See your electricity bill soar 20 per cent this month? That’s proof you’ve been conned by politicians flogging mad global warming schemes. Remember Kevin Rudd promising that cutting our emissions would cost you just $1 a year?
Is Bolt for real? His column is a repeat of Saturday (see below). He did nothing yesterday and he tells us he works an 80 hour week. In journalistic terms he's living proof doing nothing creates the most expensive media and Bolt is living proof. I write more than he does and I only work 14 hours a week writing.
Yes Politicians are to blame but it's not Rudd and what happened a decade ago
1) They privatized our energy systems with the promise competition would make things cheaper and now governments are reluctant to take control because they can't afford to. 2 ) The Energy producers are all in transition moving away from coal and demanding an ETS is the only way forward yet the government's policies remain a stagnant talk fest a leftover from Abbott. 3) Investment is being discouraged and we all we hear is mining is everything when our energy producers don't want the product. They have no interest in building new coal-powered electricity plants. Clean coal is an expensive oxymoron being sold by politicians the biggest stalemate is uncertainty and so money is scarce.
Bolt has to turn back over a decade ago to spin his yarn that coal is still the cheapest source of energy when it's not. Today it's more expensive than renewables and not just a bit more expensive but very
much more when costed properly. Coal mining isn't the assurance of job growth that Bolt says it is, in fact, it's the reverse and technology is proving that. Renewables are producing jobs at a rate that coal mining is going backwards. The world hasn't witnessed such a sunrise industry since the horse and buggy went out of fashion. The motor industry is going electric and GMH, Volvo, and others are jumping on board and batteries revolutionized. Coal has left Trump the isolated man in the hands of the Koch Bros at the G-20 and not a National leader. Bolt of course and News Corp telling us he is while Ivanka is sitting in for him when he's MIA.
So yes Bolt can go back to the time of Rudd and avoid the time of Abbott who preferred doing nothing and nothing. Mr. Nope Nope, Nope was the directionless duck. Most countries will be running on renewable electricity by 2040 26% of their emissions reduced because transport has gone electric India the EU and China have laid down plans for just that while Trump has trashed America. There is a civil war and states have turned against him they are going it alone with the Paris Pact. Australia is noted worldwide for still doing nothing other than being sold a pup domestically coal the equivalent of the horse and cart as the only way to go by News Corp why? It's for the IPA the most powerful lobby group in the country its staff have moved to politics it's voice louder than ever and no longer in just the politician's ears. They Abbott and the Conservatives selling their policies as if science and logic are dead and News Corp is the vehicle the amplifier through which they are doing it. Their future is simply a dumber Australia and a corporately controlled Australia and poorer labor force for greater gain. Yes, politicians have ripped us off and the greatest of them are Conservatives. However, that doesn't mean Labor has served us well either. We are waiting for our Corbyn and Sanders. It's why News Corp is so Anti the ABC and why the ABC is so necessary. Information remains the true battleground beware of those calling out "Fake News"
Politicians mad with global warming theory are destroying our economy and hurting the poor: "Australia is entering the 'realm of third world countries' with residential power disconnections rising by as much as 140 per cent in six years and the average household paying more than double what it did a decade ago to keep the lights on."
" What makes it worse is that some of the politicians responsible have known that the global warming scare is wildly exaggerated and most know that dismantling our coal-fired power stations actually makes no difference anyway."Bolt
Bolt is taking up Abbott's political cudgel the idiotic club based on Trump's folly and ignorance of turning his back on science. The expense we are seeing is the failings of the Abbott and conservatives to have allowed the free market to decide. Governments didn't close down Coal Fired Power Stations Energy companies because they had arrived at their use- by date and were no longer affordable. Energy is in transition to cheaper alternatives.
Bolt is now avoiding telling you that Labor in South Australia has defied all of Bolt's Chicken Little forecasts Arium has been sold with no predicted job losses and Tesla is and the French Power generator are investing in S.A and that means jobs. Have you noticed Andrew Bolt side steps this all together?
If we have a problem is Abbott's refusal to build Labor's NBN $ 60 billion plus has been invested in a dud system which Bolt want's to blame Turnbull for when Mr. Nope Nope Nope should be pilloried for this legacy alone. But you won't hear that from Bolt.
" What makes it worse is that some of the politicians responsible have known that the global warming scare is wildly exaggerated and most know that dismantling our coal-fired power stations actually makes no difference anyway."Bolt
Bolt is taking up Abbott's political cudgel the idiotic club based on Trump's folly and ignorance of turning his back on science. The expense we are seeing is the failings of the Abbott and conservatives to have allowed the free market to decide. Governments didn't close down Coal Fired Power Stations Energy companies because they had arrived at their use- by date and were no longer affordable. Energy is in transition to cheaper alternatives.
Bolt is now avoiding telling you that Labor in South Australia has defied all of Bolt's Chicken Little forecasts Arium has been sold with no predicted job losses and Tesla is and the French Power generator are investing in S.A and that means jobs. Have you noticed Andrew Bolt side steps this all together?
If we have a problem is Abbott's refusal to build Labor's NBN $ 60 billion plus has been invested in a dud system which Bolt want's to blame Turnbull for when Mr. Nope Nope Nope should be pilloried for this legacy alone. But you won't hear that from Bolt.
How many times must the Liberals be told it's terminal?: "The Turnbull government has lost more ground among Australian voters after weeks of campaigning on school funding and energy prices, with the Coalition trailing Labor by 47 to 53 per cent." They thought Gonski 2.0 would help? And Turnbull's lead over Shorten has been cut.
Has Bolt noticed the global trend in polls given he's so obsessed with them? When Abbott was in his giant slide Bolt kept telling us the polls would turn that polls weren't the true reflection of what was really going on because people give themselves the opportunity to vent but when it comes time to vote things are very different. In other words, elections are contested in the middle ground the center and not at the two extremes.Has Bolt noticed the global trends UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Canada, and the USA all trending away from his beloved Conservatives? In fact, Jeremy Corbyn is 8pts ahead of Theresa May. Why is Australia such a backwater when it comes to the rest of the world? Is it because News Corp dominates MSM? In doing so it keeps the Australian public from the truth. 1) How poor we are currently rating on Education globally because Abbott hates to spend 2) How ignorant we are on global science in comparison to the rest of the world 3) How the NBN is failing us and is not just an entertainment system as Abbott tells us it is. 4) That Cory Bernardi is not the new suppository of wisdom replacing Abbott. 5) That there is the world outside of Bolt's little narrow corridor of opinion and doing nothing in a fast changing world is costing us more than doing the things necessary to move on and not back.
As Leftist protesters burn Hamburg and injure hundreds of police, Rita Panahi asks: "Imagine the tone of the media coverage if it was any group other than far Left loons behind the G20 violence."
Property insured, police protected and insured the only people with no protection are the demonstrators. Panahi and Bolt would like you to believe the worst of the looting and damage wasn't caused by the alt-right intending to male the demonstrators look bad. The worst Demonstrator at the G- 20 was in fact the most isolated with his back turned to the world and that was Trump. He really has kept the fires burning around the world not just in Hamburg. Believe me when and where there are left demonstrating the extreme right is there too. But you won't hear that from Bolt or Panahi. You will need to read reports from other sources.
How did the Queensland Government get away with this rort - owning power stations which limit supply and bid high when demand peaks? "From 2014 ... wholesale prices in Queensland have exceeded $5000 megawatt/hour on 30 occasions... This is almost double the next closest state... The Queensland state budget for 2017-18 forecasts a $1.5bn windfall."
Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg puts in context the giant battery of South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill, the warming extremist: "On any one day, wind in South Australia can provide about 13,000 MWh of generation, of which the new battery project can barely store 1 per cent." And that's after spending anywhere north of $100 million.
For the moment this no doubt was the argument put forward when cars were first rolled off the assembly line. "on any one-day horses don't and won't get bogged the can go off road." It's the sound of a man pushing shit up a hill with a pointed stick. Dams take a long time to fill, Coal power plants are stuffed Bolt and new ones take a long time to come on line too. Is Bolt calling Tesla ignorant or a just a crook?So NBN is only having teething problems that depend if you call it Abbott's or Malcolm's NBN. Politically it was Tony Abbott's MXT when he was heard saying "I'm no tech head but it's only an entertainment system so it doesn't need to be fast" Now it goes to show just what an idiot he was and how behind we are.
Signs of the Turnbull Government's destruction. Today's poll confirms it's terminal. "Loyal Deputy" Julie Bishop predicts a loss. A rising star in the party is banned for a year for calling for Malcolm Turnbull to be dumped. Liberal branches invite Turnbull critics to speak. MPs plot to force the party to break a promise on same-sex marriage.
The voice of desperation is generally the longest and loudest repetitive speaker in the room and it's Bolt's Blogs. Track him and you will find it's Bolt single-minded topic of gossip Malcolm Turnbull the lead in the Liberal Party saddlebags. Bring back Abbott from the dead is not really his tune it's Murdoch's and News Corp's and the IPA's. However, it's to make News Corp even greater than they are now. Aligning Conservatives Multi-National and Corporate Australia with News Corp is the yellow brick road to profit and cultural institutional reforms that will define Australia as Mussolini's ideal of Fascism the restitution of Abbott's Flags, Uniforms, and Anthems Australia.
Liberal MPs such as Dean Smith should treat same-sex marriage — and voters — with more respect. Instead, Smith yesterday admitted he was working on a sneaky plan to get parliament to vote for same-sex marriage. Of course, we knew Liberals were secretly plotting this, since frontbencher Christopher Pyne was taped boasting in a bar.
Has anybody noticed people like Bolt have no Respect for voters isn't that essential to Democracy? He shows exactly that the fear that voters simply think of him as Murdoch's sock puppet.
Has anyone noticed Abbott as a backbencher is entitled to do brave things and still say he's loyal to the Party and only trying to make it stronger? Bolt says it's his right to follow his conscience.
Abbott's trying to and allowed to operate independently but Dean Smith isn't. It seems Bolt is racing to the palace of hypocrisy again. Bolt loves AC/DC argument and hypocritical action because as long as it continues and continues it's quickly forgotten. Smith, by the way, is planning a private members bill what do you know which is In Abbott and Bolt's terms perfectly legitimate except when Abbott ran the Party behind closed doors and Peta Credlin held the key.
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Has anyone noticed Abbott as a backbencher is entitled to do brave things and still say he's loyal to the Party and only trying to make it stronger? Bolt says it's his right to follow his conscience.
Abbott's trying to and allowed to operate independently but Dean Smith isn't. It seems Bolt is racing to the palace of hypocrisy again. Bolt loves AC/DC argument and hypocritical action because as long as it continues and continues it's quickly forgotten. Smith, by the way, is planning a private members bill what do you know which is In Abbott and Bolt's terms perfectly legitimate except when Abbott ran the Party behind closed doors and Peta Credlin held the key.
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Malcolm Turnbull praises a long-time Socialist, French president Emannuel Macron, as someone "who's come through the centre of politics" and "spans the sensible centre". Says it all really, about the "centrist" Turnbull. Watch.
This young Banker Emmanual Macron is Bolt's idea of a radical Socialist Revolutionary. Then Marine Le Pen was a Centrist in a Socialist country called France where 80 % of the nation is now for Macron. It appears there are no real Conservatives left in the EU given the polls. Check out the UK Corbyn is 8pts ahead of the Tories
" no conservative would accept Napoleon as an inspiring role model for a leader - unless they admired war-mongering dictators with an outsized self-love:"Bolt
This is coming from Bolt who admires Trump when he once declared him a fool. Trump is increasing weapons sales he,s escalating troop placement around the world. He's firing Missiles and is threatening military action on a large scale. This is all over-layered with yes you have it in one and "outsized self-love "
Can you believe Bolt's stupidity?
" no conservative would accept Napoleon as an inspiring role model for a leader - unless they admired war-mongering dictators with an outsized self-love:"Bolt
This is coming from Bolt who admires Trump when he once declared him a fool. Trump is increasing weapons sales he,s escalating troop placement around the world. He's firing Missiles and is threatening military action on a large scale. This is all over-layered with yes you have it in one and "outsized self-love "
Can you believe Bolt's stupidity?
NBN: $50BN for this horror?
The NBN promised by Kevin Rudd and reworked by Malcolm Turnbull seems indeed the $50bn white elephant so long predicted: "For many users the current pricing of NBN services sees them pay more for speeds that are no faster than those delivered over the ADSL network." Plus the highest connection costs in the world.
"The NBN that was promised by Kevin Rudd and reworked by Malcolm Turnbull seems indeed the grotesquely expensive white elephant so long predicted. " Bolt
Lies and truth are all the same to Bolt it's simply the spin that counts. Turnbull wasn't PM when the MXT NBN was set in place he was Abbott's minister doing Abbott's bidding and Abbott intentionally gave him the poison chalice. The NBN was the dismantling of Labor's fully new and integrated system that Mr. Nope had to prevent at all cost. The wasted $50BN was Abbott's folly and Turnbull dutifully as his MP went and executed Abbott's folly. This will be Abbott's Pink Bats
Most interesting: "Turnbull tells China: rein in North Korea." And what did China tell Turnbull?
What single thing has Trump done as a leader other than making America seem lost and it's leader thoroughly unpredictable? He reminds us of Yeltsin in his drunken moments. Any leader that says anything looks tough in light of the 6 months of Donald Trump. Putin absolutely loves him as much as Bolt who seems to be warming to Russia.
What a load of statistical distraction Bolt is applying here and associating it with immigration. Immigration has little or nothing to do with the shrinking middle class who in the 70s and 80s could save. Unemployment was low we had growth Bolt could fail his education and still go on bumming around until his 30's his social mobility didn't depend on merit he became socially mobile through marriage and just growing old in a single industry. While all this was going on the middle class grew and was able to accumulate wealth migrants included. Park Orchards has the highest income in the country $2,600 per week. However, income isn't wealth and savings have been dissipated debt is now our way of life and it's been sold as a positive. What's been happening is the wealthiest 20% have been taking a bigger share of the increasing GDP migrants haven't and what's been occurring the Wealthiest 20% have been getting the greatest tax benefits on their windfall.
Bolt's spin doesn't explain why single income families have largely disappeared dual family households have increased and there are so many more white Aborigines living in communities on the street and they aren't migrants. Bolt's excuse "Mass immigration is now hurting our way of life." We are increasingly importing temporary Labor Professionals aren't the ones Bolt wants they are Muslims and he can't explain why the one's he does want just aren't interested in coming, in fact, Aussies are leaving.
Not only is this a story posted weeks ago and repeated but Bolt's study is typical of all his attempts at making wild generalizations from atypical evidence or single cases. Did over 50 % of Green businesses close down no ! Is the a massive increase in the closure of similar businesses? Bolt simply wouldn't know.What % of businesses closed Green or otherwise declaring the same cause? Bolt hasn't a clue however one will do. We know Abbott closed the motor industry down and allied businesses that couldn't adjust closed. Bolt's found a single business that anecdotaly happens to fit his claim of global warming madness. Unfortunately the madness is his lack of logic and and any statistical basis for his claim. He's running a phishing scam little more.
Leith van Onselen on the fraud of mass immigration. Take Victoria, with the highest growth: "Victoria is running a ponzi economy based on endless population growth... There is [economic] activity but the per capita Victorian is no better off... Other indicators of living standards ... have unambiguously gotten worse."
Bolt's spin doesn't explain why single income families have largely disappeared dual family households have increased and there are so many more white Aborigines living in communities on the street and they aren't migrants. Bolt's excuse "Mass immigration is now hurting our way of life." We are increasingly importing temporary Labor Professionals aren't the ones Bolt wants they are Muslims and he can't explain why the one's he does want just aren't interested in coming, in fact, Aussies are leaving.
My editorial from The Bolt Report: Malcolm Turnbull praises French president Emmanuel Macron, a former Socialist minister, as a "centrist" and praises him as a young Napoleon. No wonder conservatives don't trust him and his imploding party is behind Labor, 47 per cent to 53.
Turnbull unlike Bolt shows he's not involved in Identity Politics. Bolt has maligned Macron for being married to an older woman. He's labelled him as a warmist he's criticized him for his age. He seems to be clutching at straws to find reasons to criticize. But then he stands up and accused others of Identity Politics. Any wonder his recorded ratings are 25.000 out 2million plus subscribers. Nobody is listening Mr Bolt.
Former Senator Richard Alston, president of the Liberal Party for the past three years, says Liberal MPs should not be so scared to fight for a cause - even a losing one. Here he is in his first interview since stepping down:
Isn't that what Dean Smith si doing introducing a private members bill on same sex marriage. Abbott isn't doing anything of the sort just making noise and breaking wind. He's not seriously fighting for anything but revenge and certainly not for the Party or Australia. He seems to have a sack full of causes and News Corp and 2GB as his amplifiers.
Stephen Scherer ran a green business - a plastics recycling company in South Australia. He has had to close it and sack 35 workers when global warming policies helped to drive his power bills from $80,000 a month three years ago to $180,000 now. I asked him how he felt about green policies destroying a green business. Watch.
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