Who let them in? To terrify checkout staff?

Is this Andrew Bolt? I believe it is but you generally won't find him in uniform only blogging at home. I'd be as correct as he is in his certainty below. Crime in a multicultural country is multicultural too. Why kick only first and second generation Australians and foreigners. Pick the Africans below.
This is what Bolt offers a video that shows nothing it does show a suspect in white leggings. There no mention in the video report by anyone saying they were Africans but only 'dark skinned' and young. African refugees tend to have African accents as opposed to NZ accents however nothing is mentioned. What is suggested however is one man may have been the perp in 3 other such robberies. So what we really know is nothing. However it seems it might be the repetition and doings not of a vast number of people but just one group repeating themselves. They could be any number of dark skinned people living in Melbourne. How on earth does Andrew Bolt from his lounge or study at draw the conclusion that"These youths are almost certainly refugees or the children of refugees from Africa." Bolt from the statements below ?
"Men who have been robbed at knifepoint by gangs of what appears to be Africans.ore posts" Bolt
" disguised, however witnesses have described them as dark skinned and in their 20s." Bolt
"suspected the same man [sic] may have held-up three other supermarkets last Monday." Bolt
I Know how. He is a racist who is anti- immigration anti-refugees anti Muslim so he needs to find facts that fit his narrative that stereotypes a diverse community of people of color from a whole continent why? Because by calling them "Africans" he believes he escapes being charged with vilification. However innuendo he believes will be enough to build resentment against any black Africans and their color is sufficient to stigmatize them in Bolt's eyes. It doesn't matter to him whether or not he is putting a target on any African's back.
1-20 of 39022
Our refugee program has put Australians in
danger. The latest victims are the checkout staff of several Melbourne
supermarkets who have been robbed at knifepoint by what the video
suggests are gangs of Africans.
Predator Bill and enabler Hillary
"Hillary Clinton claims to be the women's candidate. Tony Thomas points out some women who think she betrayed them - as the enabler of her predator husband."
This post and link to Quadrant's Tony Thomas by Bolt shows just how low these conservative sewer rats go when their backs are to the wall. This is Bolt's idea of well mannered debating and conversation. It is the Republican Right's argument or the one the Trump team have launched against Hilary Clinton. It's basically that Hilary is Je Suis Trump but worse. That Clinton is a Sexist worse than Donald Trump ever was.
It's simply trying to make Trump out to be just a naughty boy in the hands of Hilary who is Glen Close in Fatal Attraction.. Yes Bolt's most favorite tactic when he hasn't an argument he just mirrors it back and mirrors it hard to show Hilary is out to even rape poor Donald. The post is straight out of the News Corp , Breitbart, hand book of conservative political tactics. There's nothing new from Bolt here. Since Reverse Sexism doesn't exist he puts balls on Hilary. But it's the best that Trump's team of male sexists could cobble together.
Renewable madness will cost us $41bn

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