Thursday 7 September 2017 I haven’t been well for a few days so I thought I would take a short break. However, here is something I wrote in 2016. Where Did All His Readers Go? Recently I found myself without access to the internet. It only lasted a day and a bit, thankfully, but it…
How much trust do you have in the following media commentators and journalists?:
Laurie Oakes 71%, Sarah Ferguson 51%, Tony Jones 51%, Mark Riley 51%, Michelle Gratton 49%, Neil Mitchell 49%, Chris Uhlmann 46%, Andrew Bolt 38%, Alan Jones 29%.
The most trusted newspapers were:
SMH (70% a lot/some trust) and The Age (66%). The least trusted were The Telegraph (46% a lot/some trust), the Herald Sun (48%) and the Courier Mail (48%). Overall, trust in media has fallen a little since this question was asked last year – however, rankings remain much the same.
The most trusted media were ABC TV news and current affairs (63% a lot/some trust), SBS TV news and current affairs (61%) and ABC radio news and current affairs (58%).
The least trusted were internet blogs (20%) and commercial radio talkback programs (34%).
How much trust do you have in the following institutions and organizations?:
AFP was top with 68%, the ABC had 58%, religious organizations 25%.
Day to Day Politics: ‘Will Murdoch tell you how to vote?’ - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Game on: Murdoch in legal bid to thwart CBS takeover of Ten

You don't have to wear a hood to spread hate
“For youth to thrive in schools and communities, they need to feel socially, emotionally, and physically safe and supported. A positive school climate has been associated with decreased depression, suicidal feelings, substance use, and unexcused school absences among LGB students.”
You don't have to wear a hood to spread hate Andrew Bolt
The bullying by the same-sex marriage activists has been a disgrace. Now it could get even worse: they may now win their their High Court bid to stop Australians from voting in a same-sex marriage plebiscite. The backlash could be very dangerous - and Malcolm Turnbull must make sure it doesn't lash him.
Let's start with the fact Andrew Bolt professional writer can't spell. Secondly redefining the word bullying is rendering the English language meaningless. Those on the bottom of the inequality hierarchy aren't bullying they are however protesting their inequality. Bolt takes pleasure in defending those who wish to keep their foot on gay necks and calls those that complain bullies. The dictionary seems to contradict Bolt when it describes a bully as "a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable tormented by the neighborhood bully" Even the dictionary places the bully into context of a history of power which Bolt simply wants to flip. There are no "same -sex marriage activists as Bolt would have you believe only protestors against marriage inequality
Bizarre, and a symbol of our willed decline: "A senior manager in charge of promoting the energy policy of Australia’s largest electricity producer previously worked for activist group GetUp!, which is committed to shutting down the coal-fired power industry... This week Ms Laris has re-tweeted ... 'we’re getting out of coal'."
Apparently, Andrew Bolt seems to believe Private Corporations in particular AGL are in the business of sabotaging themselves if they appoint a variety of competing experts to advise them as opposed to a team of YES men and women. That, opposing views we are told is the strategy Donald Trump applied throughout his business life and who Andrew Bolt admires so much for bringing that to running the USA. So having so much admiration for the competitive process why is Bolt freaking out about it here? He's certainly not an expert in business and surrounding himself with yes men blind sided Abbott."A coal-fired generation business that loathes the very material on which it makes its money.
A generator that treats it as a moral imperative to give its customers another product that will cost them more."Bolt
Something smells - printing rort, branch-stacking, ethnic boss with ties to Syria's regime... "Two printing firms are being investigated after Labor Party insiders claimed taxpayer funds were being used to pay for ALP memberships in an unprecedented rort... Links to the office of embattled MP Khalil Eideh would be a key focus in the probe."
Syrian bashing by Bolt never ceases Bolt was trying to kick the bejeezus out of Khalil Eideh months ago when he was rejected entry into the USA. The man is an Australian of over 40-year standing but leave it to Bolt to scream once a Muslim always anti-Australian and once a Syrian even worse. The allegations being put out are from Matthew Guy who wines and dines with Australia's Mafia king pins. He like Clinton once said I once tried dope and didn't inhale Guy tried to say I didn't know who he was. I never took any money. Bolt is making sure that he's publicizing Guy's ALLEGATIONS as if they are the news of the day.A TOTALLY IDIOT-MADE ELECTRICITY DISASTER
Has bolt failed to mention that the wind turbines kept electricity going during Hurricane Harvey while the Fossil Fuel Plants closed and many are still shut down? The Wind provides 20% of Texan energy and helped save its butt when Fossil fuels crashed. Oh, Bolt failed to mention that while he's still banging on about South Australia.
So it seems Bolt has changed color yet again to Socialist demanding the government to regulate. Remember when Abbott was calling Warming Science a load of crock he's not anymore he's calling for a responsible Energy target. Be it close to zero doesn't really mean anything. Meanwhile, while the Banks and Energy producers are calling to be able to close down coal plants the government refuses them that business option. What is expected is to keep unprofitable coal plants running and investing in more. The only way to ensure that is to make them profitable and that can only be done by subsidies and regulation. Other wise known as a government controlled energy system.
Bolt keeps suggesting coal is perfectly alright leaving the word dirty out of the equation and hinting it's clean which if that were at all possible and not just a tad cleaner at triple the price everything will be fine. He even assures us the Nuclear plants if built now will be great when turned on near the end of the century.
In the meantime, Science has moved faster than Bolt can think and has lowered the price of renewables to next to nothing. The only thing a free energy market is crying out for is clear government policy. Bankers producers and consumers one and all are ready to participate if and when they feel confident the market is sufficiently stable to be able to participate. Bolt is calling for a Socialist answer when saying he isn't. All these anti - Renewable advocates never mention the degree to which nonrenewables are subsidized today $1billion gift to Adani to them is neither risky nor a cost to the coal production let alone the polluted run- off Adani's mines have already caused. Who will pay for the mythical clean energy coal will produce?
Governments should not fund a media arm. That media arm should not promote just one side of politics. And that government-funded media arm should not be so vast that it puts private media out of business. Media bosses are now protesting: "Media industry leaders are demanding a review of the charters outlining the purpose of the ABC and SBS."
Clinging to straws. Niki Savva: "Tuesday’s Newspoll revealed a slight improvement in the party vote... The green shoots show what could happen if Turnbull and his ministers were allowed or could engineer a prolonged clear run." The graphic gives a true picture of these "green shoots". Savva also magics eight Abbott-haters into a national push.
This does look like a panic but only on Bolt's part trying to hose down any negative comment about Abbott and show the Warrnambool Branch of the Liberal Party are like Monkey Pod Room of what 9 conservatives for Abbott. Even the improved poll figures are mocked. However, the length of the post is an indication of just how desperate the Abbott PR machine in fact is. These days Abbott's a very lonely man even speaking up against what was once his own policies trying to appear more moderate. Why doesn't he become Bernardi's Deputy?Selling a the promise and making you pay

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