Tuesday 14 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 14/3/17; Cloud Cuckoo Land Bolt's land of Free Speech; Games in the Liberal Party;

Image result for Image of a beached whale

Flop? Hanson's One Nation now third in WA

I still hear commentators - on The ABC's The Drum just today, uncontradicted - gloat that Pauline Hanson had a car-crash result in Western Australia, getting just 4.7 per cent of the vote. This is false. One Nation's vote in the Legislative Council - where, unlike in the lower house, it ran in every seat - is now 7.92 per cent, ahead of the Greens

  Why is Andrew Bolt trying soooo hard in trying a Trump like struggle to impress us with the fact that West Australians think she's Joan d'Arc. They don't and didn't of course we know she didn't drown therefore she is a witch. But it's not the left or the right that turned their back on her it was the individuals of the WA electorate. All Bolt is doing is telling us WA isn't the coven. 4.7% is the State not your private club Mr Bolt. Remember the days when you claimed the Greens were 'nobody'. Well they were somebody in your home town Melbourne on your calculations. The funny thing is it's taken 4 days and Bolt the beached whale still can't float.

ON MY SHOWS - Pauline Ha wellnson on her "failure". And the ABC's Leak-hate

On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Pauline Hanson on what the media falsely spun as her "defeat' in Western Australia. And does this spell the end of playing nice with Malcolm Turnbull? Plus: a multicultural warning as Turkey stirs up Turks in Germany and Holland; South Australia's mad new power plan and the ABC sends off Bill Leak with hate. 
A Fake News Reality Program Pauline Hanson won in WA, Conservatives took a hit they are now denying. There was no shift ti the left in WA. Turkey wants Free Speech in Holland and Germany but not in Turkey, SA reveals the damage done by Abbott's refusal of a Nationally coordinated energy Plan that denied the reality that Australians own our resources Water, Power, and what's in the ground is ours. How is it Norway recognized it and why does Qattar make billions of dollars in royalties and we make none? Hate is free according to Bolt except when it's directed in reverse however Bolt calls the ABC silence hate along with their gift of a public forum. The Bolt Report is a Private is a one. simply look at the guest list.



The latest counting in the WA election shows One Nation's share of the vote in the upper house, where it concentrated its campaign, is now up to 7:74 per cent, only just behind the Greens' 7:86 per cent. That is despite One Nation having almost no organisation and campaigning badly. If One Nation "flopped", then so did the Greens.
No surprise is it that Bolt calls a major crash a 'flop' . He skews the stats the way he does Global Warming analyses them by localizing them never mind the election was for the State. The problem wasn't that the conservatives took a shellacking indicating a party in division. What Bolt doesn't say there was an almighty leap to the left if one actually considers Abbott Hanson and Bernardi as the measuring stick. Turnbull problem is that he's been hamstrung by conservatives ever since they were unable to accept the Liberal Party didn't want them in control because they were fucking what was regarded as a broad church


Malcolm Turnbull called a royal commission into youth detention in the Northern Territory just 10 hours after watching a desperately biased ABC documentary. His Government then appointed as a royal commissioner an Aboriginal activist who'd already called the NT Government guilty. What's followed has been utterly predictable and alarming.

  Remember ABBOTT's KANGAROO COURT into Trade Unions that was then called an Independant  and honest Royal Commission by Bolt . The Royal Commission into Child Molestation was  a KANGAROO COURT as far as Bolt the hanging of his client George Pell. Bolt is certainly a swinger when it comes to Royal Commissions or any Independent bodies set up to make inquiries. The ARHC, the ABC, etc etc. He even Brands them because they dare not be seen as the same. Abbott's was  given the respected title of a Government Royal Commission into Trade Unions. Dondale however has been named Turnbull's Royal Commission rather than the Government's.

 Well Dondale is an inquiry into all aspects of the Juvenile Justice  System not just the aspects Bolt is intent on highlighting like the victimization of guards. In the meantime I'm sure he will continue to give that sails because it draws attention away from the hysterics of Conservative politics at the moment and the division within. 

 Conservative politics whose only weapon is the creation of 'fear' and Bolt and the conservative media are the  masters of creating that fear.  Research has recently revealed that among children' s biggest fears is terrorists. Even among children who have never experienced terror other than that created by politicians and news men like Bolt for nothing more than political opportunity. They are the loudest supporters of 'free speech' as well. Is it any surprise?

But what the fuck Bolt doesn't give a rats about the children he even blames them at Dondale.Bolt as usual will try and distract from what is really going on the Commission is into the system not Dylan Voller or Tasker. Bolt does what he usually does talk about Global Warming he will talk about a prediction  Joe Blow made . Talk of the thrashing One Nation got in the WA State Election and Bolt will want to talk about in a single electorate basically his talk is generally about avoiding the topic altogether and he's doing it here as well.




So how does the ABC, the  taxpayer-funded giant, farewell Bill Leak? Insiders ignored his death in its (pre-recorded) Talking Pictures segment, where its guest was a "satirist" who'd vilified him as a racist. Then Laura Tingle dismisses Leak as a mere provocateur who went strange, which "perplexed" her. And Q&A last night staged a mass-hate.

  Bolt attacks the ABC who after a week makes or more doesn't make comments about Bill Leak. Yes you can be accused of bias by Bolt even if you don't say anything. However Andrew Bolt first response to the news of Leaks death was to promote himself.  Bill Leak was only his tool to acquire an audience and exploitation of the dead even before his family had a chance to mourn. 
Bolt ran ads about the Bolt Report clambering to get on top of Leaks body before anybody else did declaring he was a 'friend'. Strange isn't it  because Bolt has publicly stated he doesn't have too  many friends and this is the first time he's mentioned Leak as being one. Are all Andrew Bolt's friends dead?
Bill Leak and Andrew Bolt have said they had to move house because people exercised their right to 'free speech ' in their case a fatwa. Can you imagine just how quickly we be bankrupted if we were all forced to move out of the fear that free incitement could bring. Incitement or speech which Bolt and Leak regarded as everybody's right. Debating has rules, society has manners or assumed rules there isn't a place on the planet that Bolt or Leak can name that has exercised the right to 'free speech' they imply and in the manner they want. They weren't just racists but fools who don't recognize anyone bur themselves and that's the pity.
 'Free speech' doesn't exist but that's not their issue. Their issue was with the AHRC an advisory body an umpire if you like called on to mediate and if they couldn't  it  allowed for all parties for the  law to take over. These two dickheads Bolt and Leak were free to lock themselves in a room if they liked and argue with others of their ilk till the cows came home. That's a moot argument. However we live in reality and apply civilized rules to resolve issues. We do treat people as individuals unlike Bill and Bolt who turn individuals into negative stereotypes with their  application of free speech.
 Name anywhere in time or space where Bolt's notion of 'free speech' actually exists or existed. 


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Scott Ryan claimed to be a conservative but was one of the plotters who knifed Tony Abbott, claiming Malcolm Turnbull was much better. Turnbull rewarded him by making him minister, but Ryan's increased power has not increased his judgement: He is accused of leaking the expenses of colleague Greg Hunt and Turnbull has called it. (Ryan denies it.)

  "Ryan is now plotting to get Michael Kroger sacked as Victorian Liberal president."Bolt

More often than not you need to start at the end of Bolt's posts to realize the real motive behind Bolt's posts. It's not the principle but the team and Bolt is part of Kroger's team and not the Liberal one. The team was trashed in WA if and when you recognize the Liberals are divided into Moderates and Conservatives. The Conservatives were sent a more than strong message in WA. Bolt feels Ryan betrayed his team "Scott Ryan claimed to be a conservative"Bolt So this disparagement of and individual in a broad church the Liberal Party is all bullshit it's the disparagement of a principled Liberal whose not on Bolt's wrecking ball team. He hopes will be returned to the control of a totally fucked party to be re-lead by Tony Abbott. Victoria well it's really a secondary issue really a diversion from the pain the conservatives suffered in WA

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