Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,15/11/16; Trump Trump Trump, Bolt was never so Trump before. Identity Politics is Bolts tack; The AHRC didn't cost Leak a cent; Bolt's desperate for ratings;


It's dawned on Turnbull that Trump could destroy him

 What on earth is Bolt going on about? Trump could do anything and Bolt is the last person to know or predict what he might do now. Is Andrew Bolt who didn't believe Trump could win now going to make out like Michael Moore? Immediately after his election Bolt seemed like a stunned mullett ,silent, offering none of his attempted wisdom or analysis as to what had just happened . The white working class and the shrinking middle class the non unionized labor of America voted for Trump. No the Electoral College we presume will vote for Trump who is some 400,000 short of the popular vote which Trump advocates himself to reflect the truth.
However not to matter  Bolt now calls him a Conservative. Half the Republicans certainly don't. Who would be  Australia's  Donald Trump Pauline? I don't think so. It certainly wouldn't be Tony Abbott that's for sure. The fact that there remains global uncertainty about Trump right now Bolt's lack of analysis indicates Bolt doesn't know either. Turnbull in the meantime is getting on with the job and his idea of ridding us of the stench of Manus and Nauru has  enormous appeal with the Australian electorate. A White Nationalist Who Hates Jews Will Be Trump’s Right-Hand Man In The White House
 Major Outlets Downplay The Fact That Trump’s New Chief Strategist Ran An Anti-Semitic White Nationalist Website

How is it that pro Israel Andrew Bolt remains stone cold silent on this?




Trump drives warmists to despair


What can one expect from the doubter brigade one day Bolt's a denier the next a sceptic  and then one who believes in man -made warming. You don't know who he is but you do know he's against renewable and green energy and the benefits derived. In as much as it interferes with the profits of coal never mind the production of dirty energy. Bolt is a man would would love to live in New Dehli India because if you forget the cost of  poor health and environmental damage  20 million people are living in a cheap energy zone. Yes Bolt sides with Tony Thomas another of a swag of non scientists whose writings in Quadrant support the making of filthy lucre by some.. There is a broad spectrum of people like Bolt and Thomas who aren't scientists but nevertheless pontificate against global climate science. Thet have been joined by Donald Trump who as President has the real power to put knowledge gained in the cupboard simply because he has a debt to pay those who helped finance his election.
Four years of Trump could really sink the planet


Yet again African. Who let them in?

Andrew Bolt employing Identity Politics for all it's worth. Apparently white Christians form Malvern don't commit crime in Australia only seemingly Black looking Africans that could be NZers or Islanders do mistaken or not Andrew Bolt is keeping a list to prove it. However it's a very simple unscientific hate list. The list simply says more about Andrew Bolt than the kids involved. Bolt is an evangelical extremist pointing out the sinners in the crowd yet never looking at the faults and crimes committed by the public school kids attending the schools to which he sends his children. Arson, murder, drugs, rape, battery and assault, car theft are all activities that also go on among the 'right' crowd.
15 Nov The hysterics are plain to see Nick Cater is blaming the Cultural Elite for their lack of vision the Cultural Establishments blindness to what's been going on. Andrew Bolt Art ,Opera  and food lover is just the sort of person Nick Cater is laughing at. Even Bolt the non populist is laughing at himself and doesn't seem to realize he is. The attacked the Arts Council for being non traditionalist and was applauding that Brandis was to be our Cultural cop. What a couple of elitists Cater and Bolt are Bolt particularly attacking Universities. However it's Bolt whose the joke because he can't bring himself to say Labor USA has voted Trump their leader that the hoy poloy like Bolt and Cater can't admit they were wrong but the rest of the media can. Bolt is like all sycophants now rushing to say Je Suis Donald when in fact he's never liked the man for being so obvious when using Identity politics with the belief that race,misogyny etc etc weren't really the issue and wouldn't really effect his election chances. Trump took over from Bernie. However  Identity Politics is the whole issue for Bolt  who avoids class unless union bashing which Trump wasn't doing.
Bolt the wise man claims those. Apparently News Corp disagrees with Bolt . No Africans or Muslims  here. Australia's worst crimes, criminals in 2015 - News.com.au

Two more of Leak's accusers walk away

Free speech farce 15 Nov It goes to show that Andrew Bolt hasn't a clue or chooses to distort what it is the HRC does mediate Here is Bolt's first lie.  "Now, who will repay Leak his legal costs, damaged reputation and sleepless nights?" Bolt Leak admitted his costs were covered. However Leak had no need for lawyers to attend HRC mediation it's cost free. The media however took a situation that in most cases is dealt with in camera and have blown it up in the name of "Free Speech" Amplification of the event by the media cost those complaining to withdraw. A perfect example of  of the lack of freedom generated. However it was their right and the  complaint was dropped one might argue at whose cost certainly not Bill Leak's."Mr Gunn said he remained unhappy about the Leak cartoon — which depicted a neglectful Aboriginal father drinking a beer — but he also wanted his complaint to the AHRC withdrawn. “I don’t want to be in the spotlight,” he said..." There had been no court involvement however Bolt would prefer to suggest otherwise.
 "Ms Dinnison, who is living in Germany as an exchange student, told ABC Radio yesterday she had withdrawn her complaint on Friday because Leak and his lawyer had made it clear they were not going to co-operate with the AHRC’s complaints process...
Ms Dinnison, who identifies as a light-skinned Aboriginal person, said she felt threatened due to media attention."
Even Bolt demonstrates that interference in the process by the media is the sole reason this case was aborted and some 30,000 others aren't. They don't get the media and other third party intrusions. The above statement seems to be an example of distortion of the Bolt kind when it's said "Ms Dinnison, who identifies as a light-skinned Aboriginal person," I believe she identifies as an Aboriginal person" there is a qualification of the Bolt kind being made here that seems to miss the point entirely and denying her right of heritage.


McCrann to Turnbull: your one last hope. Talk to Bolt

 Image result for images  of ratings

Remember when Bolt talked to James Matheson Bolt almost lost control of his own show Matheson ran rings aroun Bolt who simply had to get rid of him promising further discussions which had an ice block's chance in hell occurring. Asking Turnbull to come on a show that rates so poorly simply suggests Turnbull has all the time in the world to waste. "Malcolm Turnbull has every right to hate me, after the (accurate) criticism I have given." Bolt What might that "accurate criticism" have been? Bolt fails to tell us and I certainly didn't notice anything accurate at all.  What I did notice has been Bolt's non analysis and after a week his innacurate analysis of the American election. Waleed Aly left Andrew Bolt as a commentator eating dust. Amongst all of this it seems Bolt is trying to save face and somehow looking for ratings. Isn't it strange that those figures always remain hidden?
Terry McCrann advertising Bolt imagine he's even telling Turnbull what it is he could do and say. Having said and done all of that it's quite obvious why our PM sees no need to go on the Bolt Report McCrann has done it for him.  One might even suspect that Andrew Bolt wrote this piece himself just another fart in among the wind storms we have been experiencing lately

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