Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,25/10/16; Bolt is such a Golum in News; Bolt the bludger stealing other peoples work; No subs are safer; Bolt has no appreciation for anything wild; 3 lot's of slackers to blame; Poll dancing; Hypothetical dream world of Bolt


Who let them in?

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 Andrew Bolt simply applies News Corp political distortion the facts of life in Australia. He just proves  he's an ultra racist with his Hansonite intent to a crime in Toorak today.

One has to ask why it's only News Corp and Andrew Bolt who claim these "kids" were of African appearance? CCTV doesn't suggest anything of the kind. Denis Callaway said "these were out of control kids" and Tony Fialides believed "they knew exactly what they were doing". These are the two owners of Imp Jewellery.   According to Fialides the robbers knew the shop  and must have cased it before hand given their security.  Imp is no ordinary Jewellery shop. So if they were of obviously "African in appearance" did they know which counters to attack. The owners would have remembered them.  After all the shop isn't a walk through like Myers.  Bolt has taken the opportunity to simply take a few facts  and cobble them together for his racist narrative conveniently allowing him to say "who let them in". News Corp is the only organization to suggested  they were  African and the reason for the crime.
 Jewellers have a history of this kind  of violent robberies and  often it's been by people within the industry itself that have been the perpetrators. I could list countless violent robberies over the past 30 years and non violent ones that have taken place.   Robberies where people have  been killed, shot and beaten and not by Africans, Muslims or refugees but Australians and in the main part of the jewellery industry itself.
Callahan and Fialides would attest to that if Andrew Bolt took the time to ask but that's not Bolt's purpose. The Jewellery industry would attest to it and they would all point their fingers to the buyers of the stolen goods who  tend to be known as the ones  that set them up and they aren't African or refugees.
As for Andrew Bolt he wants to suggest it's the newly arrived immigrants refugees blacks Muslims etc etc that are running riot in Melbourne and the country . That it's some new experience and we have never seen anything like this before. History, statistics and even the police records tell us otherwise.  More often than not it's a crime organized from within the industry because it requires prior knowledge  without it amateurs would have insufficient skills to commit it. Andrew Bolt saying it's African is encouraging this group to continue simply because he's putting up a smoke screen for those true criminals involved and not all those from a racial, ethnic or religious caste newly arrived in the country.
Simply these crimes will continue immigrants or not unless something is done about the second hand dealer laws that have been in existense  and people in the industry ready to buy stolen goods.


Q&A hijacked: why is the media not investigat...

 Tin eared Bolt seemed to have missed Chris Mitchell's comment on how he failed to see how Abbott didn't know about the email and wasn't involved in the Leyonhjelm and Adler shot gun issue. Will we go back to Abbott?  Mitchell says no and Sinadinos even says it's a long shot a very long shot since the Party has moved on.
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 Bolt is not only  shy about about Chritine Dolan's  comment and the context it was in he didn't repeat it because it would hav shown how it was he twisted what she had to say. The media in America is just after the dollar and morality and ethics have been laid aside to get it.  Hilary the  a sexual enabler was forgone and never investigated by the media properly! Her point Trump was the cash cow. Bolt twisted that to say not only was the media biased against Trump but Clinton was guilty of anything and everything that didn't grab the attention of the press and TV. 
Why has Fox and others simply allowed Clinton bashing to go on. I believe Dolan really didn't answer that question The answer is clear and simple Trump did fit the commercial role necessary for these media organizations to survive between elections. Print media around the world has been losing money and Bolt was a pot of gold. Fact checks were  simply ignored by all American print and TV. Media Matters was the only organization that actually showed what was going on. Benghazi, the Clinton emails, and the Foundation were shown among other things as  GOP beat ups and lies which the American Constitution allows and Bolt wants that luxury released here. He simply wants to be able to race to the bottom when it comes to the news American style something Christine Dolan was criticizing. 
While Trump and his campaign had one approach which magnify the suspicions about Clinton corruption health and dishonesty they knew only too well nobody would take the time to investigate them in the 24/7 news cycle. Trump simply denied everything and his approach was to lie and threaten to sue all  along the way. It was the history of his career. Even he knew he'd be broke if he really did sue everyone. Clinton having lived the American press experience before just rode with the punches but they weren't ever as juicy as Trump's guilty or not and in all probability more believable. The Democrats used the media to the best advantage but then they had an easy target
One may well ask if Clinton was so corrupt over the 35 years in public view and was  a sexual assistant to Bill American women approved of her anyway and why was it the right wing media who have only just now raised the question a stupid question that in fact makes Trump look even more a misogynist. Trump has always been seen as a whore dog and Bolt has simply been seen as a bullshitter of no principle just a side.Hannity Is Convinced Former Editor For Defunct Tabloid Weekly World News Worked As "Fixer" For Clinton
" Trump sycophant Sean Hannity has continued to sink  lower and lower in order to help boost Trump’s candidacy, this time allowing himself to become the  victim of a tabloid story which was neither verified by Fox News nor any other independent analysis."
 Trump Campaign Created Its Own News Show "To Circumvent Mainstream Media"

"After Retreating To Fox News, Trump Campaign Finds A Way To Get Favorable Media Coverage By Just Doing It Themselves"

"Recently, Trump has steered from more mainstream news outlets, retreating to Fox News to help him push his campaign message." $$$$ for Fox

Sean Hannity Brings Supermarket Tabloid To Life By Inviting Clinton “Fixer” To Fox News Prime Time

"Hannity Hypes National Enquirer Story That “Fixer” Helped "Secret Sex Freak" Hillary Clinton Set Up "Illicit Romps With Both Men And Women""

CNN And Fox Push Trump’s Baseless “Pay To Play” Accusation Against Clinton For Morocco Speech She Didn’t Give



The success of The Australian explained


Murdoch's philosophy wasn't a move just to the center right had it been that Bolt wouldn't have a leg to stand on today. Neverthe less this blog is not a shred of his work just a cut and paste of someone else's work. It's nice to see however that Bolt now admits that The Age, SMH, and even the ABC were soft and pluralist in their politics giving oxygen and air to a number of opinions. Further that the move by the Australian was in line with the move of News Corp world wide to become a partisan crier for the right not because it was where the readership was but where the money was. That changed the nature of news in this country. Economically it failed however as a political tool it became indispensible to Conservative politics. 

"Witness the Left's distress that there should be a media outlet allowing the debate you will not find on the ABC or in The Age. Note the total lack of self-awareness - a recognition that there is more diversity of views in The Australian than there is in The Age, Guardian or in many parts of the ABC. Or, indeed, in Crikey itself."

How safe are Turnbull's subs?

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The subs safety hasn't anything to do with the technology whatsoever. How can you politically argue fear and not show your doing something about it. The last lot of subs and planes we had all had faults and one can say we never used them for anything other than practice. The assumption that we need equipment that as we speak is fast becoming obsolete has nothing to do with manufacturers secrets or costs. The fact is our economy wouldn't be as bruised as it is now. Just look at NZ. If we spent more on regional cooperation than policing Bolt seems to believe we won't have the capacity to shirtfront anybody and that's the crux of it The subs aren't safe and they won't be needed in a world where drones will dominate both the skies and oceans and robots will replace ground troops with no increased level of safety over the ignorance of the question.


Barracking for the sharks

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Bolt has no problem treating humans like animals. His problem is a commercial one if it's commercially sound to kill animals or humans go for it. Conservationists are little more than activists. The only reason Bolt is conflicted is not because in the past 100 years 50 % of the planets wild life has been made extinct but if his Dutch dog bit anybody there might be a call for the destruction of domestic pets and his resistance could make him seem an activist. The man is truly feral. A suit and a pretense of style doesn't hide the fact.

Two bunches of slackers

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Bolt eye view

  It won't be long before we see Bolt blaming 3 bunches of slackers the unemployed, the CenterLink staff and the Underemployed those slackers who don't put in the 70 hours a week Bolt he claims to put in. Bolt's definition of work is post a blog and write a column on it then talk about it on Radio and TV spend the week repeating this single idea until it's stretched out to be a golden mile and call it work. That is the true definition of slacking and ripping off the boss. 800k unemployed and 150k jobs less than 3% on CenterLink break the rules and Andrew Bolt call the Unemployed bludgers who need to be policed and punished. He insinuates that the Underemployed 3 jobs and waiting for the phone to ring aren't the the model worker he is. They need to be taught to work harder. What jobs does Bolt suggest? I know someone employed as a casual  worker helping the severely handicapped. She paid under the award. She is directed to work on any day from  Coburg to Frankston is not told the hours she's needed  but averages 30 and has to pay for her transport to work and home often covering 100kms. No holiday pay, no sick leave, no benefits and no guarantee of the job being available to her in 2017 she needs to reapply. There's nothing wrong with the system says Bolt she just has to suck it up. Oh she has a degree and a $50,000 Hex debt 27 and has to live at home. Her parents pay her Social Welfare by subsidizing her employment. God what a bunch of slackers.

Newspoll: the incredible sinking Turnbull

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" The latest Newspoll, taken ­exclusively for The Australian, ­" Bolt Lest we forget taken exclusively for Bolt as well. What Bolt fails to mention was that Bill Shorten was way ahead of Tony Abbott as preferred PM. Malcolm Turnbull remains well ahead of Shorten now. Andrew Bolt ignores this this statistic so as to not reveal the the true story.


Why is the Governor still there?

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Let's begin with Bolt's conclusion and self admission of ignorance " I don't know which of these "experts" actually defended Warner. I'd suggest they are of the activist Left which tends to believe the means justifies the ends." Bolt Isn't this just a clear example of what Bolt is trying to say. "the means justifies the end" I have the power of amplification says Bolt News Corp's behind me no matter just look at the bank of lawyers. The proof that truth never gets in the way of a bullshitter nor do lies it's the narrative that counts.

Hanson and Bolt seem to be legal experts but in reality we saw Bolt driven to silence and make himself a laughing stock when he came up against the Fijian, Indian Australian woman and Constitutional lawyer in the ABC program Recognition yes or no and here he is again along with Hanson advising us on law again how? By avoiding reality and suggesting what might have happened if an when in his imaginary world.Bolt is such a Walter Mitty

"Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman said he had discussed the issue with Professor Warner, a prominent legal expert before taking up her role in December 2014, but retained confidence in her."

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