Sunday, 23 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/7/17; Eric Abetz, Peter Dutton and Abbott the ducks aren't all in line; Rock against Racism; Bolt with egg on his face;



We  know the ABC despises Christianity when it won't apologise for a vicious falsehood. ABC presenter Julia Baird last week claimed “evangelical men who sporadically attend church are more likely than men of any other religious group (and more likely than secular men) to assault their wives”. How the ABC defended her says so much.  

  Bolt is such a liar and that I can only assume the media, in general, ignore him."ABC presenter Julia Baird last week claimed: “evangelical men who sporadically attend church are more likely than men of any other religious group (and more likely than secular men) to assault their wives”.Bolt
The fact is Baird didn't say anything of the sort she was reporting American research and threw it open for discussion. That's what Bolt distorts to claim the ABC despise Christianity. Baird was quoting an American study and clerical guests leaders in of the Church in Australia agreed with her and admitted there was a tendency in the church to keep families together despite the violence women ran to them to report.
Further Bolt doesn't mention Baird's study was American but he takes the opportunity to say "The most likely wife-bashers are Aboriginal men, with Aboriginal women at least 31 times more likely to be hospitalized."Bolt
As it happens most Aborigines are Christian which Bolt completely ignores, of course, they are black and therefore can't be. Bolt truly is a gormless idiot the correlation that he wants to blame being Aboriginal for is in fact about the connection between domestic violence and alcohol and drugs and not race.  and it's visibility is the most obvious among the poor. Domestic violence occurs across all classes as does it's connection with booze and drugs however it's more hidden among the wealthy. The only faith that actually permits and celebrates alcohol is Christianity so logic dictates it's more likely that violence is more common among Christians and in a round about way Baird was right. Bolt seems to suggest it's because of race which simply hides the truth in an extremely racist but predictable way as far as Bolt is concerned.Image result for Images of Racism


Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane is dangerously eager to take offence by administering his language test: "When he hands his boarding pass over to the flight attendant, he’ll get [a] response that grieves him. 'Some of the flight attendants will say, ‘Oh, I’m not even going to try to pronounce that’." Tim Blair tears him apart.

What idiots there are like Bolt and Blair are taking personal affront to what they perceive to be a public insult to Australia they show just how un-Australian they are. They seem offended by the personal opinion in a multicultural society just how precious do they think they are?  How many times has Bolt admitted to being worse that it took him over 30 years to even begin to like this country to warm to it's differences and at 57 he still prefers the  European culture to Australian.Yet here he is making out as if he is defending his idea of Aussie joining Blair and giving Tim a verbal kicking in the land of the "fair go".
In the land of the 'fair go' we are entitled to our personal opinions and Tim the Aussie of Asian extraction was expressing his. If Bolt and Blair are so thin skinned as to regard personal opinion as racism then they haven't a clue what Racism in fact is. I can think Bevis and Butthead are a  stupid white right wing minority and prats and I wouldn't be racist if I were Adam Goodes. I might be said to be  prejudiced against pricks like them and dislike them and what they represent but it doesn't mean I'm racist as I have no power over them for being white yet they and their kind have had historical and institutional power over me Culturally and Institutionally since Invasion day and they practice it on Asians Arabs  and non Caucasians every day.
Racism is a systemic pattern of behavior developed over time that ensures inequality and lack of opportunity to people simply because of their race and it at the same time guarantees privileges to others who practice knowingly or unwittingly.
The consequence is that Bolt and Blair are racists and they are active bigots simply because they support the institutional treatment of Aborigines and the flow on to Asians and Muslims that accompanies it. They support the institutionalized development of prejudice shown to Muslims, women, and the homeless and others. They take punching down as an entitlement and never suggest our institutional duty to offer a hand up.
They feel free to give Tim Soutphommasane a verbal kicking but feel insulted when he expresses his personal feelings. These two Bogans come together with the speed of  mercury droplets as if they are the defenders of Australian Culture as if we are all meant to be culturally homogenous, the same, when in fact if you locked the two of  them in a room together for 24hrs they'd probably find they were like chalk and cheese. They truly are the Bevis and Buttheads of Australia. When they call Tim an Asian prick as was the case years ago they are reflecting the racism of the White Australia Policy and their entitlement to disparage him but deny him that same right. When Tim calls them prats he's right he's reflecting the lack of power Asians Australians once had in this country. But in doing so he's never been racist. 
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  Coalition infighting damaging Government, says longtime Abbott supporter Eric Abetz - ABC News


Liberal senator Eric Abetz says the party would do better in the polls if it kept the discussion to policy rather than personality. It appears the conservatives aren't on a unity ticket as Bolt would have us believe

"If we kept the discussion to policy rather than personality I think the Liberal-National Party Government would be doing a lot better," he said.
Mr Abbott has been publicly critical of the Government's agenda in recent weeks.

That prompted a warning from the new Liberal Party president Nick Greiner that the public division will hurt the Coalition at the next federal election.


 Turnbull supported the same however I notice Bolt makes no mention of the plebiscite process. All he's doing is stating the obvious and declaring it's Abbott's victory. He's not known as the human megaphone for nothing. The hint  " I guess Abbott had the numbers when Turnbull backed the motion clearly deserting the losing side" Bolt Now that's little more than Bolt speak for you with more
" Today's result confirms that Abbott has what his rivals do not: the ability to rouse the Liberal members to battle. Who else would they fight for? " Bolt
The fact is Greiner Abetz and Dutton have all declared that Abbott should stop sniping as he promised and he needs to get with the LNP. One needs to remind oneself the NSW Liberals have only just begun to catch up with the other states and get with the 21st Century. This isn't Abbott leading at all. They haven't even begun to agree on the process this new system will take. Bolt's just blowing his trumpet for Tony.
UPDATE What Bolt doesn't say
They supported compromise motions put by federal MPs Alex Hawke and Julian Leeser that would introduce plebiscites but with strict safeguards such as a member activity test and a requirement for three or four years' membership.
Source: NSW Liberals vote for Tony Abbott backed reforms

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Julia Baird tells an untruth to kick off another series vilifying Christianity: "The men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians." But when I point out that Baird's own source contradicts her, the ABC issues an dishonest tweet - retweeted by Baird -  complaining that we're "quibbling over footnotes".
 Typical Bolt isn't it Aborigines are more likely to beat their wives. Notice he doesn't mention the fact most Aborigines are Christian. Nor does he mention the fact that of all religions Christianity sees alcohol as a gift. Muslims don't nor do most other religions. The quibble wee Bolt misses the barn wall with his argument. Religion and domestic violence don't have a correlation when alcohol and drugs are removed from the equation. Alcohol and drugs have the greatest correlation to domestic violence and the visibility of that mix is most apparent when associated with poverty. So try again Andrew Bolt when you mention the word quibble the highest degree of Domestic violence in Australia is among Christians but simply because we are as you say a predominantly Christian nation Yes any thing else is a quibble particularly when Andrew Bolt blames as usual color and race as the real problem.


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How the race industry makes police scared to protect us: "An African refugee who won a payout from Victoria Police after claiming he was 'racially abused ' has been exposed as a violent criminal... Jibril God ... was awarded a payout reportedly worth tens of thousands of dollars after claiming that he was stopped and searched because he was black."

" How the race industry makes police scared to protect us: "Bolt
Bolt's claim is that policing is the victim of the race "industry "his evidence compensation provided to a black man who happens to have a criminal record which Bolt claims are a total package and therefore conflates the two. If your black have a record the police are entitled to kick the bejeezus out of you. "
"AN AFRICAN refugee who won a payout from Victoria Police after claiming he was “racially abused ” has been exposed as a violent criminal."
This isn't the first time Bolt's used this argument he did it with Dylan Voller and those poor guards at Don Dale also against Zacky Mallah who had the gall to speak up on Q&A. How on earth can we treat these people as humans who have turned our institutions into the victims? When push comes to shove Andrew Bolt screamed like the Elephant man "I'm human being too" when the system convicted him of vilification he was instantly the victim of an unjust system. Forget that Bolt was also convicted of defamation in civil cases and found guilty that would be unjust to conflate the two.  In Bolt's case, the system was at fault not him.

There's no problem with Bolt logic or is there? If your Black, Muslim, Aboriginal you are in all probability dangerous and those trying to defend you are hampering in due process. However, if you are White middle class and a prat like Bolt your profile deserves the full benefit of the law, the presumption of innocence by all institutions AHRC, the DPP, the Courts systems and justice should reflect and respect that power hierarchy which is the natural order of things.  You know in  Andrew Bolt's case it did.


The Greens are dying at last, here and overseas. But not fast enough and not before causing terrible damage around the world. Here the six big reasons why they're dying here.

Voter support for minor parties appears to have cooled, with both Labour and the government getting a boost in the latest Newspoll.
Labour maintained its lead over the Coalition, at 53% to 47% on a two-party preferred basis according to the poll, published in the Australian
The Coalitions rose 1pt Turnbull is still preferred PM 43:32
Bolt just can't help making a fool of himself can he? Does he ever declare how much he has invested personally in fossil fuels no not at all? The rise of the left in America, Britain, France and European countries generally has seen voters return to the major parties Corbyn Sanders Macron and the ALP has seen a tectonic shift away from Conservatives and extreme left minority parties. Greens in Australia have at the moment shot themselves in the foot but not because there's been a major shift to fossil fuels. One Nation has also lost ground as was always going to be the case. 
Bolt is the drowning man who tends to clutch at straws wherever he can and fails to mention that even in America the renewable industries employ twice the number of people than fossil fuels and the job numbers are growing exponentially while fossil fuels are shrinking. I hardly regard that as the death of green industries besides that's where the money is being invested.

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