Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog,26/10/16; I'm too important I can't talk about it unless; Immigration or invasion the numbers; Playing the person; The old muderous example; Fiddling the books; Everyone's talking about me;Gillian HRC Triggs; The most empathetic counties research;

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A topic too dangerous to discuss

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 How is it Andrew Bolt never even tried to test Chelsea Bond's claims in court a must read to appreciate the indigenous clown called Andrew Bolt

Bolt tries to stand tall as a knight of free speech.  In fact his conviction defended the very notion of it. Bolt wan't convicted for or a victim of any anti- free speech law. He wasn't found guilty under Section 18C.  He had no defense under Section 18D. Has any one noticed his silence on that fact.  He is a journalist who was not only loose with his facts but he lied and could not deliver any proof that what he had to say was in the interest of the public. He was found not to have acted in good faith. Here he is  in this post exaggerating  his false victim hood and the exaggerated bullshit that he's been silenced.

Bolt no stalwart defender of anything civil or noble. He's the twisted defender of liars, crooks ,bullshitters and con men who are prepared to steal and damage the minds not of uninformed adult citizens but happy to freely do it to the children of this country. He's little more than a pedophile.  For little more 30 pieces of silver or a painting  on his wall to tell himself just how great he is he's ready to say anything for those he sees as masters of his conservative universe.

Chelsea Bond

Chelsea Bond

Dr Chelsea Bond is an Aboriginal (Munanjahli) and South Sea Islander Australian and a senior lecturer with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland. She has extensive experience in Indigenous health, as a health worker and researcher in urban and rural communities across south-east Queensland for over 15 years.

Andrew Bolt isn't a racist, but ...



Invasion of Europe continues

 Image result for Images Australia swamped


Last year Bolt insisted 1 million refugees came to Germany he seems to be contradicting himself unless Germany is Europe.  His invasion is getting less than Australia's legal immigration which amounted to 0.9%.  The European invasion was 0.2% in 2015 and  this year it's 0.07% to date. Bolt declares that's extremely high and dangerous for the EU. Australia's intake was almost 5 times higher 2015  and 13 times more this year and yes he and Pauline Hanson declare we too are being swamped. What has been regarded as normal here is being called dangerous why? It seems normal has been switched to swamped for nothing more than political consistency and not reality.
  "The number now is lower than that extraordinary high, but still so high that Europe will pay." Bolt .  
 However we need a 457 visa to bring in even more people as it seems we have no labour force. Yet we have an unemployment rate of 5% ++ who Bolt calls bludgers. We have even greater under employed rate which has remained a hidden figure. The issue we see is Bolt's use of hyperbole in place of statistical reality to say the EU has an "invasion" problem rather than just a bureaucratic and logistical one.  We don't but we have one of a different kind which suggests more immigrants are required.
 All Europe has to do is become an island  which is an impossibility but it needs to improve the speed of processing people. Europe's logistical problems  don't put us the moral high ground or an example of how to treat desperate people in need. Nor is it an excuse for driving people to self harm even children to mental breakdown. Neither Bolt's figures nor his argument have any validity in a world that gladly watches  it's citizens perform death defying extreme risks for fun without a shrug but forbids others for taking them out of need. Is Bolt about to  call for a ban surfing this summer  we know people will die. 

Nicholas Stern, warming guru, in hot water

 Image result for Images Of cherry picking facts

Examine the size an the volume of this blog that a warmist has been accused of mal practice  using the works of others to raise money. Apparently if  Sir Bernard Stern was caught out as a womaniser that too would be sufficient to undo the whole  global science. Is Bolt playing the man or the Science? Bolt goes on as if he's brought down the works of Isaac Newton simply because he was sinner of sorts. In fact Bolt treats Stern as some kind of heretic. Bolt even turns to Tim Blair who he had dumped because Bolt can't be bothered to do the work of writing something original. Blair is as stupid as Bolt I'm afraid he says the crime of exaggeration by Stern is evidence that the Science and the work is also an exaggeration. I so do miss Bevis and Butthead when they work together they just get it so wrong and they do it in chorus.
They do it here not on the basis of Global Science emphasis on the Global aspect of the science but on the integrity of one man. Deniers have a  Global voice which transcends any science they have to offer to disprove warming and that's their difference. The money trail leads directly to the fossil fuel industry that provides the lucrative oxygen on which they feed. The fact is  Bolt hasn't added anything to the fact that a cleaner world is a better world and the use of fossil fuels is counter productive to the future of the planet.

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Who let them in? The latest murderous example

 Image result for Images selective discrimination

Andrew Bolt raved on about the disgusting cherry picking of Sir Bernard Stern but did a fine example of it in a Jewellery robbery that occurred in Toorak yesterady. Sir bernard Stern can't cherry pick but Andrew Bolt can.

Today's cherry is in Sydney and Bolt carries on with his circular argument which states the obvious "every society has crime" and that crime in a multicultural society is multicultural. However it's Bolt who insists in the main  culturally specific and it is it's Australian with Australian peculiarities.  Like all settler nations crime is multicultural and has been throughout the country's history.  So  gangs and everything else that occurs has a multicultural flavour an is the norm and not the exception. Bolt however entertains the fact that Australians with foreign names are a unique threat. Italians, Jews, Vietnamese and good old Aussie gangs some how don't exist and if they do they are in the minority and of a lesser  criminal threat than those from Lebanon. Bolt doesn't even consider these guys might in fact be  Australians.

 Even the cherry pickers like Bolt maintain Australians need to be treated like individuals and not stereotyped. He demands that of himself our laws and even our constitution. He is the gormless fool who all deserve to be treated as  individuals unless of course if you are coloured, of a race a particular ethnic group or religion then stereotyping and profiling is fine.  One can't stop  cherry picking of the Bolt kind because it exists  zig zagging around the country looking for unconnected events that will fit a bigoted narrative. One can only reveal it for what it in fact is examine the wider facts and statistics that prove the biased sensationalism for what it is vilification of Australians, generalisations based on single events many of which aren't even true.  Bolt does the same in today's blog when denying  Global Climate Science  by claiming  Sir Bernard Stern doing is doing exactly what Bolt does himself cherry pick.. That's his hypocrisy and the sign that truth has no priority over conclusions wanted where any means are justified to make your point. It's why Bolt was found to be a sham as a journalist.



Most Australians defend the Queensland three

Remember when Tony Abbott backed off changing the Bolt Law. But let's not get confused Bolt was convicted under Section 18 D he was found guilty of mal-intent , lies and being loose with the facts  and as a journalist failed to prove there was any public interest involved. At least get that right Bolt is a self made martyr and even that is a lie


Greens try to nobble Murdoch journalists like...

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In a media battle Bolt always want's to steal center stage  when a report about Murdoch media is mentioned in a WikiLeaks dump Bolt takes the position "everbody's talking about me" that to me sounds like the insecurity of an egoist who knows his ratings aren't that high. Self boosting is Bolt's practice because nobody else does. It's not past Bolt to run anyone else in the News Corp team down particularly when Bolt no longer needs them. He does it to everyone.  The Steve Price Show became my radio show with Steve Price it's just insecurity and self aggrandizement. This post has nothing to do with the Greens they are just pawns in Bolt's game.


How even Turnbull gave up on Gillian Triggs

1-20 of 39180 This is Bolt's version of the Democrat's list against the Donald except the stakes aren't quite as high. No it's like his "who let them in " list. It's a cherry picked list that has little or nothing to say about the HRC it's simply all to do with denegrating Triggs as much as possible in the hope of denigrating the idea of Human Rights altogether. Denigrating Trump is simply just that it's not about dengrating the Presidency. You see if you accept Human Rights you accept Bolt was as guilty as sin when he lied and was loose with the facts about a group of people. People in power don't have the right to vilify the already oppresses and Bolt believes he does.

Saudi Arabia's win proves UN is a farce

Bolt's opinion the opinion of an operative with a vested interest of demeaning anything to do with the HRC because it was the HRC that had him found guilty under Section 18C & 18 D of the RDA . A research study was done on the worlds most empathetic nations and Bolt's opinion is in total contrast to what he is trying to say here. Isn't that odd?

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