The ABC's Chris Uhlmann today argues that Donald Trump "pressed fast forward on the decline of the United States as a world leader" by going it alone at the G20, leaving the field to Russia and China. Sounds plausible, if you forget who he replaced. Didn't Russia and China grow strong by filling the vacuum that was Barack Obama?
Bolt's education seems totally retarded history stops with Obama. Didn't Bush invade Iraq for the purpose of destabilizing the Middle East for Israel's sake and to gain control of the Iraq's oil? That Invasion created the Sunni-Shia divide which resulted in the rise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS both supported by the Saudis and providing them with US weapons. That invasion of Iraq was justified by lies broadcast by Murdoch. Since WW2 all American wars have been lost. All wars of invasion by America have been justified by lies. The Gulf of Tonkin that started the Vietnam War was lies. Lies about WMDs resulted in the invasion of Iraq. Lies about Assad justified the covert support of ISIS and AlQaeda in Syria and lies still today allow Israel to be the de facto air force for Those we call Syrian terrorists. Bolt ignores this historical record. He ignores the fact despite losing these wars that made billions for the privately owned Industrial Military Complex in America while it put the American people into trillions of dollars of debt.Bolt ignored the fact that 22 Saudi Nationals were involved in 9/11 while Bush was entertaining the Bin Ladens in America. How was it that Iraq and Saddam was blamed for that event? Obama inherited the aftermath was working for peace when the Republicans wanted war. Peace saves money for all Americans. War only made some Americans richer. Peace was an attempt to make the American people less debt laden.
I guess Bolt is against universal health too like Obamacare but he can't say it because that would have him saying we need to scrap Medicare altogether as well. Bolt there are no principles involved here other than opposing everything ABC even though he loved being on it. Bolt's uses history with the mentality of a retard he abuses it.
The world has turned it's back on Trump because of the man's recorded history which is one of unpredictability even more than Kim Jong -un which makes him dangerous and it's that unpredictability which has weakened America in the eyes of the world. Bolt is calling that strength and leadership. The opinion he's taking straight from Fox News.
Politeness is weakness negotiation is regression and isolation are all common sense all the qualities of pre-war Germany, Japan, and today's Israel. It is what Bolt seems to admire most the qualities of ISIS and an Islamic Caliphate is what Bolt is calling for in Australia only a Christian and Western on instead. It's what Bolt espouses as well and Bolt finds that really quite admirable. Don't forget Bolt is always the first to quote and support all the propaganda ISIS puts out even over and above leading security authorities in the Western world if they say otherwise. Compared with Bolt Uhlmann is a master journalist and Bolt little more than a hired spruiker,opinionator and paywall

Corbyn's Labour surges to an 8-point lead over the Tories / Boing Boing
When the heard Trump was coming to the UK to boost the extreme Right as he did in Poland . Andrew Bolt declared it his best speech ever and asked what Trump gave Poland.....The pox.
LAB: 46%
CON: 38%
LDEM: 6%
UKIP: 4%
GRN: 1%
(via @YouGov / 05 - 06 Jul)
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