Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,20/9/17; Abbott has been left standing naked; Piss Christ is back; Christianity's suicide; Abbott's either wrong or a liar; Salman Rushdie's view;


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Billions wasted. Desalination plants mothballed. Power prices sky high. The poor unable to pay for heating. Time to count the shocking price we've paid for listening to global warming scaremongers like Tim Flannery. My editorial from The Bolt Report. Plus: Liberal MP Craig Kelly suggests he could cross the floor to vote down a clean energy target. 

"Billions wasted. Desalination plants mothballed. Power prices through the roof. Pensioners unable to pay for their heating. It's time to count the shocking price we've paid"Bolt
 According to Andrew Bolt the world's and Australia's problems along with our electricity prices all rest on the words of a single false prophet Tim Flannery? Australia has fallen so far behind other countries because years ago they leaped forward and invested in the development of renewable energy Germany, California, Norway Sweden etc etc etc all have lower energy prices compared to Australia because of Tony Abbott's "nope" politics. That has been the foremost cause of why our politics have kept our prices high and going backward.
However domestically and relatively speaking Bolt's argument of rising prices is a lie they just haven't gone down. In the 80s we were paying 2.9% of our income domestically for electricity and 30 years later we are still paying 2.9%. Housing, company profits, and even Bolt's wages have increased more than electricity since then. Abbott destroyed Labors ETS took control of the Liberals and refused any partisan political agreements to solve a fragmented national energy problem calling and ETS 'crap'. Since the denial of global warming and 'nope'  made him opposition leader almost a decade ago he's never let go. It may have led him to personal power back then against Turnbull. But trying to repeat it now is not listening. Australia has a problem and there is an offer from the ALP to come to a partisan agreement to solve it.The longer Abbott ignores it and doesn't join Turnbull the issue just drags on worsening our energy disjunction where logic dictates there shouldn't be one.

Abbott was a denier calling global warming crap and RET's a hoax. Bolt his amplifier still does claim it's a Religion despite 97% of the world's Climate Science agree on the evidence to date. Abbott no longer does that. He says warming real but retains his "nope" attitude for little more than a once successful political tactic hoping to again wrest power from Turnbull and fracturing the LNP even more in the process. Howard once came back Abbott thinks he can do the same. However what he hasn't grasped in his personal quest is the Australian public and his traditional conservative voters have also moved on a lot further than he has.
Abbott has single handed set Australian science back so far we are where we were in the 50s, not leaders of innovation and technology but buyers of it and allowing India and China to develop our 21rst Century systems for us.
 The Flannery warnings criticized by Bolt are a joke because the narrow attention and focus Bolt is giving him is to distort and distract us from what global science is telling us now and not what Flannery said in 2009. The Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose,Katie and Maria coming haven't left renewable energy crippled but fossil fuel base-level energy paralyzed at a total standstill, nada, screwed in Texas and Florida. The only energy systems still operating during and after these storms, which Andrew Bolt by the way called "normal events," is renewable energy.
So yes count what laughing at nature has cost us Andrew Bolt and stop hiding the fact that your political grab is driving Australia backward and costs up. Declaring you're wiser than the experts, Corporate Energy Generators, Scientists, Banks, Investors, and now consumers you is what's set us backward. In desperation your now the socialist the regulator wanting to manipulate the market to slow the natural divestment away from coal.Meanwhile, you're  still on your backfoot and media wagon selling the snake oil dirty energy we have turned our backs on over the last 10 years leaving Tony Abbott a naked noise.


Tell us the news here. On the next The Bolt Report - Mark Latham let's rip.


       1) Mark Latham creates a living from the Sam Newman song book.

       2) Bolt has bought him for attention, clowning and raising his failed ratings

       3) The Project ratings are busting his balls and Bolt needs some controversy.

       4) He hasn't a very large budget even less than an almost bankrupt Ch10



Australia's Global Shame and Disgrace

Exclusive: Rohingya sent to detention island in Papua New Guinea pressured to return to Myanmar, where thousands have fled ethnic persecution

 Australia offers to pay Rohingya refugees to return to Myanmar | World news | The Guardian

It’s rather difficult to empathize with the marriage equality No crowd’s insistence that they are being “bullied” by the Yes side, given that the postal opinion poll on the issue is, in itself, one of the most outstanding examples of government and social bullying that we’ve seen in quite some time.Subjecting groups to the judgment of their fellow citizens on the basis of their sexuality is bullying, of the most insidious and damaging kind.

 Turnbull’s postal opinion poll: a vicious, bullying farce. - » The Australian Independent Media Network

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Corrine Barraclough has raised a Baptist and as Christianity shrivels worries what will replace it: "When I was growing up, repeating the verse “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” was daily routine... Christianity is increasingly slammed and sidelined. However, has anyone given any thought to where basic values will come from?"
"When I was growing up, repeating the verse “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” was a daily routine.

Yes, it’s a Bible verse, Luke 6:31..."
Having asked the question the answer is staring you in the face. Those who refuse to accept Equality and Universal Human Rights aren't. Andrew Bolt is a living example and demands the freedom to do it from society.

 Image result for Image of Mr Nope


Tony Abbott steps up his war on the "clean energy" obsession that's destroyed our cheap and reliable supply of electricity: "The Liberal and National backbench might need to save the government from itself. The only way to get our country back on track is to rid ourselves of the emissions obsession... We need a “jobs first” energy policy." 
  "Tony Abbott steps up his war on the "clean energy" obsession that's destroyed our cheap and reliable supply of electricity for no gain to the planet:"
 The Lie being preached
1) Coal is a shrinking Industry with shrinking demand and investment. It's the only road to profit has been automation and shrinking Labour.
2) Renewable energy is a sunrise industry with expanding investment and demand it employs an expanding jobs market far larger than coal or fossil fuels globally
3) If Abbott's sincere then he's wrong in supporting coal which means he's just firing from the hip and not the brain. If he's not sincere it's what we all know is the most likely he's a liar and little more than a political tactition maintaining a Nope campaign on progress.

By using energy storage with solar panels, homeowners were able to go off-grid, showing how distributed power could speed future storm recovery.
 (Despite laws in Florida makes it illegal to power yourself off the grid)

 After the Hurricane, Solar Kept Florida Homes and a City's Traffic Lights Running | InsideClimate News

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Not a joke but a question. A Fairfax journalist goes for a drive with an American cousin, and one admits they're a Trump supporter. Which of the two: A. demands the other leave the car; B. prides themselves as being the more tolerant? Strangely, the answer to both is the same - David Leser.
 The return of Bevis and Butthead Blair and Bolt. Flipping turning protest into bigotry. For Butthead Bolt if he's poofter bashing a gay on the ground and they protest Butthead Bolt is the victim of gay bigotry. How clever is that? 

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Nationals MP George Christensen will test whether the Commission just defends the Left: "I have asked the Human Rights Commission to urgently investigated a blatant abuse of human rights whereby a contract employee was terminated purely for holding a belief in the current definition of marriage." And Madeline responds to her boss's vilification. 
 The persecution of Christians in Australia is an oxymoron just as much as Bolt's often complained that the poor rich are being persecuted. 
As for the conflict between Mrs. Sims and Madelaine whose last name appears protected claims "I don't think I should have been fired". She is welcome to have her complaint of Unfair Dismissal heard by the FWC . However, Bolt prefers it heard on his biased Bolt Report that has total disregard for the fact Madelaine has an avenue of redress.
Christensen MP For motives of his own wants the case investigated by the AHRC which they will do and if they believe the case is one in their jurisdiction will call for mediation between the two parties. If that fails Madelaine could crowdfund or Christensen MP could call for donations to take the case to Court. Either way, the AHRC will have been done with it before that has happened. There are referees freedoms and protections had Madelaine belonged to a union she just might well have better protection. The problem the sharks are now involved Bolt grabbing attention for himself Christensen using it as a political tactic and I'm sure others it's an opportunity to make $$$ Crowdfund it Madelaine for dirty lucre. However, Madelaine doesn't believe in in the Christian principle of universality of human rights and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"   
 Image result for Image of Andrew Bolt on Lygon st


20 Sep

"Watch for yourself Donald Trump's fine speech at the United Nations, which ABC AM this morning fretted was "provocative" and "name-calling". I thought that here was a US president finally defying terrorists, socialist thugs, and totalitarians as Barack Obama so recklessly didn't." Bolt
Bolt just loves watching bullies bullying each other posturing for a fight. He loved Kim and believes that's the way Christians should none of this turn the other cheek bull. He called the terrorists in Barcelona brave young men. While telling Christians they were cowards 500,000 people marching for unity meant nothing to Bolt. Imagine if Bolt had access to a nuclear code he'd probably have to ring Tim Blair first and ask him how to use it.
1) At the UN, Trump wheels out a jumble of contradictions
2) Trump’s First Speech Before the UN Was an Absurd, Bombastic Disaster | The Nation

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So if we get gay marriage, which rights might we lose? Roger Franklin checks a submission by former Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Tribunal boss Robin Banks, who hauled in a Catholic Archbishop for questioning. Worryingly, she says the religious view of morality must submit to “community standards” when people like her find it “outdated”.  

 Ms. Delany has a right of reply to the Quadrant's accusations which you will find below.

Pilmer in Perspective 

Mining Lobbyist and Anti-Warming Spokesperson who once had some influence on Tony Abbott. Still loved by deniers like Andrew Bolt


Ian Plimer has penned bestsellers on the global warming scare. Now comes another book, to be launched in Sydney by Cory Bernardi on October 5: "How did Australia, one of the world's largest exporters of coal, gas and uranium, end up with the most unreliable and most expensive energy globally?"  Book for the launch here. And order the book here.

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