Sunday, 2 July 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,2/7/17; Whites increasingly becoming Indigenous; Agnostic Bible seller; George Pell and light sentencing; Colonial British and Capitalism;

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I was told it was racist to say people could choose their "race". But the census shows 40,000 people in five years chose to identify as Aboriginal, and the ABC asks: "Claiming Aboriginality: Have Tasmania's Indigenous services been 'swamped with white people'?" A state known for wiping out Aborigines has double the proportion of the rest of us.

Bolt's never really pointed out the increasing number of whites choosing to live and identify with the Aboriginal lifestyle of sharing. However, he has pointed out to an increase of those who he claims falsely identify as Aboriginal. It seems to me he's totally wrong and has been all along. Since the invasion, increasing numbers of Aborigines have identified with the lifestyles of no the rich and famous but the communities of the homeless whites. Bolt believes and blames Aboriginal culture may be he will argue that it's Aboriginal culture increasingly invading white lifestyles when in fact it's been poverty and lack of appropriate support that defines both. Are poor people identifying in this way of life because as Bolt tries to convince us that they see the "opportunity" for more money? Bolt wouldn't know he distances himself from people like this no matter their color. It's his aloofness and determined social climbing in a marriage that really took him on the road to the top, certainly not merit. He had no direction until then when who he knew kicked him on.

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Be warned by Canada: "A school has been warned to stop teaching bible passages that may be deemed offensive to the lesbian and gay community... Staff at the school in Alberta, Canada were told by email some bible passages can “denigrate or vilify” the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community."
  Canada unlike Australia has a Bill of Human Rights and recognized "Last week the Canadian Senate passed a transgender rights bill adding ‘gender expression’ and ‘gender identity’ to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code's hate crime section." However Andrew Bolt's attitude to the Human Rights is a "flip" and his response to Canada's Bill is "The army of tolerance turns out to be the biggest bigots of all."Bolt why?  "A school has been warned to stop teaching bible passages that may be deemed offensive to the lesbian and gay community... Staff at the school in Alberta, Canada were told by email some bible passages can “denigrate or vilify” the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community."...
Bolt doesn't believe that the safe schools program hurts anybody but ultra conservative intolerant Christians and that's coming from somebody who is a proud agnostic and doubts the Bible is even heaven sent just a book written by some ultra bigots he sides with. 
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Will the judges now try to muzzle the Chief Crown Prosecutor, too, for pointing out an ideological bias he thinks is dangerous? For instance, rapists were given a median sentence of six years when the maximum available sentence was 25 years. Only 3.5 per cent of rapists were jailed for more than 15 years.
 Bolt's obviously confused isn't he running this argument before George Pell's trial? However the upper class has always appealed for mor prisons as long as they don't have to pay.

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The new racism was on show at a news conference on Canada's Parliament Hill called by protesters identifying as Indian. They  shouted down a "white lady", accused other reporters of "white privilege" for repeating her question, then added: "And you're a guest here. Without us, you'd be homeless. This is over." Watch.
  It's easier for Bolt to yell reverse racism in other countries than it is here because it makes him appear to be a an ultra -racist flipping the argument here. The fact is reverse racism of the kind Bolt is referring to doesn't exist. One however might ask why in a country like Canada more outwardly proud of it's multiculturalism and more welcoming of refugees has such a poor record of treatment of it's indigenous population nearly as bad as we do. Why in fact have all settler nations have such a poor record? USA, NZ Canada, and Australia might be proud Multicultural nations but why do they treat their first peoples so badly. Is it because they were colonized by the British their lands taken and a similar banking and labor laws put in place. Credit was never available the basis on which Capitalism thrived. Inheritance was ignored as a right of first peoples whose land rights weren/t recognized as legitimate collateral. These are the structural conditions that guaranteed poverty and the basis of racism and not an Aboriginal calling a white man a privileged rascist. The Aboriginal is calling it as it is the peeved white man Bolt's complaints are a mere smoke screen.

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The Liberals hold power by just one seat. So is Malcolm Turnbull giving advice to Tony Abbott or threatening a by-election in his seat?: "When I cease to be prime minister, I will cease to be a member of parliament. I am not giving anyone else advice but I just think that's what I would do."  
  Turnbull not playing Rudd or Abbott. Abbott is the mad Ahab not listening to anyone in his crew. He's out to destroy his Moby Dick, Turnbull the white whale. We all know how that story ended. Turnbull on the other hand respects Democracy and in giving the new party leader clean air. Something Abbott has never done once he became opposition leader he sht the door on openness there was and is nothing clean or open about him. He's a carefully non spontaneous construct. If he thinks Turnbull was a lefty he must hav been too because the Party is still carrying out Abbott policies.  Abbott is about as honest as a pedophile priest but in case the Church got it right..

 It was a very small crowd of conservatives as indicated by the sound of the boos
It's amazing Abbott calling for an open and democratic Liberal Party when as PM his Office was the very opposite and resulted in a mutiny by the backbenchers. Bolt promised he'd heard the message and would change did he not an iota of change was seen. Now Abbott is reversing all his own policies just to stick it up Turnbull while preaching "pre electoral committment to promises" He was the iconic promise breaker of "no cuts".

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