Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 5/7/17; Bolt loves hasty generalizations; Media against Trump; Polls 43% say piss off Tony; Cannabalism the Abbott way; Bolt Logic and Arabs in his "ideal" Australia;

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Last week I released a leaked speech of Christopher Pyne. Today Fairfax releases a leaked speech of Tony Abbott. The difference? Pyne was damaged, Abbott won't be. Listen and tell me what he says that's wrong.  
Bolt asks to tell me why I'm wrong. Well, that crowded room that Bolt said was there for Abbott seems wasn't all that it seemed. Actually, the photo Bolt posted looks like a gospel tent meeting. Who actually believes Andrew Bolt is agnostic when he's so up close and personal to Abbott still  DLP to the bone.
1)  The speech has been edited Because Abbott said "Australians had for too long tolerated those who did not share the fundamental Godi-given values that underpinned Western Civilisation. That alone puts Tony Abbott in the same box as Baghdadi the leader of ISIS "So we can be what we really are"
2) Clearly, Abbott doesn't believe in Democracy and but first past the post winner takes all. Far from it to consider the 40% of voters that voted against the winner's policies. Abbott believes the winner of elections be allowed autocratic rule only if it's him. We saw what he was like in opposition to Gillard.
3) He also believes in doing nothing rather than negotiating. However, we experienced a PM who made a vast number of promises which he considers fair to break if he chooses to do so as it's his God-given gift to do so. Abbott set the example of being a do nothing PM collecting a salary and only being active full of promises at elections. He came close to breaking John Gorton's the reluctant PM for doing nothing so he could be what he really is 
4) Abbott believes in stagnation Turnbull negotiation while the principles he and Gillard had differed the democratic system demanded progress by negotiation and not the petulance of permanent opposition that spelled we are taking our bat ball and salary and going home.
5) Abbott's rule was totally and still is nearer despotic than Australian obviously God didn't give me Abbott's exclusiveness.
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Journalists are missing the real story about Tony Abbott's talk at a branch meeting in the electorate of frontbencher Michael Sukkar. It isn't why Sukkar asked Abbott to speak when he's so "divisive" but the fact that hundreds of Liberals turned up to hear him. Which actually answers the question.
1) From where the photographer is positioned it doesn't appear that "hundreds " turned up.
2) Isn't Bolt stealing Sukkar's thunder given the majority of the crowd are there for him and not Abbott. 
3) Logic and truth dictate some of the audience may have turned up to hear Abbott speak.
4) Conclusion Bolt is lying and loose with facts Judge Mordecai Bromberg was right the first time in convicting Andrew Bolt 


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Michael Goodwin on how the media destroyed itself with its hatred for Donald Trump: "The behavior of much of the media, but especially the New York Times, was a disgrace... [As former boss Abe Rosenthal said:] 'I don’t care if you f–k an elephant on your personal time, but then you can’t cover the circus for the paper.'”

 Bolt bull vs  The real facts
"Americans also indicated more trust in the New York Times and Washington Post (up by 9 per cent), and the other major news channels ABC, CBS, and NBC (up by 11 per cent).
Source: More Americans trust CNN than they do Donald Trump | The Independent"

 What this hides is what Conservatives believe is Presidential. What Andrew Bolt believes is Presidential. The media do not represent the USA Donald does. He reminds me of Yeltsin when he was drunk and representing the USSR. Bolt pretends he's a mannered man where style is meaning. He proves to be a fake 

"While this transaction is dependent upon the passage of the media reform bill, it is appropriate that the ACCC begin its review of the proposed transaction that has been put to us by the parties," ACCC chairman Rod Sims said.
Mr. Murdoch cannot control Ten because it would breach the two-out-of-three rule. He currently controls radio and newspaper assets in markets where Ten is broadcast. Owning a commercial television network would give him control of three-out-of-three media. Scrapping this restriction is the most controversial of the government's proposed changes.
Source: Lachlan Murdoch and Bruce Gordon lodge bid for Ten with competition watchdog






43% thought Tony Abbott should resign from Parliament (up 3 since April), 18% thought he should be given a ministry (up 1), and 14% thought he should remain a backbencher (down 3).


Former Treasury secretary John Stone: "The Coalition under Turnbull has now been consistently behind in Newspoll by four or more percentage points (that is, 48 Coalition, 52 Labor, or worse) for 14 polls in a row. Under Abbott as PM the Coalition was never consecutively behind by this big a margin for more than eight polls."
What Bolt avoids saying is 43% and only 18% said he should be given a ministry and that's what Bolt calls being better than Turnbull.

Essential at 53-47 to Labor

In this week’s Essential, Labor gains a point for a 53-47 lead. Primary votes are 38% Coalition (steady since last fortnight), 36% Labor (up 1), 11% Greens (up 2), 7% One Nation (down 2) and 3% Nick Xenophon Team (steady). The divisions over Lee Rhiannon appear to have lifted the Greens, perhaps because some left-wing voters would like a socialist leader. Voting intentions used a two-week sample of 1800, with additional questions based on this week’s sample.
43% thought Tony Abbott should resign from Parliament (up 3 since April), 18% thought he should be given a ministry (up 1), and 14% thought he should remain a backbencher (down 3).
By 63-25, voters approved of same-sex marriage (60-26 in June). 59% thought a national vote should decide the issue, with 29% favoring a parliamentary vote (61-27 in June).
Preferred PM Turnbull and LNP leader still by a country mile 
Miranda Devine is such a front-runner compared with Andrew Bolt
"The problem is him, not Abbott or the few conservative commentators criticizing Turnbull." Bolt




Janet Albrechtsen on the day student "progressives" at a Washington university revealed they were really medieval witchhunters: "Students mobbed the classroom of this progressive professor, causing mayhem across the entire campus and bringing a place of learning to its knees... Some not so fine young cannibals on the left were devouring their own."
  When "Read On" actually means a PAYWALL for the paperboy Bolt. However isn't his what Tony Abbott has been trying to achieve this past year eat his own. Trying desperately to get the regressive Right to listen and rise up against a more progressive Liberal leader

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Of the 15 federal seats with the biggest Arab minorities, Labor holds 13. Does that explain why Labor figures like Bob Carr are now vilifying Israel and demanding  Palestine be recognised as a country, despite half of it being run by terrorists? 
In one breathe Bolt is denying Identity Politics and stereotyping others. In all stupidity declaring himself more indigenous than Noel Pearson while  Bob Katter calls himself an Aborigine and means it. In the next breathe he's playing Identity Politics at it's worst, calling Arabs in our electorates, Australian voters the reason for Labor's strength. We aren't told if they are  Muslim, Christians and aren't told anything about Bolt's ghostly group one that isn't even recorded in our census data. The Arabs are entirely Bolt's stereotype. and yet on other days, we are all according to Bolt just Aussies particularly in conversations about Australia's indigenous.
 So where do we go to from here other than into Bolt's own paranoid fantasy land of nonsense? What we do know and are acutely aware of is his sociopathy. In all probability, the majority of his Arabs are Christians who were born here. If they were refugees according to Bolt they are not real Australians but neither can they be real refugees any longer because they can vote.  If they were once refugees and from some despotic nations supported by Russia, they would most likely be pro-American and hardly Marxist or Labor voters. However, Bolt says this mysterious group of "Arabs"  are a homogenous non-diverse group of lefties and that alone is sufficient to condemn them in Bolt's "ideal" nation where he says we are all equal, confused? Well, Bolt certainly is the man needs a shrink.

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Andrew Bolt is such a stalker of people who couldn't give a stuff about him. I think that's the problem, they don't concern themselves with him and focus on other things.

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My editorial from The Bolt Report: Bernard Tomic was too bored to win his opening round at Wimbledon. He's now being attacked as if he's spat on our flag. But what's so shocking here?:
Does Bolt really believe he's less commodified than Tomic that he's not just another pawn in an industry much larger than he is? Tomic smacks balls over a net and Bolt smack ignorance. Bolt's certainly not as skilled as Tomic nor can he draw a crowd in a colosseum week after week like Tomic does. Bolt's ratings are from as commercially impressive. Unlike AFL players he hasn't a partnership agreement with News Corp. Bolt isn't more than a poorly produced talking head who fools himself that he is his own master when he's little more than a marionette.

The puppet reveals himself when he finds himself out of his depth and his masters have to pull the strings to save him. It's when he's having a conversation with someone so much smarter than he is and is showing him up. Then the producers pull the safety switch and Bolt rather than saying this is a challenging conversation let's continue he says times up we will continue this another time and never does. That's boring as bat shit to his audience and his masters and if quality actually continues Bolt would be replaced. Yes, Bolt operates from a very low base because anything else would require research, study, and thought. Tomic has done that equivalent of hard work since he was 16  he earned his stripes, Bolt hasn't. He just makes sure he's connected with the right people. He has no journalistic skills, no literary skills, just a vague political template he overlays repetitively over very few selected issues. He's a sock puppet.


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The AFL's diversity manager gets a whack back: "Ali Fahour has been suspended for 14 weeks — automatically triggering a life ban — after a marathon tribunal hearing over his coward-punch." With his suspension record of seven games already, that brings him over the limit of 16. The AFL now has a diversity officer who is banned from the sport.  
Bolt in a world of equals deserves just as much if not worse for his attempt at GBH  in Carlton as Fahour the footballer does. Except both need to be criminally charged because neither act was in self-defense. In fact, Bolt deserves more charges laid because unlike Ali he didn't apologize or show any remorse for attempting to sucker punch a guy and kick him in the balls. Furthermore, Ali didn't call on others to do the same ob media. Bolt posited himself as a role model for right -wing bogan youth justifying brawling as an act of heroism and intelligence when it's entirely the opposite. In comparison Ali, the footballer got his just deserts as a footballer but like Bolt should have faced our courts but not fir being a Muslim as Bolt seems to suggest and get pleasure from.

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