Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,4/7/17; Abbott the Baghdadi of the Christian Caliphate; Credlin the Lady Macbeth of the once office called the Liberal Party;

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My editorial from The Bolt Report - Tony Abbott will not stop giving the Liberals advice on how to stick true to its principles and win the next election. He is a crusader and Malcolm Turnbull just a manager who goes with the flow. How can Abbott surrender to that?
"Tony Abbott will not stop giving the Liberals advice on how to stick true to its principles, He is a crusader and Malcolm Turnbull just a manager How can Abbott surrender to that?" Bolt
I've always said Abbott was like Baghdadi and Bolt the PR man, the ultra- conservative Aussie voice of ISIS. Like Baghdadi, they have a single-minded principle to set up a conservative Christian Caliphate in Australia. A system that will ensure the electoral process is changed and the separation of powers invalidated. Australia needs according to Abbott to be an extreme right-wing Christian state and that reflected in all our institutions not only in our principles but in the structures of our cultural systems as well. No more pandering to left -wing, centrist, or humanist thinking about human rights. It simply will not be tolerated. 
Muslims will either convert or leave,  same-sex marriage no longer entertained and creationism taught and passed in all schools.  Free form gatherings and associations other than corporations and registered small businesses will need to be applied for and licensed. Any concept of a Broad Church not tolerated. All decision making will flow down and be transmitted from behind the closed doors of the Abbott PMO as was the model and structure previously set up by Credlin.  You can call it the new Liberal Democracy if you like calling it what the fuck you want but any increase in budget spending will only be applied to the security of the Caliphate inside an out and "whatever it takes" will replace "fair go" for the motto that ensures the top down authoritarian structure.

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Lady Macbeth, Peta C  was Tony Abbott's downfall was kicked out of  Liberal Party royalty to become a News Corp queen is meant to provide us with unbiased insight and commentary into the party's new Broad Church structure which she always hated. What was once the closed doors of the PMO which she ran with an iron fist and her husband the controller of the party machine is now open and for all members to speak up and be heard.The party membership is growing yet Abbott's followers are told it's shrinking and they no longer have a participatory voice why? Because they don't have the numbers. Once they were the faction the leaders and lobbyists for the IPA and News Corp and now they have to pander to a broader view who aren't listening.
 Bolt has to travel back in time to 2009 to make points in 2017. Bolt the anti- historian when it comes to the indigenous and Stolen Children and Frontier Wars revels in the memories of his own making when it comes to points he wants to raise about Julie Bishop as if nothing has changed. He never seems to refer to the Sky ReachTel poll, does he? It still says Malcolm is the preferred PM, a bolter ahead of Abbott who is so far behind Bishop it's a joke and that's among conservative voters as well. That poll does acknowledge however Abbott's aim is to be the new opposition leader the position he once reveled in when he never won the election that Labor lost.

 Tony Abbott: The opposition prime minister


The anti-life joyless doomsday rhetoric of conservative jihadists like Senators Pauline Hanson and Cory Bernardi and their ilk have since ploughed the barren soil Abbott once tilled.
They have already planted the genetically modified seeds of racism, hate and bigotry. They don't need him to keep their devotees in thrall.
He's too gutless to start his own political movement in case he threw a party and nobody came.
Besides, he's a political adulterer; an opportunist. If he were to accept any invitation to join another party, within minutes he would be plotting to usurp the leader. He's incapable of being faithful, despite his promises.



The latest census suggests 40,000 Australians chose this time to identify as Aboriginal when they didn't before. Now add MP Bob Katter: "I’ll identify this time as a blackfella — we are the most land-rich people on Earth, we blackfellas in Australia... We should be rich. We’re not, because we can’t get a title deed.”

There are a lot more than that Andrew Bolt, and they have chosen to adopt the lifestyles of the Aborigines too. They are called the poor the homeless. Those in overcrowded housing unemployed and underemployed. They all are tribal in many ways in what you call Aboriginal Culture. Yes, Bolt 40,000 identify their ancestry but hundred's of thousands more are living the culture which isn't Aborigine it's poverty dictated by the white man's system which guarantees it. Katter put's poverty into not only historic context but also social context. Bolt merely put's it into self interested and an a-historical one that mocks reality.
If Bolt is so insistent on our "common humanity" how is it that he's less concerned about the fact  Australia is the only democratic country without a Bill of Rights enshrined in our Constitution and that racial clauses exist in it that is what creates "his Industry" not families in poverty.

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The ABC disrespects the Christian faith that largely inspired our values and institutions, and which is still followed by most Australians: "The ABC is planning to dump its executive producer of religion in a move savaged by Christian and Islamic leaders angry that the broadcaster will elevate a non-specialist to the once prestigious post." 
 The ABC respects the Constitution the separation of powers and the freedom of faith in Australia. Andrew Bolt and Conservatives don't Your right Bolt the ABC isn't in any way like ISIS and no they don't adhere to a white Christian Caliphate. The ABC is a much broader organization and far more diverse than your's and Abbott's Caliphate of Jesus

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A story on the "hottest ever day" would have lots of scary comments about global warming. This story had none: "The mercury in the NSW town [of Deniliquin]  sank to -5.6C early on Sunday morning — that’s the coldest it’s been for 110 years. It was even more icy further north ...— some towns recorded their coldest morning ever."
 Yes, Bolt and little Tommy Smith smoked a cigarette and didn't get cancer. Bolt's science is so comforting lets lock the doors and throw a party and burn some coal.

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Mark Latham is right. Malcolm Turnbull should have scrapped the Human Rights Commission, now peddling new racial divisions: "[It] identified four cultural groups into which all Australians were to be categorized: Indigenous, Anglo-Celtic, Other European and Non-European." Israeli Jews are "non-European".
 I notice Bolt "some of my best friends are Jews doesn't know that they divide themselves into very distinct tribes. Neither does he acknowledge they aren't a tribe but equal and not Jews at all. Yes, Bolt Israeli Jews aren't just "European" ask a Jew for a change.
However, this hides the fact that there are ultimately only 2 races and they are materially defined  Corporations and the rest of us.
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Sounds plausible: "Asking women to reveal what they have “smuggled in your vaginas”, joking about getting an Aboriginal into the station to “teach you a lesson, maybe a spear in the leg”, 12 minutes discussing “w … ing at work”... The fight for ratings among Sydney’s FM breakfast radio teams has become a race to the bottom." 
 No, it's redefining what Presidential means today. What is news today? What are distraction and reality? Bolt respects the honesty of the man who says "women want him to grab them by the pussy." Your an effing hypocrite Bolt. Obscene is you telling conservatives to king hit lefties and kick them in the balls. That alone should have been reason enough to steal your children.
Hypocrisy is not mentioning that the South Sudanese refugees are mainly Christians but still wanting to ban their entry here simply because they are black. Not mentioning that they are not only displaced by war but a historic and disastrous drought. Bolt is the enabler of the new and ugly attitude that would even deny them Foreign Aid simply to politically attack Julie Bishop. He is being copied by  social media bogans  encouraged by what Andrew Bolt News Corp and 2 GB have to say.  Australians were until the advent of tony Abbott known as a generous nation but noy any more. The following is what  the  new extreme conservatism encourages lead  by Hanson, Bernardi, and others and amplified by News Corp and the likes of Andrew Bolt.  Ignorant and ugly: Australian social media attitudes to an African disaster 

Dead goats in Somaliland lay on a dried up river bed due to starvation and a lack of water.Niman Adan Gabush, 2, is a severe malnutrition case at Hargeisa Group Hospital.


1. Overpopulation is the cause of the famine.
2. Domestic issues are more important than providing aid to other countries.
3. The money never arrives to those who need it.
4. Famine is always happening in Africa.
5. People affected by famine deserve it.
6. Why give money when people in the developing world should simply help themselves?
7. Providing humanitarian aid indentures people into poverty.
8. Islam is to blame for the crisis.





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Amanda Vanstone, Tom Switzer, John Roskam, are all regular voices on the ABC. You can here Climate Skeptics Religious and political bigots on the ABC Q&A , The Drum. However, ou won't hear the same broad selection of voices on the Bolt Report because Andrew Bolt doesn't have the intellectual capacity to even keep up with the likes of James Matheson a not so much a radical left winger but someone head and shoulders above Bolt in intellect when it comes to debate. Remember when Bolt shuffled him off his little show with a promise "we will speak more James" Tony Abbott realized this  as well when caught being dumber than dumb and his intellect was broadcast to the world. 2GB gives him the questions as does Fox with Trump.
The problem isn't presenters it's program format and the typical Sky format isn't one that encourages debate . One only needs to see just how the format of the Bolt Report is to preach to either what is already an audience of converts or a convinced left wing audience who simply want stay informed with the thinking of that minority group of nutters they are incapable of understanding due to their lack of humanity or empathy. On any night watch The Bolt Report and count the numbers 6 right wingers and a token lefty not even trying to gain attention just there to be paid.

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Bolt  feels safe given he's in another state and can't be charged with contempt. It doe seem his complaint is the separation of powers and that vigilante populist justice. Bolt certainly seems to believe Australian judges aren't in anyway controlled by our laws either. It's just a seemingly arbitrary decision. This is another indication that government need to be the ones who determine sentencing. just as ISIS does.

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