Monday, 27 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,27/3/17; Bolt's a blog thief proof below He just can't be trusted; Bolt's really come up short derision seems to be the order of the day which is flattery; Any way here is some real Global Climate Science; Along with Bolt's Flipping and lack of English corrected: Poll dancing; Bolt's stealing his own work or is it?


  Bolt proves he operates on the margin  his intent is to marginalize and make sure those marginalized positions are maintained heard and grown. He's amplifying problems that don't exist in Australia and is avoiding the real problem solving that needs attending. The economy, housing, health and education are rarely addressed. These can only be  resolved by the majority of Australians and politicians at the center of politics. Labor and Liberals joining together to solve real problems rather than allow idiots like Bolt and other extremists yell abuse at each other. SLAM is a case in point of extremist issues not Australian ones
The Liberal and  Labor  Party moderates need to not always be adversaries to the degree that their Liberal and Labor wackos are doing trying to make the tail wag the dog. The Center right or left are t need to become problem solvers of real issues and not trivia. Section 18 C, Marriage Equality Freedom of Religion Safe schools aren't SLAM they aren't even  problems to be resolved.  They involve a minority of Australians who are discriminated against and deserve inclusion and a 'fair go'. Section 18 C &D isn't broken we aren't even talking about it at dinners so why fix them? Marriage Equality does not effect Andrew Bolt in any way form or shape, and neither does  Safe schools.  We all want for our children safe and not used and abused. These are nothing more than political footballs used by the extremists in the Liberal Party  used  for nothing more than personal political gain and distracting us from the reality of concern of the majority of Australians who don't give a shit about who is in government but getting the job done. They want the problems solved not explanations for not. There is no indication that they want the divisive extremists sitting in the ACT  taking up time and money going SLAM over trivia to gain  power  like Trump, like Abbott  both did in opposition coming to power but unable to govern.
 Turnbull biggest mistake and Bill Shortens will be too is not attending to the real problems we face and just dealing with in fighting. Bolt since Cronulla has taken Muslim hatred from 9% to 30% simply because of his position in the media. He's revived sexual and racial bigotry to a level that hasn't been seen since the poofter bashing days but with a twist he's blaming it on Islam.   On a daily basis used his position to harass, offend, insult etc etc  Australians for political traction of the fringe. Extremists all say extreme things to each other individuals do but the shit isn't all published and spread across the media it's distributed by Bolt. Bolt has the platform  News Corp and uses it to promote and  distribute hate and division. When Corporations do it we are allowing hate into our Institutions. News Corp isn't an individual it's a Multinational organization and it's spreading the same message globally. It's primary reason for existence is financial and Bolt is merely a pawn in it's business model which has no loyalty to Australia. It's allies are business and politicians whose interest serves business and politicians of a kind not to serve the general population but to manage it. SLAM

If Republicans Reach Out To Democrats We Could ‘Marginalize The Extremes’ |







 Food for Thought

 Andrew Bolt's position isn't clear. However he's pro One Nation. He's determinately anti- Islam and his socialization and formative years are from the culture of Aalsmeer the Netherland's most infamous Nazi supportive towns during WW2. Like Trump, like Hitler like  Tony Abbott Bolt wants Australia to be Great Again.  He  Abbott and Hanson maintain Muslims haven't joined or are group that are a threat to Team Australia. Simply denying he has a Nazi attitude in the face of these and many other correlations and similarities no longer seem sufficient enough to accept these denials.

Not all One Nation supporters are Nazis, but all Nazis are One Nation supporters.

We remember where this logic takes us.

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No not at all however Andrew Bolt is. He has moved is first three posts of the day and made them the last why? He is simply trying to cover the fact that he's done no work and is trying to treat his followers as MORONS. Conning his readers that he really reads and cares. Over 4 of his posts are repeats dating back to 15th and the 22nd of the month. Yes he's the posts around to try to hide the fact and hopes nobody will notice. Andrew Bolt gets thicker with each passing day. He's plagiarizing his own work and not declaring it.

This was post below was posted on the 15/3/17 Bolt can't be TRUSTED. Examples of FAKE WORK not done today appear all over today's Blog. Just follow the Comments and you will see the time gap. Will Bolt apologise for his blunder make an excuse or stay silent? No he's trying to cover it up which makes him the leader of the Moron Movement.

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It was hard to hear Arthur Sinodinos for all the rain belting down last week, but I could just hear him say he’d been sucked in by the global warmings. Trust the experts, said the Science Minister. So I went looking for Tim Flannery, but found him in exactly the wrong spot- 3000 kms from Warragamba dam.
  Yes it's raining and Andrew Bolt  the largest  media moron when it comes to anti- global warming science is bellowing about the rain up North why? To prove Global Science is wrong. Bolt hasn't a brain he simply has been given a paid platform at News Corp to preach  the uncertainty principle of the Science that been progressing and moving forward for the past 75 years. Is Bolt akin to the anti Vaxxer yes he certainly is as they haven't been moving forward at all and are a danger. Is he akin to a  flatearther yes he is. Is he a liar when it comes to the facts that are already on the table and about which there is a 97% consensus yes he is. Is there a single point on which Bolt has proven he's even talking about the invalidity of global warming yes of course he thinks he has it's raining up North. "It was hard to hear Arthur Sinodinos for all the rain belting down last week, but I could just hear him say he’d been sucked in. " Bolt
Let's hear the news that Bolt thinks is so unimportant today shall we rather than listen to him deride Gillard, Flannery and Sinodinos. Derision from Bolt or News Corp is akin to flattery and is best seen as throwing in of the towel. Bolt actually makes the News Corp org look like a ship of fools

 The Extent Of Winter Ice At The Poles In 2017 Is Deeply Disturbing | IFLScience
  Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising at the fastest rate ever recorded – The Washington Post
Some people no nations seem to be listening. Here is what two of the largest think

 China is now the largest producer of solar power in the world 
  China’s coastal sea levels rise to record high, experts blame climate change: Shanghaiist
 India -Energy -Video
  World abandoning coal in dramatic style raises hope of avoiding dangerous global warming, says report



EXCUSE me: are you of the Left? Then aren’t you ashamed by the moron movement that the Left now represents? How does it feel to be in a mob now burning books, torching cartoons, censoring videos, threatening companies, suing students and shutting debates with violence? Here are 10 examples.
 Here we have Andrew Bolt caught in the act of schoolyard arguing. 1) calling out names and 2) flipping the arguments.  "Your a moron" "no your a moron" is the sound of schoolyard intelligence. In this case it's the Left that are the Fascists for calling the extreme right Fascists. What Bolt fails to understand is Fascist has a specific meaning it when Government and the Corporate world unite to control a nation. When finance and the government unite for control. "How does it feel to be in a mob now burning books, torching cartoons, censoring videos, threatening companies, suing students and shutting debates with violence?"Bolt If this were actually happening it would feel great because it would be protest. Protest against suffocating control of Fascism an extremely liberating and progressive feeling as were the protests against Vietnam. However it's not the case.
Furthermore when Bolt says"I’m sure you once thought being of the Left meant you were against fascists. But aren’t you embarrassed to find you are now exactly what you condemn?" He is reversing the very meaning of the word Fascism basically making it meaningless in the world of political science. History tells us Bolt is simply blowing wind and banging a drum yelling over that schoolyard fence. The wannabe fascist calling those he opposes fascists because they simply think he's a moron. He says he's more indigenous than Cathy Freeman too.



More posts The one thing certain about Andrew Bolt is he's s Poll swinger. One minute he's laughing at polls because they got it wrong pointing out just how inaccurate they are making up his own. Today they are on the button. So what we have here is a weather cock he's back a full 180 degrees. If you actually look at how Bolt generally uses numbers he simply tries to squeeze them like marshmallows into his money box of conclusions.  Pauline Hanson's slump in the WA election from 14% to less than 5% becomes a win when Bolt says she achieved a 8.4% success rate int the electorates she won and a 100% success rate in her party room.  He takes statistically insignificant numbers such as 26 child brides in 2014 in NSW and says "you can guess where they come from" to make his conclusion sound 100% statistically significant. Bolt's a swinger with numbers in and out of love with them depending on if they can be squeezed into his dowry box of extremist conclusions. What would happen to the polls if the News Corp influence was removed? 

Notice just how comical Bolt is with his doctored stats hat on. 

1) he uses the language "significantly"

2) he says 55-45 is "worse" than 54-46 and then in the same breathe says it's "better". If I recall the 2014 budget wasn't disastrous according to Bolt  it was the misunderstood budget. Can Bolt do anything other than swing?


... the 55-45 lead for the opposition is worse than the 54-46 two-party result recorded in August 2015, weeks before Tony Abbott was removed as leader by Mr Turnbull. It is only two percentage points better than Mr Abbott's worst ever Fairfax-Ipsos result, 56-44, which came soon after the disastrous May 2014 budget.
A poll for Bolt
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Bolt did it in reverse

  Inheritance is the foundation of Capitalism, Power, and the direct opposite of a level playing field. It blurs any notion of a meritocracy and allows up and coming 60 year olds like Bolt to blackmail his children with the donkey's carrot. Inheritance he applauds it on the basis of some weird myth of a natural order when in fact Bolt's personal road to success was via his wife Sally Morell not through any achievements of his own. In fact his Personal history has been one of failure not success. 

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The Council recognizes Reality the total mix of it's electorate and not the denial of it. Monash is very much Multicultural Australia it's center is the University. It's not just the singular culture Bolt wants it to be. However he spends an inordinate amount of effort talking about this myth he has never really or clearly defined other than by flags ,uniforms, pomp and ceremony.  Is that what goes on behind the closed doors at the Bolt house flags pomp and ceremony? Is that what he teaches his kids is  Australian Culture? Bolt has Dutch dogs, he grows a Dutch garden, he listens to and is proud of his knowledge of German and Italian music and he no doubt drives an imported car. He even holidays in Holland and has duel citizenship.  He whinges like a "pom" and doesn't really celebrate anything in large community groups  he even hated his kids PTA meetings. Bolt is a suburban isolate and expects that of us as well. That I believe defines the man with the voice who wants to place us in his box.

 Image result for Image of Democracy separation of church and state  
Who does Bolt sound like


The ABC measures every diversity except diversity of thought: "ABC boss Michelle Guthrie's push for diversity ... shows women make up 45 per cent of executives, while just 12 per cent of senior staff come from non-English speaking backgrounds." Not mentioned: the ABC has not one conservative host a mainstream current affairs show.

" Now, why don’t both organisations now measure conservatives vs Leftist at their organisations to check whether they really do reflect intellectual diversity at their organisations, or whether taxpayers are in fact funding citadels of Leftist groupthink, reinforced by the identity politics that’s dividing us into a nation of tribes?" Bolt
 There has been a very old Cultural saying in Australia never speak religion or politics at a party  that we are a Democracy and as such have the freedom to vote and the freedom of faith . Bolt seems to want to change that it he breaking a core tradition and Australian value the freedom to change our votes and our religion are  personal freedoms.  Bolt wants those legally absolved which is not a drift to Conservatism but a drift away from Democracy and towards Fascism. The Bolt Report might be over produced  single minded and biased crap. However if their CV for employment requires applicants to state their Politics and Religion  their could be a open legal case  against Skye for discrimination. It seems Bolt isn't Australian enough to understand our "freedoms".
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Bolt says he works an 80 hour week three posts below are posts from last week or the week before. Isn't that PLAGIARISM??

 Last Weeks Post 21/3/17


Last week MYOB was one of the companies demanding the Turnbull Government legislate for same-sex marriage. This week its chairman - a friend of Malcolm Turnbull is made chairman of the ABC. I suspect the Left's stranglehold will not be broken.

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 Last Weeks Post 22/3/17


Labor leader Bill Shorten attacks Malcolm Turnbull's free speech reforms with a question: “What insult do they want people to be able to say that they cannot say now?” As lawyer Justin Quill and I tried to explain last night without getting sued, the law now makes it dangerous to question the racism and identity politics of the Left.

It must be lazy Monday this like the one below is a copy of last weeks post all that's changed is the banner. He's done the same below as well. If he was in school he'd be busted for cheating and recognized for it. 

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  Stealing Last Weeks Posts and being paid

Posted 22/3/17 

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What a disgrace. The Liberals finally got a chance to appoint a chairman who might tackle the ABC's rampant Left-wing bias and it instead picked a Turnbull mate who refuses to even admit there's a problem: “I don’t come to the job thinking I need to fix the perceived bias in the ABC because I don’t know that there really is a bias."
  Hear the truth from the man who posts his stale old blogs as if they are today's truth. Today's truth is the new Chairman of the ABC Milne said "I like ABC for news like all Australians do because the ABC attempts to be unbiased, it attempts to tell it right down the middle...". He's right the ABC is the most trusted news source in the country and 85% of Australians support it. Like they support Marriage Equality. and  reject hate speech all of which is the opposite of what Andrew Bolt has to say. Today we even see first hand what a rip off he is padding his day's worl with blogs posted as far back as 15/3/17. If we lived in a just world and he worked for me I'd give him the sack the sack for theft. He gets paid to do the work not pretend to do the work. 
What is amazing Bolt wants the Public Service appointments vetted according to the staff's voting predilections. When will  governments  after vetting which could take anything up to or over a year. Bolt obviously isn't Australian where our Democracy and our Religion are sacrosanct and private. Where does Bolt come from? He certainly needs assimilation to our multicultural way of life and it's guaranteed freedoms he wants shut down. Australia isn't Don Dale Bolt and your so disappointed.

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