Sunday 19 February 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/2/17; In Memorium a womans life; You have to understand humour Bolt otherwise all it does is give you a head ache. Pope on Bolt's Rope; Christians facing off pity Bolt doesn't mention the faith;Australia the worlds 110th worst country;

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What Andrew Bolt can't ever hope to achieve and what he can't ever expect to leave behind. Vale VJ 1917-2017
Gathering a crowd is easy Donald Trump showed that today. However uniting a country is significantly different. A crowd is less than a brick in history.
 A friend of mine died today she was 100 years old. Her history since birth as a poor country girl to an educated and informed young woman was exceptional in it's time 80 years ago. Education drew her to understand the need to recognize the  'we'  throughout her life rather than the simplistic 'me' which Donald Trump has shown in his 70 years. However so easily forgotten will be the  future of Andrew Bolt's doings outside of the business of media there will be nothing.
VJ retained the respect of 4 generations and  she even gained  the respect of people across the globe and even the millennial today. Bolt's singular record will be very quickly forgotten  because it will be so easy for some other ego to step into his shoes. That can't be said of VJ her shoes might be shared but never filled. Bolt on the other hand is like the smell of an unwanted fart. The scar will haunt his children who will fast grow to hide the fact of their connection to him.  Bolt himself hides when he doesn't have his organization's media presence to protect him VJ on the other hand was comfortable even among the wildest parties and live music of the 4th generation. Cultural difference was never a threat to this woman 100 year candle in the wind.

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Milo offends in ways EW can't describe

I am puzzled by Entertainment Weekly's evidence of Milo Yiannopoulos's alleged "blatant sexism" in his chat with Bill Maher: "Yet Yiannopoulos made blatant sexist comments during the interview, criticizing Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman as people who 'used to be funny before they contracted feminism.'" Can anyone detect the sexism there?

You know who is the intellectual Michellan man when Milo says "all the left want to police humour because the can't control it"  and Andrew Bolt has spent his career hating it because  he doesn't understand it. Calling the left "intellectually flabby" is a compliment coming from Butthead Bolt. Bolt's hero of Right wing humour "I hurt people for a reason,” Yiannopoulos said. “I like to think of myself as a virtuous troll.” has reduced humour to base schoolyard name calling and abuse which Bolt understands only too well as do the orcs of the other side of the political divide. The Editor of Breitbart and Bolt are in step especially when ignored and ignored is what most Australians do to Bolt. One only needs to glance at the unpublished ratings of the Bolt Report. So in response Bolt boldly yells Milo's line “If you don’t show up to debate, you lose.” desperately trying to get someone of note to turn up which is exactly what children particularly bullies do in schoolyards when the bright kids walk off knowing there is no debate present in the first place. Talk about missing the point

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Pope muddles Islam with warming

Pope muddles Islam with warming

Pope Francis makes a speech claiming "Muslim terrorism does not exist" does not exist but the "disturbing warming of the climatic system" does. Did this confused cleric get his message exactly the wrong way around?
 It might be said by some that Bolt has balls and I agree unfortunately it where you will always find his brain a little over heated and always ready to shoot blanks. The Pope actually said there are terrorists but they are neither Islam or Christian just fundamentalists using religion for their own ends. What was interesting however he did say there were extremists that could also "kill with speech" and they too need to be distinguished separated out like chaff from wheat. These are those that hide amongst the providers of news that informs from those that pretend to do the same but only inspire terrorists by the encouragement or their fake threats and challenges. News providing is a broad vocation too without terrorists those that are not genuine aren't anything other than terrorists that too kill with speech.
Bolt's limited ability of insight and intellect  leads him to this simplistic dead end
" No, the groups quoting the Koran as they kill are simply victims of inequality :" Bolt There are lots of differing motivations  to terror. Bolt practices the creation of fear not because he feels he's a "victim of inequality"  As I said Bolt is the schoolyard name caller the bully with a tin ear whose mum gave him a gift of a dictionary but no brains. When the Pope raised "Scientific Consensus" on Climate Change and  said that science is the method by which we hear nature's voice what has Bolt to offer in return but  Pope name calling "voice of nature"? He's an animist now? A pan-theist? Bolt. Back at you Bolt "what a dork"


 More imported trouble

More imported trouble

Our immigration ministers have recklessly imported trouble. Last year Moomba was disrupted by ethnic rioting. Last night another Melbourne festival was disrupted, this time by Pacific Islanders: "A dispute between a group of youths and police at Federation Square was the catalyst for two hours of disorder in the heart of the CBD." 

From the man that says "words are neutral and can't hurt"  and demands free speech to be his right complaint.
The group antagonised, swore and verbally abused police throughout the night.
“F*** the Police,” was the group’s catchcry, while they alternated between giving police officers the finger and pointed in their faces.
Further wisdom from Bolt who maintains Christians should be allowed in as immigrants but is silent on  Christian in this instance. The fundamental faith of Pacific Islanders. We see whites, Caucasians at soccer matches facing each other off. At tennis matches and at Saturday night parties in the Eastern suburbs none get the sort of attention that Bolt fixates on here.
 Pacific Islanders what does he even mean? Bolt doesn't explain NZers, Samoans, Solomon Islanders who is Bolt referring to? It simply becomes a euphemism for coloured not white that's what they have in common. However more  in common is Andrew  Bolt's hate, hate of Multiculturalism. Bolt shares that hate with not just these kids but our multicultural immigration policies. They don't distinguish between race, faith and culture. Of course Bolt's tolerant in his own mind demanding that if we did have a successful immigration system it' needs severe vetting. It needs to look out for people like himself dumb white bigoted refugees from the left wing European and English speaking nations. Unlike Bolt however more professionally educated. The Problem Bolt has with that is nobody is lining up to come as we are seen as a  Pacific Nation giving off the vibes that Sth Africa once did it the times of apartheid.
Maybe the Bolt's of Melbourne  have spent a lot of energy putting their message across to Islander and African kids letting them know they are not wanted. Maybe they are sick to death of that wall of prejudice they hear when they turn to the news and social media and the streets are the only place to get their message across. But it seems it was only harmless words as Bolt usually calls them depending where they are coming from.  Free speech never hurt anyone did it Bolt ?

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The madness of renewable energy. And getting worse

Is Australia the most unique country in the world?? Why are we pretending to be so exceptional in the energy stakes?
 Does Bolt have a source for his post so that it's context can be reviewed. Because something is very fishy in what he's saying. The world has costed the price of producing renewable energy against that of producing energy from fossil fuels. The conclusion Renewables are getting cheaper and Fossil Fuels more expensive if clean energy is the goal. In fact renewables are cheaper now. If this is fact then why is Australia so expensive it has to be for other reasons because Australia is and advanced and efficient economy yet lies 110 in the worlds rankings. Something doesn't make sense here what does is Bolt's Xenophobic approach to the economics of energy because he doesn't want Australia's political, economic battles revealed for what they are regressive and backward policies when compared with the successes of 109 other countries. Sweden being the standout and the first to ban and make illegal the burning of fossil fuels within it's borders. A country where there is no homelessness, free health, education than we have. All those social benefits that Bolt insists Australia cant afford. Stranger than fiction it seems.Solar power becoming world's cheapest form of electricity production ...

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