Thursday, 27 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog, 27/10/16; Bolt's Propaganda Machine; Trump's propaganda Machine and Bolt's his man in Australia; SOS Poverty creates a Culture ask who creates excessive poverty; Bolt says stuff the puppies protect the business;


Minister bills taxpayers for chauffeur for po...

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Bolt is really making an issue over something he should stay shtum on. The whole of Abbott's LNP Cabinet ran for cover on this issue and were blessed and forgiven as naughty children are  except for Peter Slipper who was crucified by his mates. Politicians will be politicians it's said and yes a Labor politician has done the same. I guess there is difference between children and dogs being baby sat and Bolt has take advantage of that difference. But let's not forget Abbott he himself needed to pay back a lot more. Anything to say Mr Bolt? What is it we called sucks like Bolt in school? What does Andrew Bolt's expense claims look like one wonders.

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 Which ones Labor and which ones Liberal. Easy who has the top hats?


The wild record of Gillian Triggs

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As I have said before what Andrew Bolt calls "work" is little more than repetition. This is his blog post of yesterday or the day before, today it's his column and it will be his editorial on radio and TV too. The reason being Bolt hates work but loves the celebrity more. He is an example of why our economy is stuffed. When non productive workers like Andrew Bolt sit atop  of our salary scales you know the collapse of Rome is around the corner. The productive middle and working class of this country has been sacrificed in an effort tho maintain  the lifestyles of too many Andrew Bolts who compete with each other in terms of what they possess but not what they produce. They are the Karadashians of Melbourne. Bolt gladly talks about his Kim Karadashian life.

Gillian Triggs is a fearless campaigner that reminds us and them of their lack of humanity and falseness. Outside of his consumption of  paintings , opera, food, booze and poppies etc etc what has Andrew Bolt actually offered Australia  as a citizen.  He doesn't search for truth to be found in facts of this country. He's not a social scientists jock strap. He doesn't entertain or even begin to lighten the load most Australians workers feel he in fact makes it feel heavier.  He is the drummer the slave master who beats the drum on a galley ship he crying "row harder" to those below deck. There is a mile of difference between what Gillian Triggs has done and what Andrew Bolt does  If he was living during the French Revolution  the arsehole would be being frog marched up the steps of the Guillotine with only Gillian Triggs calling out to stop and save him. Bolt is part of the idle rich the only problem he's paid by them and has to pretend what he does isn't idle. He pretends to be busy and doing something productive. No he doesn't work 70 hours a week Gillian Triggs however does.

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Clinton leads the party of bullies

 James O'Keefe by Gage Skidmore.jpg

Is Bolt serious " We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it. Project Veritas is run by James O'Keefe " Bolt's kind of guy

"O'Keefe gained support from conservative media and interest groups. In 2009, Andrew Breitbart commissioned him for the option to publish new videos exclusively on . In June 2010, O'Keefe formed a organization, Project Veritas, with the stated mission to "investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud and other misconduct."

Sounds good  but: Yes he's Bolt's kind of media man

" James O’Keefe, a journalist whose reputation has been marred by proof that he edited videos in 2009 and 2011 to distort the words and actions of his subjects."

He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters, some selectively edited to imply its subjects said things they did not, with figures and workers in academic, governmental and social service organizations, purportedly showing abusive or alleged illegal behavior by representatives of those organizations. He gained national attention for his video recordings of workers at ACORN offices in 2009, his arrest and guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) under false pretenses, and the release of videos of conversations with two high-ranking, now former, NPR executives in 2011. 

When his videos of ACORN workers allegedly aiding a couple in criminal planning hit the 24-hour cable news cycle, the U.S. Congress quickly voted to freeze funds for the non-profit. The national controversy resulted in the non-profit also losing most private funding before investigations of the videos were conducted. In March 2010, ACORN was close to bankruptcy and had to close or rename most of its offices.[3] Shortly after, the California State Attorney General's Office and the US Government Accountability Office released their related investigative reports. The Attorney General's Office found that O'Keefe had misrepresented the actions of ACORN workers and that the workers had not committed illegal actions. A preliminary probe by the GAO found that ACORN had managed its federal funds appropriately.[4][5] One of the fired ACORN workers sued O'Keefe for invasion of privacy; OKeefe issued an apology and agreed to pay $100,000 in a settlement.

Save the children, not the culture

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27 Oct Yes Bolt the advocate of individualism cries out "blame the Culture  and save the children" the same cry we have heard for 220 years. History has shown however that the dysfunction the indigenous Australians find them selves in is their interface with a White Western and Racist Culture since the invasion of their country. History has no part in Andrew Bolt's Australia nor does  the evolution of the Culture of poverty heaped on many Australians but more so Indigenous people by the institutionalized and systemic enforced racism applied. Bolt's attitude that denys any self examination of colonialism is as racist now as it was the first days of landing.
Nobody is denying a problem exists but it's not just a problem of just one Culture it's a problem of our Culture and how and why we have arrived at the point we are today. Individual cases do need attending to but more so does the systemic poverty joblessness health and other problems people have had enforced on them and other people of varying colors. Australia is becoming more indigenised not because of color but because of unattended to  poverty. Just explore the streets of Melbourne.  

Andrews' "reforms" are a war on puppies

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Creating fear the Trump way. In a state that's economy is the best in the country. Together we have moved on Bolt however has little better to do than turn progress and good management into the natural conservative cry that the sky is falling in. We are stronger together and animal welfare is very much a part of that togetherness. Profit and loss is not how you judge your pets and if Bolt's call for regulation free breeding creates a hidden hell for "mans best friends" then we need to stand up and do something about it. Bolt's unregulated market place is incapable of understanding the difference between a "we" and only "me driven society

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