Saturday 18 February 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 18/2/17; Bolt loves to create Roadkill it's his artform; Bolt always the consistent moron; Bolt caught a bare faced liar;

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A feeling for an Aboriginal tree

The Age of Reason is dead.  The Age quotes a woman identifying as Aboriginal who wants to save a tree she identifies as an Aboriginal "birthing tree": "Carmel Thannhauser saw the tree for the first time  this month... 'I have no expertise, apart from feeling and understanding, however I just know that this tree is a birthing tree.'"  

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Donald Trump tells us "I'm really a nice man" Andrew Bolt  reminds us that he's the ultimate in manners, politeness and reason. When a-holes  vibrate their own butt cheeks  to claim and advertise higher qualities rest assured there is something wrong in the most livable city. Bolt is straight out of Clock Work Orange  a bovver boy roaming looking in the most likely safe places of the media to find victims to club, mock and bash . Victims who don't have access to the means to fight back  to Bolt's keyboard bat fitted with nails.
Bolt claims a spirituality all of his own when he waxes lyrical to Wagner and his religious art  and he sure tells his world of readers  what to pay attention to. The superior superior symbols of Christianity hang on the walls and ring through his house. They are his collections of bones like Christian relics that give life meaning.  Miracles that heal him. While he declares Islam it's art poetry and music as simply  base as base as Carmel Thannhauser's Aboriginal spirituality and claim to psychic visions. Bolt's a hypocritical prick Dorian Gray giving a Carmel a verbal kicking for little reason other than she's an Aborigine  not Dutch. She's a woman easy meat to scoff with no particular qualities that  attracts him. Her spiritual is so much less than Bolt's  and his tribal heritage. Bolt  invades Carmel Thannhauser's space with the finesse and power of a road train driver yelling how polite he is before transforming her to
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Why does the ABC promote Muslim women covering up?

Why does the Left-wing ABC insist on promoting Muslim women who wear a veil or headscarf, selling out the feminist Muslims who don't?  It's given Susan Carland, wife of Waleed Aly, and Yassmin Adbel-Magied hosting jobs, and made Maha Abdo a regular panellist. Do conservative Christian women who oppose abortion get this promotion?


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  Why is Bolt such a moron it no doubt was the way he was brought up His mother apparently thought this troubled soul was a genius his father didn't. Bolt never really talks about the man except insisting that he was the head master at a one teacher school. A school where Bolt learnt about Aboriginal culture from his one Aboriginal friend which proved he's not a racist even though he's never heard from him since. Why is Bolt a Moron? He ignores his wife and the women he knows. He just can't see them. However he can see all women except Christians. Bolt can't see that they are veiled walking down ailes. He can't see that nuns are far more covered up than most recognizably Muslim women on the streets. He can't see that his wife won't step out the front door without he make up on the mask that hides her face. He can't see that applies to most women in the Western world. He's blind to the fact that Maho Abdo who offends him so much and draws his attention is the most honest face on TV her hijab modestly covering her hair. Bolt's an ignoramus when he doesn't notice frum orthodox Jewish women wearing wigs or not showing their bodies even to their husbands. Bolt's blind to the fact that Greek widows are about in black with their heads covered or the overly modest dress the women wore when he once played little drummer boy in a band. He was truly  the jerk kid in a jerkin not seeing anything but taking everything for granted. One might well ask why do all the women on his show wear a full face mask and why doesn't he insist they don't? Why is it he can't see the forest for the trees. But the ABC and SBS certainly show and promote life on the main street as multicultural which can't be said of The Bolt Report. 
Do conservative Jewish women get this promotion? Conservative Buddhist women? Conservative Christian women, who oppose abortion?"
Yes Nick Cater's wife Rebecca Weisser Oh yes Shari Markson  and  what makes  you a greater ignoramous than you overtly  are Andrew Bolt is that a frum or religious Jewish woman on TV is an oxymoron.
 Buddhist women there's plenty but again you wouldn't recognize them Bolt unless of course you meant nuns. But then Buddhist nuns give there time and energy up not to notice you Andrew. As for anti-abortionists more than you'd ever see on the Bolt Report  which  is the nightly over produced same old same old show. It's why Andrew Bolt spends an inordinate amount of time watching and listening to the ABC.
 Why does the ABC promote Muslim women covering up?
Beauty is everywhere except in Bolt's eyes it would seem he hides his wife
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Bolt himself 'chooses' to wear a uniform a suit. Does that suit represent him as he truly is "no way" according to the majority of that left wing public that Bolt says is out there. They see him as a fake. Why does News Corp persist in promoting him?
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Fake warming scare: polar bears actually increasing

Remember how the polar bear was the poster child of the global warming alarmists? How Al Gore claimed they were drowning for lack of ice? How they were classified as endangered because of warming-induced starvation? How Coca-Cola put the poor poley on its cans? But the latest count of bears confirms: yet another fkae global warming scare.

Read Bolt's post and what do you sense an over excited frantic hysterical kid eager to prove himself right.
What is the Global Warming Policy Foundation Bolt's source of excitement
"The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is a think tank in the United Kingdom, whose stated aims are to challenge "extremely damaging and harmful policies" envisaged by governments to mitigate anthropogenic global warming."
" In 2014 The Independent described the foundation as "the UK's most prominent source of climate-change denial".[5]

"Because it is registered as a charity, the GWPF is not legally required to report its sources of funding,[14] and Peiser has declined to reveal its funding sources, citing privacy concerns. Peiser said GWPF does not receive funding "from people with links to energy companies or from the companies themselves."[15] The foundation has rejected freedom of information (FoI) requests to disclose its funding sources on at least four different occasions. The judge ruling on the latest FoI request, Alison McKenna, said that the GWPF was not sufficiently influential to merit forcing them to disclose the source of the £50,000 that was originally provided to establish the organization.[16]"
 "In 2014 the Charity Commission ruled that the GWPF had breached rules on impartiality in its climate change coverage, blurred fact and comment and demonstrated a clear bias.[21] In response, the GWPF agreed to establish a non-charitable organisation to do the lobbying, alongside the existing organisation, to be called the "Global Warming Policy Forum" or "GWPF".[22] The GWP Forum is a wholly owned subsidiary of the GWP Foundation."

 What's amazing they admitted their Charity status was a cover for their lobbying. This is the quality of Bolt's source

However read the conclusion to the Canadian Geographic Report and you sense a lot more data collection and considered evidence. Bolt's Reports even state their estimates are extrapolations  and even extend to global estimates when populations of bear and species differ significantly. The Canadians know their bears better than anybody else and are fare more specific in their counting their their locations and admissions about what they don't know. They even discuss just how difficult count's are. Bolt's post well they came in and did it in a year saw more bears and extrapolated in other words guessed. It's certainly the way Bolt works. Watch the detail and not the rant and rave Bolt throws at you. Bear populations don't grow overnight or within a year in the numbers Bolt's quoting it take decades for to grow. Bolt has the whole Arctic circle covered with polar bear cubs. An increase in numbers since the 60's seems logical given the conservation restrictions on hunting.

 Everything you ever wanted to know about polar bears

The facts of life
From its double-layered coat to the furry underside of its paws, the polar bear is well adapted to frigid Arctic temperatures. A male Ursus maritimus, the largest member of the bear family, can stand more than three metres tall on its hind legs, weigh 600 kilograms and live up to 30 years. A female gives birth every three years or so, usually to twins that stay with their mother for more than two years. The polar bear’s diet consists primarily of the skin and blubber of ringed and bearded seals. It hunts seals using its keen sense of smell and incredible patience, tracking down birth lairs or waiting hours for a seal to surface at a breathing hole.
Where’s that bear?
There are 19 subpopulations of polar bears in the world, of which 13 can be found in Canada. The southern Beaufort Sea population, shared with Alaska, and the northern Beaufort Sea population, both of which are off the coasts of the Yukon and Northwest Territories, are either in or predicted to decline. A small population in Viscount Melville Sound, off the northern coasts of Victoria and Banks islands, could increase with changing sea ice conditions. M’Clintock Channel, off eastern Victoria Island, has seen polar bear numbers drop from about 900 to less than 300 over the past three decades. Lancaster Sound, off Baffin Island’s northern coast, is home to a declining population. The Gulf of Boothia population, off the northwestern end of Baffin Island, is stable. Foxe Basin is home to one of Canada’s largest polar bear populations, estimated at more than 2,500 animals in 2010. Norwegian Bay polar bears, south of Axel Heiberg Island and west of Ellesmere Island, are genetically different from all other polar bears worldwide, and their population status is unknown. Although the health of the western Hudson Bay population is the subject of debate, southern Hudson Bay, home to the most southerly polar bear population in the world, is relatively stable. Canada shares three of its populations with Greenland: the Baffin Bay and Kane Basin groups are both decreasing in numbers, while the Davis Strait population has increased in the past few decades but may now be in decline. The status of Greenland’s other two populations, in east Greenland and the Arctic Basin, is unknown. Russia is home to four populations of polar bears. The Barents Sea population, shared with Norway and Greenland, is healthy, while the status of the Kara Sea and Laptev Sea populations is unknown. The Chukchi Sea polar bears, shared with Alaska, could be in decline, though their current status is unclear.
Research in motion
Scientists study and count polar bears using two methods: capture-recapture and aerial survey. Capture-recapture, though dangerous because of the researchers’ proximity to the bear, helps determine the health and range of a population. Scientists take skin and blood samples, measure the bear’s height and weight and use ear tags to identify the country of capture. In an aerial survey, researchers in helicopters count bears along a predetermined line. This method can be tricky, as polar bears blend in well with the ice and bears in dens or behind ridges can be missed.


Pathetic; booksellers ban Yiannopoulos

Pathetic: "Jon Page, owner of Pages & Pages, Mosman, and the online retailer Boomerang Books, became the first Australian bookseller to publicly declare he would not stock or promote the book by [Milo] Yiannopoulos, a mouthpiece of the hard right..." Pathetic because no bookseller should fear free speech, and because he mischaracterises Milo.

In what world does Andrew Bolt live when the senior  editor of the extreme right Breitbart News is not regarded extreme right? Is Bolt suggesting Breitbart the currently world leader in Fake News and Alernative Facts is a news provider? Why do bookstores like any other store with limited space be not allowed to choose the books they put on their shelves. Bolt chooses who he won't have on tiny little world of over produced boredom. It;s a success a low ratings sleep fest on which speakers of note refuse to appear and those of lesser note and interest do. You can be sure the bookseller's choice was based on his location and business interest and not just Bolt's need of shoveling a message. Bolt's use of the plural in his banner suggests an exaggeration as he only names one and shit cans another that is selling the book and even his. If I were Mark Rubbo I'd just remove Bolt's simply for the personal sleight and that he's egotistical and limp prick.
Pathetic; booksellers ban Yiannopoulos
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Banks bet against Turnbull by picking Bligh

The banks have picked former Queensland Premier Anna Bligh to lobby for them. Strange: she has no expertise  in banking - but she is Labor royalty. So that means the banks are betting the Turnbull Government will lose the next election. 
The whole and only point of this post is so Bolt can say "Tony Abbott is right to declare" What is amusing is Bolt isn't admonishing the banks for their criminal activities he's somehow praising them for their foresight. He has never seen what they did as theft or a cost to the Australian taxpayer. This shows him to be the pivot around which the media hate for Turnbull revolves.

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Global warming helps: China's weather now better

One of the fake global warming scares is that we're getting more extreme weather.  Even the IPCC can't find that proof. Now the biggest study of China's extreme weather finds the frequency of hail storms, thunderstorms and high wind events has actually halved since 1960. 
  Bolt does what Bolt always does best he applies his "confirmation bias" by taking a local study one which he might as well done in his own backyard  "In one of the most comprehensive studies on trends in local severe weather patterns to date," to attempt to disprove global studies.   Guess all those records that are being broken around the world  aren't really happening either.
 NSW didn't suffer an enormous heat waves the extreme floods are just part of a natural cycle never mind that  records never recorded have been increasingly broken annually since 2000. Guess the 2000s haven't been getting hotter and the world is cooling is what Bolt keeps telling us. How is it Global Science  has never seen it quite that way? Who is Bolt trying to reach? The voters that voted for Trump? He's managed like Bolt to say anything he wanted. However it's not science that's for sure.

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Trump vs media. See what media won't admit

Donald Trump had fun with the media at his press conference, correctly calling it biased, hostile and often dishonest in reporting his administration. For that the media demonstrated the proof of the charge by claiming Trump was ranting and unhinged. But see the truth for yourself and remind yourself why the media truly cannot be trusted.
"I am not saying that all Trump said in the press conference was true. I am not saying his attacks were necessarily smart politically, although I suspect many Americans would actually agree with them. I am not saying they weren't meant in part to distract attention from some of the missteps he's made in doing so much so fast." Andrew Bolt has just said more about what he's not saying 
than what he is. Fact is Trump's press conference was a debacle and his well oiled machine a farce. He was warned off having one. Why is Bolt spending such an effort telling us what he's not saying and get on with saying "I don't like Trump" I'm not saying that's what he's saying.
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Paul Kelly attacks mirror

Paul Kelly today: "The anti-elites embody a rising intolerance — self-righteous refusal to accept the validity of the opposing argument ..." But Kelly in 2015: "It is hard to judge whether the political poison Bolt injects into this debate will gain traction... How much liberty will be extended to Bolt by his editors to continue his campaign?"  
  Bolt has a an extremely personal vendetta against Paul Kelly on he refuses to let go of and shakes like a dog with a rag to keep it alive. It's hard to fathom what his gripe is other than a huge sulk and dummy spit



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Free speech: Left's defence of 18c crumbling

Chris Merritt sees a small sign of hope. The collective Left is actually fracturing in its defence of the wicked Racial Discrimination Act. Some - gasp - have even told a parliamentary committee that maybe, yes, it has gone too far.
  Bolt's reduced the meaning of 'free speech' to the level of 'fake news' and 'indigenous' . Basically they are so abstract as to be meaningless and ad no longer of use in discussing social reality. It's what Trump is doing calling everything 'fake news'. Who can during any argument maintain reason when Bolt says 'I'm more indigenous than Stan Grant" So to say some members of the left are for 'free speech' is nonsense smoe Liberals aren't


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Hirsi Ali reads Koran to Yassmin

Muslim apologist Yassmin Abdel-Magied has returned from a government-paid junket to hard-line Iran and Saudi Arabia to declare that Islam "is the most feminist religion". The Sudanese-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali says Abdel-Magied must be blind as well as dumb about the real teachings of the Koran. Here is a little lesson.

  Ignorance is Bolt's first name it appears. he doesn't tell you the Iranian Jews that live there and don't want to flee to Israel. Nor all the 48 other counties that make up the Islamic world that show the differing beliefs within Islam the beliefs that Bolt would rather not focus on in fear of showing it up to be a faith of peace that nourishes billions around the globe a faith that's in fact growing. 
  Is Bolt a defender of Christianity and it's accompanying cultures no he says he is but he's not. For a start he's an agnostic a fence sitter who isn't a defender of the faith by any means. He's an assimilationist and as such doesn't accept all forms of Christianity but then again he doesn't define what it is he believes in the first place. He certainly demands it be in the main anglo-saxon in Australia and not the liberation form of Catholicism seen in the Latin Americas that's for sure. It seems to me Bolts ignorance is amplified by the fact that he selects picks and chooses the differences  of beliefs in Islam according to which will suit his belief the best rather than study it himself to understand it better. However he does the same with Christianity, Climate Change, Gender there is no intent or purpose to understand only convince that his set of values are justified in his hierarchical understanding of the natural order .
His knowledge of Sharia Law is as ignorant as is his knowledge  of Cannon Law no it's probably more ignorant. Islam requires the law of the land to be respected first Cannon Law as far as the Catholics are concerned requires adherence to the encyclicals first with the threat of excommunication. You can't be an excommunicated Muslim can you? You can't be an excommunicated Jew.
"Today, sharia law is applied in many countries as a matter of reality, and it is also enforced in many Muslim communities in matters such as marriage, divorce, custody and inheritance proceedings." Bolt. That can be said of Christian and Jewish tenets as well Andrew Bolt Not however in the case of Geoffrey Eddleston it seems. However why is it Jewish women have to seek the permission of their ex husbands for a divorce? Are they property?

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