Friday 17 February 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 17/2/17; Bolt is as thick as a brick; Xenophobic Clowns; "Confirmation bias" and the ignorant; Bolt was so pro One nation but the time has come to shaft them; Privatize the planet pssst it's already privatized; Paving the way for Abbott; Upstaging,

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Panahi vs ABC apologist for a sharia advocate

Rita Panahi vs ABC host Rafael Epstein would always be a mismatch. But it's a walkover when Epstein, Jewish, has the hide to admonish, Panahi, of Iranian background, for not supporting a sharia-preaching ABC colleague. Smack!

Yes it's Bevis and Butthead Blair an Bolt back together again to try and work out who is infact the dumbest. let's start with the one who believes the mirror on the wall is telling him he's the smartest. Andrew Butthead Bolt.  Push his link and No 1 source  it goes back to Bolt's dumb post of yesterday. The 2 posts in fact the first admonishing the kooks and loons for name calling which then lead to his verbal vomit ona a young lady much brighter than him Yassmin Abdel- Magied. The only difference between Bolt and the leaders of One Nation was that his dump was larger.
Bolt's second source acknowledges Bevis Blair  however when you open it it in fact has nothing to do with the topic of the day so as far as dumb Cs are concerned Bolt is leading.
Now let's broach the issue and topic of Sharia Law and let's compare it with Christianity's biggest and best the Catholic Church and Cannon Law. Sharia Law accepts the law of the land Cannon law doesn't it over rides it. The confessional protects child molesters, murderers and thieves simply by the fact that the confessor is bound by by silence to forgive the sinner of all transgressions and not tell anyone what it is he's heard or been told at any time even if it proves him guilty. Basically it's protected priests, brothers and church members from the worst possible sins on their list and even the states. Sharia law demands that the laws of the land be respected and given that Islam can be found in 50 countries that are majority Muslim with differing languages and cultures that's a lot of varying cultures and  a lot of different demands to be respected above and beyond Sharia. Because some Muslims don't put or want to put Sharia second to the law of the land does not make Sharia's requirement of  respect less. That put's Bolt exceptionally further ahead in the dumb stakes along with Blair and Panahi
There was a time in the history of this country and not so long ago that Catholics weren't trusted int the politics of this nation in fact everyone was so surprised that 9 made up Abbott's cabinet. Simply put they weren't to be trusted because to be Catholic was to put ones allegiance to the Vatican ahead of the nation. "The Australian Constitution of 1901 guaranteed Freedom of Religion and the separation of church and state throughout Australia. Australia's first Catholic cardinal, Patrick Francis Moran (1830–1911), had been a proponent of Australian Federation but in 1901 he refused to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Commonwealth of Australia because precedence was given to the Church of England. He was criticised in The Bulletin for speaking against racist immigration laws and he alarmed Catholic conservatives by supporting Trade Unionism and the newly formed Australian Labor Party.[34]
    What place for the Catholic Church in 21st century Australia?
 It wouldn't be far fetched to say that the Protestant and Catholic divide was greater then than any other religious one. Basically when it comes to ignorance and dumbness Bolt is the Balck Caviar of the pack. 

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Labor panics over its 50% renewables promise

Labor suddenly realises its promise of 50 per cent renewable energy - mostly unreliable wind - is disastrously unrealistic. It would cost $48 billion and give us massively expensive electricity no one could trust to stay on. That's why Bill Shorten, Mark Butler and Chris Bowen suddenly couldn't speak straight.

There is never any regard given to the fact that that the nations of the world are so far in advance of us when it comes to Renewable energy. That Australia is so far behind and more expensive than they are. China leads the world in wind. Morocco is about to open the largest Solar plant on the planet and Andrew Bolt might as well be talking about his naval as far as hi interest in the world goes. Sweeden is about to make it illegal to burn fossil fuels of any kind and the lights haven't gone out and factories haven't shut their doors. Education is free as is health and homelessness is non existent. How is that Andrew Bolt? Is it because they put 'we' before 'me' unlike you? Bolt surely is Media's Mr ignorant.
Here they are Bevis and Butthead sniggering away laughing at Flannery and ignoring the fact that the planet is bigger than their backyard. That the hottest years on record have been this Century and the pattern hasn't changed. Who would they be kicking if there weren't a Tim Flannery whose singing "fools to the left of me Jokers to the right and here I'am stuck in the middle with you"

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Liberals blunder. Give pass to One Nation

Kyle Benton, in the latest fine edition of Spectator Australia, says the Liberals have made a huge mistake by legitimising One Nation. They've opened the door to madness - and all because they've lost touch themselves with the public.

Who was applauding One Nation after the last election Andrew Bolt. Who said she wasn't the Pauline Hanson of old and wasn't Abbott a knight for their  kiss and make Andrew Bolt. Who has swung 180 degrees because Abbott has said the Liberal Party was the true conservative party and those outside it are drongos Andrew Bolt. Who is outside the Party Andrew Bolt. Tony Abbott is publishing the book he never wrote but has his name on it next week. Guess what the coaching gist of it will be and guess who undeniably say it's great  Andrew Bolt. The fact is Andrew Bolt and Tony Abbott were legitimizing One Nation from the get go and now they are acting as if One Nation are just ferals you won't hear that from Andrew Bolt the man who says "trust me when I say"
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How many dud schemes can government think of?

The renewable target is yet another failed government scheme - and one backed by both Labor and the me-too Liberals. It has just given us more expensive and less reliable electricity, without doing a thing to stop global warming. Surprised it went splat? Then consider the appalling list of failed government schemes over the past decade:

 "But the point is: the chances of government failure in picking business winners is actually very high because the decision-making is corrupted by politicians wanting to please voters, buy off activists and woo a Left-wing media.
Conclusion: it is safer for government to leave business and technology decisions to the markets. It's own record is so bad that it simply cannot be trusted." Bolt

If this isn't a clarion call for the privatization principle and small government I'll go he. It's Bolt saying Donald Trump can make better business decisions why? Because he's a business man! He is however a very failed one if paid any attention to his history. Peter Foster is a business man as well . Countless governments have privatized government utilities on the promise of efficiency and lower costs none have been delivered. Bolt's list isn't an unbiased list. NBN would be up and running a brand new resource for everyone it's dead duck because of one man and his MXT Tony Abbott he alone fucked it up for nothing more than adversarial politics which demanded him to say "nope". "Less reliable electricity" AEMO the privatized energy organization is the guarantor of less reliable energy if that energy will cost it money or the public. Well let the public pay. Free tertiary education. Sweden , Slovenia , Norway and Finland have it We don't we have enormous  government sponsored debt. Bolt believes if it's cheaper in China we should send our kids there to buy it. The conservatives on any comparative measure are ensuring Australia is plummeting down the world list not just the OECD list. India just sent 106  communication satellites into space for  less cost than a Hollywood movie $73 mill we haven't made one yet maybe the Liberals will ring Branston and see what he's up to. We are chasing the Americans  who gave the job to the Indians 96 of those satellites were theirs. The last one they sent up cost $650 mill. It won't be long Bolt will be suggesting that Indians run the country and it might be that they will given the CEOs of the largest Multinationals are Indian. They are sure as hell smarter more innovative than Andrew Bolt encourages Australians to be. He doesn't see the need for science and math to be more than voluntary in our education programs. I wonder if that's why Bolt is so backward in those areas and becomes a name caller?

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Cormann to the rescue as Turnbull dithers

It seems clear that Finance Minister Mathias Cormann yesterday helped to force Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the Treasurer to give up a plan to cut on negative gearing tax concessions. Cormann was first tougher than both in playing down this tax increase and then on my show finally did what Turnbull still hadn't and ruled it out completely. 
  This has nothing to do with politics it's all to do about Bolt boosting. " "Actually, Cormann in the morning was clearly against the tax rise but had not definitively ruled it out. By evening he had, after having had Turnbull panicked into supporting whatever he'd said."Bolt Bolt has a habit of trying to boost himself because nobody else does. He's tried to rip Steve Price off Miranda Divine, He's denigrated his own colleagues if it helps to inflate himself. That's what this post is about. Corman broke it on my show not anybody elses.







Cormann: money stops Libs from telling truth about dud RET

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, a conservative hardhead, last night explained why the Liberals cannot tell the truth about their own renewable energy target - that it is useless, expensive and must go. The problem: it will cost us billions in penalties to speak out.

 Rather than attempt to fathom Andrew Bolt's Xenophobic score card of disaster not talked about by the Liberals that Bolt has busted. How does Australia compare with the rest of the world. Why are we so uniquely more expensive than other countries as Andrew Bolt makes out. What justifies our exceptionalism given the natural resources we have at hand? Why does Australia rank 110 Why is it we are ranked worse than 3rd world countries. That's the secret the LNP wants to keep.

"A new ranking of global energy and climate policies has placed Australia 110th in the world for development of renewable and low carbon energy sources and efficiency of supply – just after Benin and just before Trinidad and Tobago."

Australia ranks 110 in world for renewables development, energy ...
Nov 11, 2015 - A new ranking of global energy and climate policies has placed Australia 110th in the world for development of renewable and low carbon ...


 Global clean energy scorecard puts Australia 15th in the world day ago - Global clean energy scorecard puts Australia 15th in the world. February 15, 2017 ... Yet we rate equal 13th on this criterion, compared with 24th on renewable energy. It seems that many ... The rest of the world. Much of the ...

11 countries leading the charge on renewable energy - Climate Council





Cormann: money stops Libs from telling truth about dud RET

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, a conservative hardhead, last night explained why the Liberals cannot tell the truth about their own renewable energy target - that it is useless, expensive and must go. The problem: it will cost us billions in penalties to speak out.


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Senate chaos: Xenophon outvoted by own party

The curse of every minor party, including One Nation. The founder finds there are suddenly bandwagon-jumpers thinking they know better: "Xenophon has lost control of his own party, with two of his team refusing to support his decision to reach a compromise on the government’s welfare cuts." Result: an even more dysfunctional Senate.  
  The true reason why Andrew bolt is now declaring the Senate unworkable. Gillard could work it and negotiate the cross bench Abbott couldn't. We saw his time as PM blaming his inabilities to negotiate blamed on the hostile Senate. Tony was simply inadequate and almost set the Australian record for it. So he's going to give it a try because it's his last chance and he can't leave it too late to make his run. However his nemesis is still in place and even easier in some respects. Palmer is gone and Hanson is there along with Bernardi. Nevertheless the Senate brought Abbott undone and so Bolt is turning up the heat to make it sound worse paving the way if you like for another Abbott go ensuring if it fails the blame doesn't rebound back on him. " even more dysfunctional Senate" Bolt bull.

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