Sunday 26 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/3/17; Bolt's Day of Derision; Pushing Australia to be Sth Africa, Bolt believes Hanson will be sharing political space in WA; Bolt the friend of the Jews.

  Image result for Image of Institutionalized Racism


Another sign that we cannot assume that we assimilate immigrants from the Middle East, or that their culture is benign: "A child bride is reported to NSW authorities every two weeks, prompting calls for an urgent inquiry into under-age forced marriages."  
" "Muslim" or "Middle East" are not mentioned, but I am sure we can take it as read:" Bolt
 Bolt's open and racist un -Australian bigotry is on display for all to see and he's paid by News Corp to spread it. When he says "it can be taken as read" it bears no relationship to the known facts but his own prejudice Is only talking about Muslims in Australia who come from some 130+ diverse nations and  cultures? Or is he referring to only people from the  Middle East  who make up a number of diverse faiths not just Muslim? Is he talking about a Muslim cultural practice or could he be talking about Australia 'Travelers' or Gypsyies who are fundamentally Christian. Bolt doesn't want to be specific because he knows his argument holds water like a rusty bucket.
 The number of complaints made to Child protection is in the 1000s upon thousands generally complaints about Christian families that are far worse but can I say "it can't be taken as read" Incest, pimping, pedophilia are among many. The very notion of Bolt logic 'it can be taken as read' is Bolt attaching his bigotry to a crime. It's what he did no does with carjacking 'it can be taken as African' or any body who disagrees with him 'It can be read as left'. When reality says it cant and what he's referring to is as diverse as Australia.  
  Bolt's want however is for Australian Muslim Bigotry and racism  to become systemic that is incorporated into Australian laws Institutions and Culture. It's his want to become a racist nation.   Is this typical of  Agnostic Australians or can be 'taken as read'  that it is because Bolt seems to believe he's someones  representative stereotype? According to Bolt logic I can because he has a variety of followers who however can't be reduced to Andrew Bolt. However  can we assume  that extreme right wing bigots and racists like Bolt will one day be assimilated into Australia,no! They more than any other persons will remain the clarions of hate and complaint we will always hear their complaints about the half full cup.  The more relevant question is why do Australian Multinational corporations give them a platform to divide Australia? If it wasn't Bolt being paid it would be some other ass.
Yes of the 26 cases reported Andrew Bolt will use them for his personal want  to boost Individual bigotry to a Systemic, and Cultural level institutionalize Racism and Islamophobia and place it fairly and squarely into our immigration policies and laws just as was once practiced in Sth Africa, the Southern of the USA and Germany during WW2. 
 Image result for Image of the nationals sharing with Hanson


After all those media claims that One Nation bombed in the WA election comes this final result: Pauline Hanson's party has won three seats in the Legislative Council, sharing the balance of power. And that's from a standing start.

Trying so hard to make Hanson look a winner. Boosting her State % from under 5% to 8% by not referring to the State at all only the seats she won. Further suggesting she's "sharing " the balance of power pray tell "sharing" with who Andrew Bolt The Nationals, The Greens, Liberal Democrats , the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers? Which of these will be sharing her political space Andrew Bolt can't see an Andrew Bolt Party just a mouth.



Sally McManus, the new ACTU secretary, has a disturbing totalitarian instinct to ban others from doing what she doesn't. She doesn't want simply to ban contact with Israel, land of the Jews, but breast implants, botox,

Andrew Bolt the misogynist who ridiculously claims he's for women prefers that they get paid less than men that's perfectly understandable. As is the fact they are required to pay X10 + each time to have their hair done in order They are required to pay 30-50% more for clothes etc etc  in order to
" feel more attractive to men." The internalized norm taught in Bolt's world.  How successful is Sally Morell battling to stay appealing to her Lord? Not very given the amount of time Andrew Bolt spends being self involved with himself. You actually sense that when Bolt snidely says of Sally Mc Manus "but her passion and personal example suggests some conviction here." He has never been heard to compliment his wife Sally Morrell as he has been complimenting other women. Blow-ups aplenty At Home With The Bolts - Crikey However he turns very quickly against them and forgets their looks when they don't bow before him. Miranda Devine an obvious case fell very quickly from Bolt's "Devine Miranda". The would be once "minder to a belly dancer" is full of not only himself but wants News Corp Culture as revealed by Roger Ailes to be the core of ours
Apart from that Bolt seems to tell us he's a friend of the Jews why? The Culture he was socialized into as a child actually killed more in relative terms than even the Germans did. Apart from that Bolt 's significant others all come from and were raised in the worst  and most reputed Dutch town for doing just that. Aalsmeer. Apart from that Bolt really hasn't a clue to call Israel "the Land of the Jews" is the equivalent of saluting and clicking ones heels while saying it and declaring what  that state is fast becoming a mirror of Fascism

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