Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/7/17; Row Spencer has been raised from the dead again;he Abbott Poll; When the Minority speaks for the Majority; Macron; Childless Capitalism can it work?

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My editorial on ABC reporter Chris Uhlmann's astonishing attack on US President Donald Trump, accusing him of pushing fast-forward on the US decline, helping China and Russia. But wait: which president has just spent eight years failing to resist China and Russia? Why is Uhlmann attacking Trump, not Obama? 
As I said Bolt has a habit of dragging history up to excuse the present. He drags Menzies up from the grave telling us what Menzies would have done today carefully avoiding the bit's that that show Menzies not to be the man Bolt would like him to be. For instance Bolt would never quote Menzies saying " “We took the name ‘Liberal’ because we were determined to be a progressive party, willing to make experiments, in no sense reactionary but believing in the individual, his right and his enterprise, and rejecting the socialist panacea.” Menzies This certainly doesn't sound like the Menzies Bolt's describing does it?
As for Uhlmann he was in Hamburg commenting on the G-19 and the fish out of water that Trump has yet again showed himself to be. That fish Bolt described back in October 12th 2016 who he didn't believe ought to be president.  So given Trump's opportunity to do something at the meeting he did the predictable unpredictable nothing Obama isn't the explanation of Trumps inadequacies if that were the case wouldn't we see bolt blaming Abbott for a whole host of legacies he left behind?
What we are seeing is the Foxification of Sky and Bolt playing the role typical of the Anchor of the breakfast program. The major problem he needs to be scripted he doesn't have the ability to think on his feeet. He certainly can't fill the boots of an Aussie Hannity or O'Reilly that's for sure. His show seems to be part of the Murdoch plan for globalization of Fox and Bolt just happens to be there with 20,000 viewers out of 2million possibilities. Ch 10 didn't want even though he was free and were happy to see him go. However should Murdoch succeed in buying Ch 10 he should be smart enough to know Bolt isn't his man.

BuzzFeed News has spoken to reporters and presenters at Sky News about the late night right-wing opinion dominating its station.
What did I say when Bolt said he had ratings of 56,000 without a reference he was puffing himself up to appear to on the same level as Paul Murray. OZ Tam, a rating agency has let it be known Bolt's ratings are less than half Murray at 26,000. Who would you believe? I've always said Bolt was trying to be a clone of Hannity and O'rielly but he just hasn't the skill set and that's obvious as night and day he's over produced not spontaneous and is surrounded by safe right wingers who are there not to make him look a fool. When he is challenged it's the usual "we have run out of time. we must do this again" never to keep that promise again. Watch a repeat of Bolt and James Matheson and it's as clear as day that Bolt was drowning and his producers had to save him. Matheson has never been sighted.

 Australia's News Channel And What It Learned From Fox News


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The China Meteorlogical Association has confirmed the warming pause that warmist scientists didn't predict and warmist journalist won't report.
 Whose information has Bolt chosen to refer to yet again Roy Spencer research and figures saying the earth was cooling always came off a high base generally a single year 1998. Bolt spent years telling us the planet was cooling then stopped when figures showed it wasn't. He then switched to declare yes the planet was warming but that the rate of warming wasn't significant. He declared Global warming, not a science but a religion and now he's back to declaring a pause has or is occurring? However, the trend over the past 3 decades has shown the planet to be warming and that the hottest years on record have been this century. However, Bolt once again refers to the period 0f 1998 to 2014 which showed the planet to be warming but less if the anomaly of 1998 were made the standard and taken into account. The planet is warming and science agrees the stats are in and the global community of 97% of professional Climate Scientists agree. China's policies for the reduction in the use of coal and the promotion of renewables hasn't and isn't about to change. What change is left is that Andrew Bolt is left without any real argument and like tobacco companies before him have done is an effort to bring confusion to the table nothing more. Science is the skeptic's method of investigation. Blind acceptance, denial or doubt with faith as their only method is the religious zealots and firebrand's position.


 Here is the poll Andrew Bolt conveniently ignores when he looks for advice from the Australian public
The polls show 63% want Same-Sex Marriage legalized and 43% want Abbott to resign which is a 3% increase

Essential Poll: Liberals slump to 46% to Labor's 54%

Today's Essential Media poll has the Turnbull Government falling further behind Labor - 46 per cent to 54 after preferences. Two weeks ago it was 48 per cent to 52.
11 Jul 


43% think Tony Abbott should resign from parliament (up 3% from April), while 32% think he should stay in parliament in some capacity (down 2%).

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other Aug 2016 April 2017
Stay in parliament on the backbench 14% 13% 19% 10% 15% 21% 17%
Stay in parliament and be given a ministry 18% 12% 25% 9% 34% 25% 17%
Resign from parliament 43% 54% 35% 68% 36% 37% 40%
Don’t know 24% 21% 22% 13% 15% 17% 26%

64% would prefer investment in renewable energy sources to meet future energy supply needs, and 18% would prefer new coal-fired power plants. 18% did not know which they preferred.



I guess conservatives must now join another party: "Malcolm Turnbull has made the bold claim that the Liberal Party has never been a conservative party, and that Robert Menzies was a moderate, progressive leader, in a speech strongly defending his own centrist governing style." And tonight I will show the clip proving Turnbull is ludicrously wrong. 
 "It is actually difficult - and sometimes dishonest - to drag a historical figure out of their time and context and recruit them to a battle today."Bolt
It's amazing that Bolt can write this crap. It's what he constantly does himself only a few days ago he pulled Rudd out of the historic closet to make some point about Carbon emissions in today's context. He went back to Obama to excuse Trump but never mentioned what Obama inherited from Bush. Bolt constantly drags quotes and people from yesteryear and applies them to day.
What Turnbull said back in 2009 or Gillard said was yesterday. He even does it here  " But would Menzies have seriously embraced Turnbull's love of global warming ideology, when he was so against socialism and fascism, those other enemies of freedom, individuality and economic progress?"Bolt
Not only is Bolt doing what he's accusing and criticizing Turnbull of doing but how were individual freedoms protected under pig iron Bob when he had ASIO spooks spying on Australians in the manner of Senator Joe McCarthy.Their lives and jobs severely effected without their knowledge. Menzies lived and used the Cold War and the Domino Theory in the same way as Abbott has promoted the war against Islam and the danger of ISIS not to protect Australian Freedoms but as an excuse to restrict them. We have never been more watched than we are today and Bolt complains that that's not even good enough because our Cultural  institutions are also nests of left-wing insurgents preventing real rule by government.

Australia isn't what Australia used to be no and Menzies may or may not have liked it but who gives rats we don't have the White Australia Policy and we don't have Conscription and we are not hateful of the region in which we exist. We acknowledged a long time ago that we were an Asian nation and not a European one. With 20 20 vision in hindsight, we have come to realize the Cold War and reds under beds was simply and excuse to deny who and where we were for simply short-term political conservative gain and an era of little change. The greatest changes to have happened to Australia came with free education, Universal health services, Social Welfare and immigration. We leaped back to the future when John Howard arrived and it became increasingly worse under Abbott. : The LNP and a habit of treason - » The Australian Independent Media Network

"Turnbull is right. Even today, Andrew Bolt, trying to argue Turnbull down, made his case for him. After acknowledging that it’s difficult and sometimes dishonest to recruit historical figures to present battles, Bolt went on to do exactly that:

Judge by Menzies’ record. It is inconceivable that he would be a warmist ideologue, support republicanism, allow electricity to become a luxury item, or agree to mass immigration from culturally incompatible countries. He would not fiddle with super savings and most certainly would not fail to fight for Liberal values.
Well, sure … but comparisons like these go a long way past absurd. Are we to judge every policy of contemporary Australia by whether a prime minister dead almost 40 years would approve?"
" People wanting to play such games would do well to read the end of Menzies’ famed Forgotten People speech, which hardly sounds like something to which Cory Bernardi, or Tony Abbott, or George Christensen would today subscribe: “Individual enterprise must drive us forward. That does not mean we are to return to the old and selfish notions of laissez-faire. The functions of the State will be much more than merely keeping the ring within which the competitors will fight. Our social and industrial laws will be increased. There will be more law, not less; more control, not less.”
 “We took the name ‘Liberal’ because we were determined to be a progressive party, willing to make experiments, in no sense reactionary but believing in the individual, his right and his enterprise, and rejecting the socialist panacea.” Menzies 
This certainly doesn't sound like the Menzies Bolt's describing does it?

 Image result for Image Macron


Malcolm Turnbull praised French president Emmanuel Macron, the former Socialist minister, as a centrist. Some readers say he's right. Here's why he's not.
 From Bolt's perspective with his back to the ultra-conservative wall there is no center. Everything is socialist or worse. It's why any notion of 'we' or 'us' just extends to his recognizable tribe only slightly beyond the individual or 'me'  The corporate group is a commune of common interests regulated by the smallest governments. Any thing larger The EU, The UN, are all too socialist for Bolt a waste of time and a threat because they don't and can't support Bolt's interests if it means diluting them to the interests of "us". The only system that exists is the God-given one that has evolved today. The conversation's starting point is always now protected the values of inheritance , property, and ownership of accumulated. If you don't agree with those fundamental principles you can never be centrist let alone a conservative.




So symbolic of dying Europe: "The leaders of Europe have no children. France’s Emmanuel Macron has none. Same with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British prime minister Theresa May, Italian prime minister Paolo Gentilon, Holland’s Mark Rutte, Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon, and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission."
Bolt makes no comment with regard this observation but it's the antithesis of what he believes. That the children of the wealthy have the right to inherit the earth and that's inviolable so not just any children are the elected but a natural order exists. However, Bolt also tells us at times that we are all equal particularly when talking to those he believes aren't. If we were and believed it shouldn't all our accrued wealth go back to the state?

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