Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 13/6/17; Bolt deflects violence with Charity isn't that a Sharia Law? Bolt worked for Labour; Credlin admired the soul of the DUP; Bolt's Rule Generalze, Generalize and Generalize;

Story image for image of the DUP from Belfast Telegraph


My editorial from The Bolt Report - what are the Liberals for if they agree to Malcolm Turnbull's new carbon tax?

1) Policies that can be negotiated and bills that can be passed.
2) Australians want to move on and not lag behind therest of the world. Labor lost the election that Abbott never won and the ambience of this country changed with a leader that everyone kept apologizing for even Andrew Bolt. The problem the apology used as an excuse.
3) Emissions regulation is more than just a Carbon Tax it's an investment into a cleaner future that realizes Climate Change is a problem but Clean Energy is value worth fighting for
4) Industry, Finance and Australians are all for progress which only comes with  certainty and political stability. Conservatives don't play or believe in the "we" game of a nation.
5) Investment  will only follow where the path to the future is certain and it currently isn't in coal globally. The future is not in coal as communications wasn't in copper wire and Abbott's Nope to Labor's NBN
6) The Liberals may just have come to learn they work for us Australians and not just their donors or lobby groups like the IPA. that tha nation wants more than just a political party fighting among it's own members resulting in the regressive thinking of the past 3 years. That's not Turnbull either it was Tony Abbott leader of Australia's DUP equivalent.
7) Should Abbott win be prepared for Andrew Bolt to be seen celebrating the win raising an ISIS flag in much the same way the DUP celebrated Theresa May's Loss.
DUP man celebrated election with photo of terror group flag in ...


The Unadulterated Truth: A Brief Factual Account of Hidden History in Our Time| You think it couldn't happen here?

“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, far removed from the political arena. For one simple reason: to force the Italian public to turn to the state to ask for greater security… so people would willingly trade part of their freedom for security.”





  Image result for The Red Pill


 Bolt's attention to this movie is brought about by  1) Cassie Jaye's movie is about as spurious as Andrew Bolt's arguments on Reverse sexism and reverse racism. and 2) Waleed Aly didn't obviously promote this poorly presented and explained film. Dr. Aly has been Bolt's nemesis in both coherent argument and his public image the reverse of Bolt's and what he would like his to be with respect ratings and appreciation.
" But “The Red Pill” (the title is a reference to “The Matrix”) only exacerbates that divide with its uncritical, lopsided presentation and inability to craft a compelling argument regarding a topic this controversial” — LA Times
" “Red Pill offers an explanation for a single outrageous essay (which is said to have been a satirical response to an allegedly anti-male article elsewhere), but ignores the rest. In doing so, the film all but guarantees that the movement’s opponents will conclude Jaye isn’t worth listening to” — Hollywood Reporter

" The film-maker has entirely failed to address the main phenomenon she set out to investigate, and the protesters have shut down (and, in so doing, wildly over-promoted) a film because of something that's not actually in it.

It's an absurdity that only modern PR and online activism could create." Annabel Crabbe

It seems Bolt has been caught up in promoting a movie undeserving of any promotion. His return to slime Waleed Aly and only that.

"Banning or silencing this movie is not only daft; it also generates pretty much the only effective PR the thing could hope for. Left alone, one suspects it would quietly be interred in an unmarked grave." Crabbe

What Bolt is promoting seems to be crap on film arguing even crap should be shown and not banned. It's a self-interested necessity on his part. Andrew and Waleed treated it with the reality it deserved. There is no reverse sexism there has however been progress in the lives of women culturally, but less so economically. Some men find that drive for equality nerve racking but that's hardly a reverse sexist issue as much as it is a refusal to accept the push for equality.

Bolt's show selling pap and poor journalism.






 If a politician can be fined for violence against a Journalist how is it Bolt can't be charged for excessive violence against two pranksters who merely glittered him. Bolt was a blind and raging bull he blamed everyone but himself for what happened. A photographer, in particular, was accused of simply doing his job. Had he stayed Bolt was liable to do him major harm as well. Why aren't our police doing anything to counter that level of violence? There is a very poor example being set. How is it the photographer that shot the video hasn't made a statement? The whole story is Bolt's if he owns it one might well ask is it true and the police should given the video.

Montana Republican fined $385 and spared jail after pleading guilty to assaulting Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs on the eve of Gianforte’s election
Source: Greg Gianforte sentenced to community service for assaulting Guardian reporter | US News | The Guardian
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Isn't Tim Cox merely doing openly what so many other ABC presenters do from behind the mic? Or is the real difference that he's helping Labor, rather than the Greens?
  Bolt doesn't seem to even begin to understand the fundamental values held by Australian Democracy and the ballot box. Your vote and your religion are things never talked about in public and are your private affair. To not believe that is not to be Australian. After all, Andrew Bolt once worked for the Labor Party. Should we call him a turn coat someone never to be trusted who is merely a self-serving media man ready to lie for any dollar? Probably but not for the reasons he offers in condemning Tim Cox. Cox has won media awards the only award Bolt has won is a conviction for poor and loose journalism.

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She's right about the Liberals, you know. Time to take Cory Bernardi very seriously.
Unlike the UK Tories who have sold their soul to Ireland's DUP the extreme Conservatives of the UK. The Christian Zionists who resemble the Sharia police of Saudi Arabia culturally. The Loyalist Militia of the DUP train Israel's IDF in apartheid and population control and would you believe they believe the planet is 6000 years old? That's the soul that Credlin is referring to the soul of the true Conservatives like Bernardi and Abbott.
 Image result for Image UK Police


London police chief Cressida Dick praises the diversity of the London jihadists' victims: "It's desperately sad and poignant but among those who died is someone who's British, there are French, Australian, Canadian, Spanish." She forgets the killers are also diverse - Morroccan, Pakistani and Moroccan/Italian, but united in this: they're Muslim.  
  The king pin of media Islamophobia Andrew Bolt is mocking the head of the UK police as he did the head of ASIO and when Orlando occurred the head of the FBI at the time. Muslims are all powerful, all evil, all have a deep hate for Western Culture and all have a desire and propensity for violent Jihad. That's the generalized premise and stereotype from which Bolt begins. Yes, he does say "some" Muslims aren't like that but "some" is to be defined and in his world, some are verging on "most" heading towards "all". Christians on the other hand are the opposite of all of this. "All" verging on " most" and allowing for the exception of  "some" represent the ideal of humanity as proven by Capitalism and Western Culture.
Anybody who doubts these fundamental truths is either blind, an apologist or left wing manipulator of wholesome values. 
These are the premises that Andrew Bolt applies in daily life the stereotypes that justify his condemning Politicians, Police, and Religious spokesmen as apologists of calling any Muslim a terrorist or one in waiting and the extreme right wing as heroic crusaders with nothing in mind but our protection. It's why he will praise and hail the IDF, the DUP, the KKK the UPF as true believers united in their cause not allow the West to be defeated. He supports the truth of the ISIS word because he believes it lends urgency to the cause of population control and surveillance here. It lends cause to Tony Abbott's claim he couldn't rule because of a hostile Senate and if he were PM again he would justifiably change our parliamentary system which is fundamentally too democratic. 
Bolt believes in the truth of that and your politics and religion aren't private and like Pol Pot, your fate should be determined by that cultural mix. 

Image result for Image of the mining lobby


Judith Sloan on Malcolm Turnbull's mad electricity plan, which he's claiming will lower prices: "Renewables will go from 28 per cent of electricity generation in 2020... to 42 per cent in 2030. The forecast fall in electricity prices is a truly ridiculous proposition." UPDATE: It's a new carbon tax, but watch them dodge the word.
 Is a carbon tax a tax on coal no it's a tax on emissions and if Coal happens to be the greatest emitter it will be taxed because it has to clean up it's act.  Bolt would be fined if he's a hoarder and his front yard an eyesore if his property became too unsightly and a danger to others. It would be cheap to maintain but expensive to clean up.  Bolt's cobbled the mining lobby News Corp and the IPA  to argue what? Coal is cheaper, well sorry it's no longer cheaper and it's not producing an increase in jobs either. That a transition to renewables to 42% by 2030 is a heated rush? Germany Denmark and other places are there now. Germany peaked at 85% which is almost zero cost energy imagine the investment rush. California has turned it's back on Trump and has signed a coalition pact with Germany.
 Oh yes, coal is good because we are helping India and it's poor Goyal has stated that's crap. The only reason they are using coal today is that they built the new power stations which were a mistake they regret. The power stations that run on cleaner coal than India's which has no shortage of. However, India intends importing less coal and the Adani mine isn't of any priority to them. Certainly not in the way Bolt claims it is. The Adani mine is a short term scam by a scam artist and stupidity in long term planning.


Bjorn Lomborg: "In 2040 – even if everyone including Trump lives up to their Paris promises – solar and wind will produce less than 3% of global energy." So why are we spending billions of dollars on technologies that will be negligible contributors to world energy?" And what difference will it make to the temperature?
  "“We see clear winners for the next 25 years – natural gas but especially the wind and solar – replacing the champion of the previous 25 years, coal,” said Dr. Fatih Birol, the IEA's executive director. “But there is no single story about the future of global energy: in practice, government policies will determine where we go from here.” Head of IEA
So what's Bolt banging on about? Lomborg is misquoting the IEA completely it seems. Coal and oil are falling back Natural Gas is on the rise and we now have a domestic shortage due to poor political planning.

“Renewables make very large strides in coming decades but their gains remain largely confined to electricity generation,” said Dr. Birol. “The next frontier for the renewable story is to expand their use in the industrial, building and transportation sectors where enormous potential for growth exists.”
 The images posted on Facebook by DUP man Ian Stevenson

DUP man celebrated election with a photo of terror group flag in Downing Street


A reader on the UK poll: "The Conservatives won but lost, Labour lost but won, the SNP won and lost in Scotland but still won, and the Conservatives won in Scotland but lost. UKIP lost but because of BREXIT they’ve already won, and Ms. May is being told to resign because she didn't win and she won't because she won even though she lost."
 The DUP the absolute weirdo's of the UK won the world is 6000 years old sums them up. They are the soul that Credlin wishes we had.


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David Crowe is unfair: " Tony Abbott ...  argued yesterday that a scheme to reward 'clean' power ... was effectively a tax on coal: 'And that’s the last thing we want.' So why did Abbott [promise to] cut greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent by 2030?"  Because the Senate would not let him slash that target further to zero.
"True, and the most relevant question now is: what would Abbott do if he were Prime Minister today?"Bolt
He would change our political system and ensure a hostile Senate was impossible. He would increase Security and surveillance and get rid of the ABC. He would appoing News Corp personnell as head of his press. Boasically Abbott would turn Australia into a Fascist state consolidating the alliance of government Corporations and Media. Abbott wanted to shirt front Putin and wanted to go to war in the Ukraine. He wanted to become a member of NATO. All becaus in his mind we aren't an Asian country. Yes Abbott  has the soul of the DUP

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How we laughed: "The University of Manitoba's multi-year, multi-million dollar climate change study has been put on ice for a year - because of climate change itself. [The] 40 scientists on the Canadian icebreaker CCGS Amundsen ... realized the ship was needed elsewhere due to the continued extreme ice conditions." 
Bolt has nothing left in his armory of Climate denials so he turns to weather jokes rather than any relevant facts. His last attempt was the guy saying he was a sceptic not a denier and in his next sentence saying Climate change is baloney and doesn't exist. But the calibre of most of Bolt's arguments is much the same piss weak, not warm not even baloney just spam

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Chris Kenny on the $22 million-a-year Human Rights Commission that's been so discredited by president Gillian Triggs: "A government deeply in debt, strapped for cash and unable to muscle up on any of the crucial cultural issues of our time ought to seize the obvious opportunity. Stop the search. Save the dollars. Scrap the commission." Yes.
 Two days ago Bolt brought fists to bear claiming in grandiose fashion how he was fighting for the rights of "free speech"  Furthermore he called for conservatives around Australia to do the same boots and all. It was according to Bolt time to stand and fight. If that's not a call for violence I don't know what is and Bolt has a platform to do it unlike the average Australian.
According to Chris Kenny an AHRC is unnecessary and according to Bolt the front runner for Trigg's job is unnecessary because he hasn't been seen on the "battlefield". It seems to me Bolt is proving that the AHRC is very necessary given the level of violence he resorted to in Carlton and when he called his fellow conservatives to apply the same on the "battlefield" of "free speech". Bolt is hardly the voice of a civilized debate, when calling for violence, is it?


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Judith Sloan on Turnbull's mad electricity plan: "Renewables will go from 28 per cent of electricity generation in 2020... to 42 per cent in 2030. The forecast fall in electricity prices is a truly ridiculous proposition." Terry McCrann: "We can supposedly cut our annual power bills by around $90 a year by first spending nearly $900 billion." 
 Bolt is the man locked in a barn with a shotgun firing erratically but missing the walls. Globally coal is on it's way out and the only reason our power bills have gone up is the price of Natural Gas has due to the fact of it's demand in Asia no, world wide. Politics has simply got in the way of common sense. Globally coal is on the way out and faster than anyone predicted so much so it can't get financed. Government intervention simply seems a cry for a socialist move by governments to intervene on it's behalf. An emissions scheme is an emissions scheme mining is mining both have consequences one altruistic the other not. When a Chief Minister of India declares that they are reducing the import of coal to a minimum and not planning any more power stations and the use of coal globally has come to a standstill and will soon be going backwards where is the logic in the Adani mine that will be a robotic producer risking the reef and scarring the land in a shrinking market.
Great however for Adani he's being given $1 bill of our money to manage from an account in the Caymans. Adani has has track record from diamond sorter to multi-billionaire in just over 30 years and Bolt and crew believe he's as pure as the driven snow. He comes from  a nation that can't run without corruption. Sloan and McCrann are business experts give me a break compared to Indian banyars and in particular Gujus they know absolutely nothing. Adani made is money in his early years in the 80s from smuggling diamonds to HK and back the same diamonds exported and smuggled back and reexported again for government subsidies. They made tax free millions because they were exporters. Furthermore it was being done in plain sight and funded by the government as well. Mad yes politically driven financial advisers like McCrann Sloan are mad along with both political parties wanting to curry the electorates favor without opening their eyes to who they are dealing with. Blind and mad one and all.
Here is an example of what comes naturally in India.https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19030413_10154556994801767_7679373419317404292_n.jpg?oh=64cff523454ba0062fdee02f04c700aa&oe=599CDA50 

They are more frightened of Trump because he is more likely to stir up a real hornet's nest and and have gays lose lives and rights hard fought over the years. The dud above was a self interested psychotic who had access to a gun yes but Trump has access to a system capable of organized oppression. Omar didn't have any of those possibilities apart from the US gun laws.

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