by all the past Presidents and none are conspiracy as Bolt makes Hilary's to be.They don't run the way Donald Trump runs his charities for his personal gain and that's been proven. The fact however is the Saudis, Qattar and Israel have been funding ISIS indirectly. America has been funding ISIS. It's transport it's weapons are made in the USA or by allies of the USA. The arms industry is booming and not on the scale it is in the USA, UK etc. The USA's biggest customers of their military grade weapons are the Saudis and Israel. Israel just welcomed the Saudis generals to Israel quite openly I don't think so it wasn't wide spread news here in Australia. Even Turkey has helped ISIS by not targeting them why? Because ISIS fights the Kurds and the Kurds also fight yes Assad.So Turkey is happy to let ISIS trade it's oil.
Shari Marks News Corp gun reporter was arrested in Israel why? Because she saw first hand the physical aid being given the Syrian anti Assad Rebels by Israel. She was arrested because she was a journalist. Ask why her arrest never really made News Corp front pages at home even after she returned? Rupert Murdoch has invested in Genie Oil that operates in the Israeli illegal occupied territory of the Syrian Golan Heights. Has Andrew Bolt ever made mention of that?
Attacking The Clinton Foundation is what Fox and Trump have been doing along with the emails somehow saying the FBI and the CIA are somehow dumb incompetent or anti- Republican or all three. However George Bush was entertaining the Bin Ladens yes the Bin Laden family at Fort David when 9/11 happened and they secretly helped get them out of America when the Towers came down. Is Clinton or the Democratic media using this information after all it's a well known clandestine event? No they aren't. These emails show just how astute a Secretary of State in fact has to be trying to keep the Saudis and Qattaris close. Diplomacy is an art form after all and not just a full frontal attack as Trump claims. The Saudis and Qattaris have been playing all sides for years and all sides know it and smile because they need their oil. There is nothing knew in Wikileaks no revelations that aren't answered. What is strange however is the have become Bolt''s heroes the truth tellers in this scenario and that's the only strange thing here. The hypocrisy driven by conservative interest.
Abbott challenges Turnbull: reform dodgy NSW ...

In a private meeting of Liberal MPs in Canberra Tuesday morning..., Mr Abbott argued in favour of a push for "democratisation" of the party in NSW and asked Mr Turnbull to comment, according to three sources."
Remeber Latika Bourke was attacked for not naming her sources when she quoted Abbott in the UK saying that privately he had every opportunity to become PM again to Conservatives there. No sources seem to be named here. So why is Bolt anymore believable here?
However the real point is, there is more factional fighting among Liberals now than was the case when Labor held power. Leaks to the press are wide and varied. The resolution back then then was to kick them out of office altogether. It's why Abbott didn't win Labor had lost the plot. The see - sawing of leadership isn't going to resolve any issues in a divided party and Abbott's was divided pure and simple. Bolt proves that because he wants to see revenge done
That issue division has been truly done and dusted by the Labor Party. But not so the extreme Conservatives won't break away as they once threatened. They'd prefer to do what the Republican Tea Party did and destroy the party as the Republicans did by allowing Trump in the door. The Liberals have succeeded letting Hanson in and Abbott had to be seen publicly apologizing to her for throwing her in jail. The in fighting is nothing but amusing watching the extreme right of the Liberal Party now sucking up to her.
What's Abbott's position in all of this it's "opposition"!! Opposition to the State Branch and their destruction and not their unity. The master blaster is again interfering from the top down not the bottom up as Christopher Pyne advocates let the state attend to state things. There is strength in unity not division. Evolution not Revolution Bolt's catch cry has been given the flick.
Wikileaks reveals media helping Clinton

It's really stomach churning reading Bolt when you find him turning to facts like this. Research has proven the media has given Trump close to 5 times more attention than to Clinton. Trump was their media goldmine. Fox News gave him close to 10 times the media attention and Trump was complaining. In the two debates he claimed the moderators had ganged up on him. $58 billion dollars of free time compared with $13 billion have been figures quoted. That's free donation time on TV and Radio. Nobody denies Trump a Reality TV star and he's shown it. But can he use that time to his advantage ? It would seem not. However in the past 3 weeks 29 of the 33 major print media papers Republican ones to boot no longer endorsed him. His Party no longer endorses him These are recent events only Fox News still support him Hannity and others like Coulter have built their fortunes on the man. So if the media are helping Clinton it proves Trump is really a strategic shill put in place working for Hilary.
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