Seriously Bolt is a university dropout to be more accurate a failure who tries to promote Bjorn Lomborg to the status of Professor. He glorifies the statues of British Empire slave traders in order to raise them to the dizzy heights of the heroic Knights and Dames of history. Tony Abbott wanted those titles re-introduced here.
Bjorn Lomborg was never a fully or permanently titled Professor. Andrew Bolt convicted liar crowned him with the title of a full Professorship to make his spin look better. Was he polishing a turd? He certainly was. "sessional lecturer: Part-time, non-salaried, faculty members who are paid for each particular class they teach. Most adjunct faculty (adjuncts) are hired as a lecturer or instructor." "Most commonly, adjunct professors need a master's degree to teach higher-education classes. However, some community colleges or technical schools only require a bachelor's degree, along with relevant experience. Teaching experience in the classroom is preferred."
This is the reason Lomborg was never appointed to a professorship in any Australian University because it would have immediately been seen as a drop in the academic standards of the Institutions .
Bolt goes on to promote James Cook as some mythical hero as well when he was in fact little more than a forerunner an adjunct if you like to the biggest slave traders and drug runners of history. The British East India Company. It brought an nation of real traders India that once represented 27% of the worlds economy to a state of abject poverty. The British stole India's wealth sold 500,000 of it's people into slavery along with Africans and made Britain the biggest opium runner in the world. The British destroyed the world's greatest textile Industry which dated past Roman times destroyed it to establish their own mills the foundation of British Capitalism. They smashed the looms of India's textilers and even cut off their thumbs to prevent them rebuilding them and start working. They stole the land off the Australian first peoples intentionally declaring it Terra Nullis in order that a treaty was not signed or any recognition given to those here. Andrew Bolt suggests these locusts were worth celebrating.
These truths make Bolt and his alt-Right Consevatives uncomfortable and it's why these facts remain unrepresented or hidden from the annals of British, Australian Indian and American History. the real story not to be told of just how Britians wealth was built not on Bolt's mythical "free trade" of great men but on the blood trade and plunder of pirates and the British East India Company that paid protection money for Britain's safe harbour a share of the spoils.
This venal disregard continued up until Churchhill's time. Any wonder the man suffered the "black dog". He directed and sacrificed Australian soldiers to their death instead of British directed Australian wheat away from famine stricken India not for any immediate need of the UK's other than store in warehouses for Britain's use.
Bolt wants all these real facts stricken from our history. For him the next generation are little more than conscripts needed to be trained and directed away from any information that might assist in them in the need for a change in direction, in building their own future or even imagining it because of the unrevealed truths of our past. Tony Abbott wanted Knights and Dames history to prevail..https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=f7CW7S0zxv4
Despite Bolt's hate for Academics and the denial of Bolt's Professor Lomborg and the inclusion of Drs Andersom and Flannery. Our Radical leftist Institutions are internationally respected

6 Australian unis make coveted global Top 100 list
"The Left is creating the Right-wing extremists they denounce - you can't treat people as punching bags and not expect a fight." Bolt
Bolt is running the same argument that Trump ran about Charlottesville that the battle between Neo Nazis and Antifa are equivalent. We saw the the reaction that brought about to make Trump quickly apologize. We saw the Nazis proud of their symbols and paraphenalia marching in their 1000s calling for Jews to leave America. Bolt doesn't defend that openly as their entitlement of 'free speech' he simply ignores it. It's that creven silence that gave these white militaristic patriots, Nazis by any other name or KKK the courage to be seen in public in daylight. They came out of their rat holes chanting against Jews Muslims Blacks Gays not against Antifa or the Left as Bolt is trying to say but against Americans.
Andrew Bolt's response that "the Left started it" is wrong the left were there "for" defending the human rights of the historically persecuted minorities of which neo Nazis and KKK weren't. Neither was Trump or Andrew Bolt is trying to suggest there's an equivalency between the two sides when there obviously isn't.
The argument for equivalency is an argument for the comfort of Conservatives the placation of their guilt which forgets history forgets the past and the values being fought for. It assumes it's just a matter of 'free speech' and BS premise that we are all 'equal'. However if the data shows and questions the extreme Right's defense of a racist or unfair social system it distinguishes them from the Left and recognizes the substantial difference between 'me ' and 'we values being fought for'. The right is fighting for the inherent privilege of the powerful, to maintain the current inequality benefiting only privileged few be they Americans or Australians. Whereas the Left are an amorphous less well defined group less organized less funded less single minded group more a creation a figment of the imagination of right wing media of any individuals protesting for the equality for all Australians. The very name Antifa short for Anti- Fascism says exactly what it is they are against and not how organized they are.
What can you expect when the left protest in your face? What you can expect is to ask who they are and what they represent Bolt asks none of that. The Yarra Council is an elected body and has no democratic obligation to hold a plebiscite on any or all of it's decisions. Bolt is in Loon La La Land if he believes any Council decisions are needed to be made by a rate payer's by a hands up vote like Switzerland, Bolt has caught Abbott's plebiscite fever. ( see above pic). If you don't like a decision call for a plebiscite. The far and extreme right have always existed but often never game to show their face however they have now been energized by their media enablers like Bolt. Their politicians saw what happened during the Cronulla riots. The conservative media put wind in the sails of the UPF, neo Nazis and reclaim Australia. Outsiders invaded the Yarra Council meeting not locals just as they did in Cronulla.They have been encouraged by the rise of the Trumps with his language and have come out of the dark against diversity which they call difference. They have taken strength from the ineptness of national politics and are cheered on by the right wing media like Murdoch's News Corp and Breitbart. The left according to Bolt gave these movements their strength. No one only has to turn on 2GB, read Murdoch watch Sky and it becomes clear who makes hate respectable today. We saw it in Crunulla and we saw it in pre war Germany Bolt of course would still say that the Muslim loving Left caused the good patriotic Aussies out for a fight. However they are the very same Christian Aussies he calls cowards and demands that they clench their fists like he did and fight. He's an apologist for the UPF.
Bolt's Yarra locals

Far right protesters opposed to a decision to scrap Australia Day have stormed a Yarra City Council meeting.: Far right protesters storm Yarra City Council meeting over Australia Day ban
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