Saturday, 22 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/7/17; Bolt's Historical Denialism ignores data and fact. Australia was never Terra -Nullius


 Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.


 Tony Abbott praises Malcolm Turnbull for backing party reform

Tony Abbott has applauded Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for offering "unequivocal support" for his bid to overhaul the way the NSW Liberal Party preselects its candidates.

  Rugby and race: two reasons why Kiwis thank God they're not Australian - ABC News


This week two events — seemingly unrelated — have opened a sliding door into our history: just how different things could have been, writes Stan Grant.

"New Zealand recognised that sovereignty. Australia instead was deemed "terra-nullius" — an empty land — the rights of the first peoples were extinguished."
"New Zealand would not hand over its future to "an elective body, mostly Australians, that knows nothing and cares nothing about native administration".
" new archaeological evidence has pushed back human occupation of this continent to at least 65,000 years."
" By 1901, a decade after Captain Russell warned colonial leaders about their treatment of "natives", his concerns would have been vindicated: the Constitution of Australia wrote Aboriginal people out of the new nation.
Section 127 specified that the first people of this land would not be counted among the Australian population."
" When the All Blacks line up against the Wallabies New Zealanders will surely be glad that Captain William Russell said no to becoming part of Australia."


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