My editorial from The Bolt Report - on Gillian Triggs and Jon Faine agreeing on the "obsession" of her critics with free speech.
Bolt's opportunity to smear Gillian Triggs is not without a personal vengence. Note Bolt doesn't mention that the AHRC investigated him for vilification too not just the QUT students and Bill Leak. When mediation failed in Bolt's case he chose to take it to court and was found GUILTY by Judge Mordecai Bromberg for breaches of Sections 18C and D of the RDA and since then he has generally let the whole world know that he was a victim of the system. That the system is wrong and Hate speech should be allowed as well as whitstle blowing sexual preditory whispering in the office , to children everything allowed.
The ABC and the AHRC maybe tax payer funded Institutions but they are Statutory Bodies Independant of Government. AHRC isn't a court nor is it a judicial body it's an investigative and mediatory body. It is there to investigate complaints an attempt mediation between the parties concerned in the hope to gain some resolution not order one. Failing any resolution the decision is left to the courts and Andrew Bolt chose to take his case to court when all the complainants wanted was an apology. He lost and he has never got over it
Conflict of interest of course he has one but did he declare it in his crusading editorial not on your life. Mordecai Bromberg accused Bolt with being loose with the facts and his tone was such that it was no meer accidental mistakes he made. Does anyone for a moment think Bolt's omission tonight was unintentional an honest accident? As for the ABC Bolt spent some 10 years on the ABC and he loved it. Without the ABC Bolt wouldn't be where he is today more than half his posts today are a direct attack on the ABC for Murdoch and News Corp for obvious reasons. It's data driven rational in every way and the total opposite of simple opinionated right wing commentary based purely on ideology and faith. What Bolt hates most is the people on the ABC are far more educated balanced and trained in critical thinking and as such are a value to Australian Democracy where as Bolt is little more than a propagandist.
He's an over excited child is Bolt. Proof if you notice below he didn't even know that he was calling Julia Baird Julia Gillard he was that eager it seems to smear and malign Gillian Triggs and post his rant to even notice. I'm sure he had a few too many before posting his mysoginist rave against 3 very admired and professional women
Bolt is a LUSH he doesn't know the difference between Baird and Gillard. He know he's blowing smoke out of his ass. "On the next The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm: why won't the ABC apologise for Julia Gillard's false claim that evangelical Christians who attend church sporadically are the worst wife beaters?"Bolt Read the fools post below. Her name is Julia Baird Bolt not Gillard!!!
24Bolt is taking an American study and saying Baird presented it as an Australian one. She took a study and opened it up for discussion never declaring it to be her opinion as Bolt suggests in his truth free zone. "In fact, at least four of those sources don’t support Tracy and Baird."Bolt Truth free zone it certainly is because Baird is quoting research in order to open a debate and how successful she is is proved by Bolt himself. Arguing three days straight that she's wrong and the ABC is anti_Christian. It's a pity he can't begin with the truth.
He cites a study about "often" goers to church as opposed to the one Baird quotes which referred to "sporadic" attendees and nominal Christians only. So Bolt is not even comparing apples with apples and is right off the mark as usual. Wilcox confirms Baird when he points out nominal church goers who attend sporadically are more likely to commit domestic violence that regular goers. It's Bolt who seems to miss the point altogether.The fact is two Church leaders on the Drum actually apologized for not doing enough something Bolt totally ignores as well. As usual Bolt correlates Aborigines as being the worst offenders when it comes to domestic violence. Their Culture and poor child rearing practices are to blame according to him. The ruth free zone doesn't even begin to even connect drugs and alcohol with domestic violence nor the fact that the majority of Aborigines are raised Christian. Alcohol and drugs show a high correlation with violence and poverty a connection to it's visibility all of which Bolt ignores but if they are taken into account Christianity is a likely justification. More than any other faith it condones booze so it does have a greater liklihood of a connection to domestic violence more so than Islam which doesn't. Yes Islam is Bolt's favorite target but the facts dictate the opposite is true. But data means little to Bolt.One needs to repeat the question why Bolt refuses to accept the difference between "often" and "sporadic" and why the Anglican Bishop admitted the Church failed in it's advice by trying to encourage abusive relationships to stay together rather than part. That the Church did fail it's congregation on many counts. However Bolt simply refuses to acknowledge the question Baird actually raised. Any wonder he never passed first year at Adelaide Uni. However on that score he cheats as well on his public CV where he claims to have been educated and not a drop out. Given that fact alone hidden from the public who do you believe has more integrity Baird or Bolt?
Modern politics is driven by the notion that the public good is a quaint, outdated notion, and that institutions must demonstrate their value to the private sector, corporations, and profits to remain relevant. Obviously, this mentality is toxic to any democracy, and to a population that relies heavily on public goods such as education...... Why is it that supporters of conservatism have such an active and shameless disdain for thinking? The answer is obvious enough: such feelings are driven by a strong distrust of democracy. Democracy can only flourish if the masses are educated to develop the critical thinking skills needed to question official lies and propaganda. The shift in public discourse toward idealizing stupidity and ignorance is a direct threat to democracy. We need to shame those celebrating the dumbing down of society if we seek positive, progressive transformation in American politics, economics, and culture.
The “Running Gag” of the Zionist historical narrative is the story of the “empty land” of Palestine, into which people without a land had finally returned after 2000 years of exile. The slogan of a country without a people, for people without a country, is the most prominent expression of the Zionist mythology. For Pappe, it’s less important whether the Jews existed as a people, rather than that the Zionists deny the existence of a Palestinian population but simultaneously claim that the State of Israel represents all the Jews of the world and does everything for their benefit and acts for them. Such a claim is just as daring as the identification of Zionism with Judaism because it takes Jews hostage for Israel’s despising policy.

Another predictably terrible poll for the Prime Minister, and the slivers of hope seem based on rogue results: "Malcolm Turnbull has won back supporters from One Nation while Bill Shorten has gained ground on the Greens... Labor’s lead over the government [is] 53 to 47 per cent in two-party terms."
So having guaranteed Labor will win the next election or two, Malcolm Turnbull is now interested in giving them a longer time at the top: "The prime minister’s office said that Turnbull had said he was interested in talking with Shorten about four-year terms."
Bolt seems to agree with short term see-sawing of Governments and their leaders getting nothing done while costing the country money. It seems he'd prefer 2-year terms only because he might just have something to write about. He's certainly cut his work load from Friday till Monday. There's increasing repetition in what he posts as well. However, he will still tell those listening that he puts in an 80 hour week. Hannity Murdoch and Trump regularly chat over the phone privately. Who does Bolt regularly advise?

Not often you hear a politician say their aim is to be sexist, racist and mediocre: "Labor-branded ... bumper stickers, which read 'give me the confidence of a mediocre white man' and carried the party’s colours and logo, were sold at a fundraiser ... for local Labor candidate Anna York."
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