Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,5/9/17; Guess Who: Doctor's were always used to bludgeon gays and make gay bashing respectable; Lady Macbeth is called in as Bolt's source; Nigel Farage the biggest loser called in for what? Gay Bashing and saying what a king maker he wasn't;

Bolt argues for HIS COMFORT



"The angry white guy is dying out, and the Census Bureau has already told us that by 2050, white people are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. I hope I live long enough to see it because it will be a better country."Moore
What we have here is a Racist in the true meaning of the term and his name is Andrew Bolt.  Flipping the meaning and redefining Racism so he can camouflage it's true meaning his nonsense. Nonsense that distracts from ultra -Racism .
From the foundation of America the American Dream and nation while a settler country was established systemically on a  racist economic structure Slavery. Structurally it's institutions and behavior patterns and rules were formed to enable privilege, advantage and opportunity to be passed from generation to generation to white people even when they weren't the majority of the population.
Moore's hope that white numbers will continue to decrease is not to ensure white inequality but to enable the equality of all races to grow. Bolt does what comes natural to angry frightened whites have been living high off the poor for centuries wailing Reverse Racism like the Nazis and KKK did in Charlottesville. How can that be when the game is stacked in your favor via all the social mobility pathways of inheritance, property,who you know, education jobs income and generational wealth. So much so that the poorest white mother F----- thinks he's higher on the social pecking order than even middle class blacks and Latinos and is pissed when they don't know their place. Racism ensures working class unity is encumbered and prevents social change of the Bernie Sanders kind  occurring.
The fact that Moore has some level of self hatred for being white doesn't make him a racist. It makes him socially aware and aware his prejudice is the result of and a symptom of a system that hides the true class divide. His hope is that the younger generation are turning to Socialism. That the widening gap where 50% of Americans are on or below the poverty line and that 1% of the Nation have 43% of the Wealth that the history of the Capitalist system has ensured that it's white will reverse and a new growing equality can be found for the Indigenous Blacks and Latinos. Moore doesn't want whites to die out but he know that's what's happening and in that process racism will fade to reveal the real class divide and that time can't come quick enough for him. There is no equivalency between white and colored hatred because one is based on maintaining inequality and the other knowing that. The greatest ignorance is among the poorest of whites who don't realize their actually black because they have been conned into the belief in merit.  Andrew Bolt earn't nothing he married his way  into News Corp and stayed. Follow the history of who he knew and made sure he got to know rather than what he knows and you will see the man in the suit for who he really is. Follow Michael Moore's a very different story is revealed between those that value "me" way way before 'we"

‘The S-word’: how young Americans fell in love with socialism | US news | The Guardian



  Seriously how many nations have American Milirary bases deployed in them? 150 ++ that alone by definition makes The US the most dangerous because of it's military presance.. Who has the most inexperienced leader we know? Whose rhetoric runs the world on social media before any consulation with his advisers? Whose advisers are either abandoning ship or being fired when half the admin jobs remain still remain vacant and those with jobs don't know what theirs is? Yes seriously Kim is on a steady course so is Russia does Bolt know what Trump is going to do next or will Rupert tell him first?

If executed, it would strike a huge blow to the global economy.

 Trump's Latest North Korea Threat Could Have 'Apocalyptic' Consequences, Experts Warn | HuffPost

Oh No! WTF is Tony doing raising the Birtherism Stakes after Andrew & Peta served Turnball up for Foul Language.

Tony Abbott with his 2015 letter confirming the earlier renunciation of his British citizenship.

Bill Shorten suddenly caved - or called their bluff - tabling his letter to a gobsmacked Parliament.
The result was not good for the government. It can hardly have improved Joyce's pitiable case, nor lifted his morale.

Thanks Tony for demanding that ball to roll real tacics for the team.
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann was moved to reiterate his previous statement that he for one, had never believed Shorten was a dual citizen anyway. Take that Tony.

Image result for Images of  Doctors Gay bashing and ECT


 Activists have tried to get the AMA to strip Dr Pansy Lai of her right to work as a doctor because she's against same-sex marriage. Incredibly, Greens leader Richard di Natale refused to criticise their petition - or the death threat Lai has received - and just implied she was a bad doctor. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
 Current activists are a reaction to a history of systemic abuse and effort to retain inequality as an essential part of our culture. Bolt is not just an apologist for the abusers he is a continuous septic boil that indicates a system in trouble. 
Trump tried the same tactic when he claimed there was an equivalency between Nazis the KKK Vanguard America and those that opposed them Antifa and what it was they represented. He tried to suggest there was an equivalence of values in their action. Bolt's doing the same abstracting the history of oppression from this battle. 
 The vote is simply it's about INEQUALITY and the want for its removal. Bolt is denying that in suggesting those for Yes and  EQUALITY are the bullies and the good No voting Christians that have spent years of denial are today's victims being bullied by gay activists asking assholes like Bolt to get his foot off their necks it's 2017. 
Pansy Lai might be a doctor she's certainly not a scientist Nazis had doctors as well. Using their training to justify experiments on Jews or to rationalize why what was happening had validity too. Pansy using her profession as a doctor to justify the "no" vote is doing much the same. She's simply an ACL puppet MD or not. Bolt has a habit of seeking out the "exceptionals" among the minority of unreasoned thinking Fascists and holds them up as the shining lights of his cause. After all, he can't claim to be one with his record. Pansy is no Joan d'Arc and won't  she won't change the face of reason or the tide of logic that  Bolt wants to be turned back. If Pansy could walk on water she'd wouldn't be any more than Kathy Jackson the modern day traitor to her class in Pansy's case traitor to her profession. She still has the Christian soul of the poofter bashing doctors of yesteryear just as Bolt has. For Christ sake Bolt claims to be a Humanist. As a doctor, Pansy claims to be a scientist but remains as thick as a brick god botherer and with those values, she not only dishonors her profession but her Christianity as well just as Bolt does his. They are probably into saving ten pin bowling with dwarfs as well given doing it with their heads is now illegal.
VOTE YES GET CIVILIZED  This is what Bolt's side offers.

Homophobic pamphlets are being circulated in Sydney during the final stages of local government elections in NSW.

 Homophobic pamphlets circulated in Sydney ahead of local government elections


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Malcolm Turnbull denies telling Prime Minister Tony Abbott he was a "c...": "However, a spokesman for Mr Turnbull has disputed that he uses such language." Peta Credlin worked for Turnbull and calls bull on his claim. From The Bolt Report.
Calling on Peta Credlin Tony Abbott's lie manager is like calling on Andrew Bolt, to tell the truth, or Andrews, Abetz, Dutton etc. Andrews had Haneef jailed to protect his lies. Abetz found a correlation between cancer and abortions and Dutton is Mr. Boomgate. Bolt would have just as well said I heard Turnbull and justice Blomberg would again raise his head and find Bolt guilty of lying. Peta Credlin was Lady Macbeth to Tony Abbott's idiocy his protectress. She'd use the word Cunt as a loving greeting to Abbott. What nonsense do we envisage here other than a ghost story without any credible source? Was this issue debated, no? Was it a structured political attack on Malcolm Turnbull of course it was. Given today's politics where these people openly declare it's tactics over and above principles that count what else can you expect. Can it be believed that scores of witnesses existed and kept this issue quiet for 3.5years as Peta Credlin claims?  Abbott's office was leaking like a sieve back then and the structure of controls was about to be changed. Even Bolt was demanding things needed changing a desperately. They were all waiting for Godot Tony Nutt to ride in and save the day. He wasn't a F'wit he stayed well away. If it was kept quiet at all it's because of the loyalty to Turnbull and not anything to do with loyalty to Abbott. Finally, name your sources Mr. Bolt name your sources Peta Credlin isn't a source she is a mutual News Corp conspirator that's all.

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  Equality is not mentioned by Farage, Liberty, and freedom of speech becomes the argument of equivalency which forgoes paying any attention to history or the values that underlie criticism. Had the Jews complained about Hitler today Bolt and Farage and their ilk would be calling out that poor Adolf was the victim. Trump did it and was rightfully howled down in a corner and nowhere to go Bolt Farage the ACL are all doing the same now.  Pretending to be innocent victims doesn't make you innocent victims.

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When will the ABC get commentators to balance the extreme Leftism of Paul Borngiorno, who this morning labelled conservative Liberal MPs as "extreme" and on TV said Donald Trump just should pay North Korea's "extortion". Watch.
  Notice Bolt fails to mention what it is Kim wants why is that? That his extortion is that he wants to talk. Like Trump Bolt's not listening and that is very much a sign of extreme Conservatives. They encourage people to paint statues, join terrorist groups because they are enablers and a minority. So creating a response is as good as if not better than acting out themselves. Trump you must admit looks dangerous out there commanding the best navy in the world and showing what it can do by killing it's own. How many accidents is that this year?
Trump's military adviser General Mattis said much the same thing as Bongiorno when Trump like Bolt was beating his chest saying negotiations were over. Strange isn't it how the primitive all look the same and have always wanted to create killing fields. The USA and it's allies have been calculated to have been directly involved in the killing of 400,000 Syrians and Bolt'and Trump are calling for more.


The ABC finally adds a tiny balance to its coverage. Example one: "7.30 meets people from the No camp, including a gay couple who are committed to preserving traditional marriage." Example two, the ABC's Tom Switzer, albeit in Fairfax, on bullying by  gay-marriage activists: "The new intolerance  should appal all genuine liberals."
 What has it to do with the vote Bolt seems pissed that he didn't interview them first. But then the ABC tends to be known for allowing facts from both sides of the argument to be shown. But in doing so it's pretty hard to deliver a conclusion that heterosexuals have been under attack for generations unless you just come out and say it. However when you do you look like an idiot so like Bolt you need to either disguise it or just attack others like the ABC for not saying it. Bolt can't get Tim Wilson or Cate McGregor on his show those he calls friends.


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Why do our taxes pay for an academic who defends mass-murdering dictators? "A controversial Sydney University lecturer who backed Syria’s murderous al-Assad regime has travelled to Pyongyang and pledged “solidarity” with the North Korean dictatorship against “aggression” from the West." Yes, it's Tim Anderson again.
"Dr. Anderson, who is paid up to $130,000 to teach international politics. because “staff can spend their leave however they wish”. In April, Dr. Anderson alleged the US had “covertly financed and armed ALL the terrorist groups in Syria”, blaming the West for a sarin gas attack which killed 87 ­people." Bolt
Notice how Bolt is upset that Dr. Anderson is paid to "teach" both sides and not just one side of  International Politics and that is meant to be the purpose of a University Education. The emphasis at universities in Nth Korea is training and Bolt believes they like Hitler are better educators than we are because they hit the nail on the head and your head if you can't repeat what they want back. ISIL just cuts heads off we however stupidly believe the young can think for themselves according to Bolt. I wonder why Bolt's kids were ever sent to Universities here. One gets the impression Bolt does a lot of home training to ensure they pass his degree as well.Thinking has always been a tightrope activity for Bolt because he does it so badly but then that's not what he's paid to do, unlike Dr. Anderson. 


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The only person hysterical about Global Warming is Andrew Bolt. Scientists are studying the planet and reporting the findings they are annoyed of course that Luddites like Trump and conservatives are politicking against funding their work but they are nevertheless continuing on. Business and banking are investing in the new technologies as is shown by the massive interest Elon Musk has created around the world and how wind power continued to work in the face of Hurricane Harvey whereas fossil fuels have come to a standstill. China has built the worlds largest Solar Plant and Musk the largest energy storage facility. Everyone is forging ahead except Australia where energy producers can't get the investment to even go back to fossil fuels let alone transition forward in any form. No since Abbott we have built a backward NBN, ensured a backward National Energy Policy simply focusing on once being leaders to ensuring we are a backward country allowing Air Water and Fire all to be Privatized Bolt's wrong destruction is allowing all our resources to be privatized and having us to clean up and pay for the inevitable mess. We are fast intending to surpass Africa in our own self-destruction.

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