Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16,11,16; Bolt is a one eyed cockroach; Stigmatizing children in Newtown; Showing Bolt a Camera; Why does Bolt smear Switzer he's on Sky; The Vox Pop contradicts Bolt; Stalking Waleed Aly; Climate bull; Bolt's fingers are always crossed;



No comment. Those laws agains free speech again

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AndrewBolt's playing victim again. A society without Section 18C &D guarantees a society of victims a society with far less.  The only reason Andrew Bolt feels he's in a Kafka novel is he is  a cockroach!!  he is a very twisted man. He proves it here yet again even his link is nothing but a paywall to his Newscorp nest of disinformation. This post is just a lure.




Charming children of the Left: "Kill Trump"

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Andrew Bolt certainly denies the traditional adage "out of the mouths of babes comes truth"  He prefers that babe be trained in non safe schools. Schools where knowledge is selected like bricks in a wall.  Eventually eventually kids to be sorted and sent to colleges and universities for specialized training and fragmentation reducing their communication levels to just the jargon of functionaries. Bolt even defines whole suburbs like Newtown in need reeducation and a total makeover. Stereotype them but don't label him. Bolt was unique as a young man he didn't socialize with work mates after hours. Recommended online reading in Newtown is Breitbart and Powerline music Wagner  anything less breeds "Violent Intolerance". Bolt quite readily admits he felt un-Australian for 30 years he was right it took 30 years to mask that feeling everything else however stayed the same. He was the exception the cockroach. 

Notice the calculated and conflated placement of Bolt's Newtown  post and  the one about a single placard shown at Trump Towers. A single message  in a chorus of 10,000 calling "Not my President. "Coming from Bolt it sounds suss no picture supplied. But it's linked to The Point an ultra conservative News Letter. Just click and look at the related stories this Bolt reference publishes and ask yourself about Bolt's wisdom "I will say it again: with many of the Left it's not the principle that counts but the side. And with such tribalists, their claimed morality is actually just a thin disguise for hatred:" Bolt



Trump sad? Don't be stupid

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As Bolt says News is a part of Newscorp's stable and if Bolt is right you can guarantee they rely on the old adage No News is Good News. and they are experts in the No News business as opposed to the information business. May be Trump is sad because of the placard Bolt tells us was photographed at Trump Tower. You guessed  the photo that doesn't seem to exist on the link he provides only a report. At least the photos on are convincing and for Bolt's sake here is a photo of a camera



Jonathan Green out, Tom Switzer in

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Bolt can't even be gracious when the ABC goes out of it's way to provide alternative voices Switzer was once a work colleague of Bolt's. When he went to the ABC Andrew Bolt immediately turned against him. Here is a perfect example of how cockroaches pay compliments.  Bolt writes this but he'd never say what does here about his once mate in public. What Bolt considers a small change and doesn't reveal is listed here. Jobs to go as ABC announces big changes to radio programs



Its record shows the Human Rights Commission must go

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"Not is it enough to simply reform the Racial Discrimination Act that the commission used to persecute seven Queensland students who protested against racial segregation at their university:"

Cockroaches do everything in their power to hide what they do and that is to eventually turn their whole surrounds into their mess of a nest. Bolt is trying to hide the activity of his elite media's concerted effort of disinformation against the HRC. The intent is to make out that it's more than a re-conciliatory and mediation body. Kevin Andrews wanted to set up just such a free service for marriage problems. Bolt supported that even after 3 visits it was no longer to be free.

"Alas, the greatest threat to free speech remains: the commission itself. It houses a cabal of human rights fantasists who aim to override the law in the name of a self-defined greater good."Johns

Any lie is a good lie if it's  directed against the HRC  and media is the messenger. They ignore the 30,000 cases heard by the HRC but only recently drew attention to 2 QUT and Bill Leak. The HRC didn't publicize the fact that a disagreement or complaint was filed and an issue  to be resolved  in private.  The parties were requested to come together not forced and at no expense. Either could refuse and in most cases parties parted with issues resolved.

 Nothing happens unless one decides to take things further and put the matter in the  hands of the courts.  Bolt's not against the concept of mediation. He's not carrying on like a pork chop trying to rid it from the Family Court. However there it costs and maybe then he'd have reason to complain. The HRC doesn't cost anyone anything. Freedom remains with the parties concerned them and is corrupted when third parties like Andrew Bolt, Johns and politicians decide to become involved. When they do the whole process is corrupted because the HRC as an independant body has no teeth to deal with these self interested or politically motivated spoilers.  The the totality of the HRC's work of 30,000 cases is ignored to focus on 2. The noise the Bolt's of this world makes is to sound enormous and drown out  any reasoned argument against them in the name of equality and fairness. The ABC's Drum last night did a Vox Pop on whether or not the public felt the HRC was necessary and  all indications showed Andrew  Bolt was very much a clear loser

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Memo Waleed: a peaceful election is not like the worst terrorist attack

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People have been killed Andrew Bolt and at the hands of a Trump supporter. As for Waleeds  simile well you only had to looks at American media to see Waleeds was a legitimate one. By the way he had an analysis done when even after a week you failed to make one It certainly defined the difference in IQ between you and Mr Aly. Maybe Bolt best leave things to infomercials as he did with Pell. He wasn't really a presence at our last election either.



Judith Curry: climate models can't be trusted

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"Climate scientist Judith Curry reviews the performance of climate models used to predict future temperatures and blame past warming on man's emissions. " Bolt
Predictions, who needs predictions when the WMO has reminded us this year is heading to break warming records yet again that's 5 years in a row. a rise in global temperature to 1.2 degrees above pre- industrial times. 20% reduction in Arctic ice, 20% plus increase in glacier melt and rising sea levels who needs predictions. Watching your house start to burn in a bush fire and your neighbours not does anybody require to predict that the bush fire was the cause? " She concludes they are "not fit" for the purpose and have failed to predict even the past." Don't you love it when Bolt tries to bring science into his logic. Bolt today is using Judith Curry who actually agrees with "warming" Bolt on the other hand is like the weather and just goes with the flow. Given Curry believes in Global Warming so must Bolt however the other day he was supporting the deniers when he's been calling the science little more than a religion. Today he's a supporter of Judith Curry who certainly doesn't see climate science in religious terms but is part of the 3% that have some doubts. Bolt is anybody's camp follower amplifying any doubt he can. Providing more negative media time to make the deniers doubters and vested interests seem larger than just their bank balances are. Donald Trump and the Republicans are in their donars pockets and today that's certainly not under the influence of global science. 

How dodgy is Turnbull's boat deal looking?

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  Bolt's fingers
Andrew Bolt is like an over excited kid with a toy gun he got for Xmas. No bulletts but his voice going bang bang at Malcolm Turnbull having been given the go ahead by Obama. Why isn't he going bang bang at Peter Dutton who has confirmed it's a one off done deal. Does Bolt believe that Dutton is an incompetent? No he just see it as and opportunity for failure. The joy of revenge overcomes all and has never been put aside by Bolt. It's in the nature of extremists not to forgive.

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