Bolt tried to kill two pranksters they didn't head butt him they glittered him. He wasn't a victim. One thing is for certain Abbott opened a can of worms with his no equality for gays message and plebescite and it goes to show just how angry people are and some to the point of radicalized reaction. If yo hold people down long enough and the react don't call yourself the victim.
Bolt isn't someone who shows his face in public and he calls Christians cowards and victims and and tells Muslims they not wanted. Yet he's the one who is hiding behind a media curtain. He is the voice of the bully who is the real coward. What can one say to Abbott other than "you reap what you sow." Where were the cameras? They are usually only there when Abbott wants a set up photoshoot? The reality you don't even know whether the situation is real or not?` Now Bolt will go on to to use this to condemn the "yes" vote in it's entirety but will he call them brave like he did the terrorists of Barcelona and the "no" voters gutless. No he will tell us what innocent victims they are persecuted by the pro gay majority. With Bolt you never know what tactic he'll apply only that he's for a side and never a principle. He's just like Abbott whose a "yes" but "man". "Yes I love my sister but she's deeply flawed" Bolt's the same "Cate McGregor is great friend "but" not a real person lile me.
Given his record can Abbott be trusted there's not a mark on him his only witness a staff member. Was he ina Hobart alley? Remember the Alfalfa Club Murdoch was his witness to bullshit then.
Tony Abbott says he was injured after being assaulted by same-sex marriage campaigner in Hobart
Tony Abbott's wrong: de facto couples don't have the same rights as married ones
Who gives a stuff Abbott's all Yes But about it and Bolt claims he's a victim
ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry cautions schools on same-sex marriage
- Former prime minister Tony Abbott has torn into ACT Education…

Source: Same-sex marriage could 'prevent 3000 teen suicide attempts a year', say health groups

Silenced? The "No" Side Is Getting Four Times The Media Coverage Of The "Yes" Side
Terrorists: Al Qaeda have always been US and Israeli Allies
The Russian Defense Ministry says that, according to their data, an offensive launched by Al Nusra terrorists and their allies in Syria was orchestrated by the US security services, aiming at derailing the Syrian Army operation near Deir ez-Zor.US security services behind Al Nusra offensive in Syria’s Idlib
Trust little the ABC says on global warming and gay marriage, particularly when the topics are combined: "Ms. Rice is a federal Greens senator, Ms. Whetton is a renowned climatologist and recipient of a Nobel Prize and they are one of the few same-sex couples in Australia in a legally binding marriage." Tony Thomas notes the howler.Andrew Bolt claims he was educated at Adelaide Univesity he wasn't Tony Thomas has never disputed that why? Isn't that Inflating a Resume? Bolt married and claimed the upward status that it entailed as his own and deserved. When he talks about his wife in his blog he sounds as if he demoted her. He, the sole bringer home of the bacon he has to take them on holiday is that inflating the resume?
Yes, Bolt's link couldn't otherwise be Quadrant's Tony Thomas putting in the boot to LGBTQIs. No "yes" "buts" here like Abbott's "I love my sister but" rest assured. You couldn't get more of a kicking as Thomas transitioned away from Whetton to attack and disparage just about everyone concerned with the IPCC's Nobel award. How dare she a 'trannie' claim it The word inflation here is better suited to Thomas's hysterical blown out of proportion rant rather than anything else.
When Oscars or Logies are given out the team involved runs up on stage when the show wins and all its members are regarded as winners inclusively not so it seems to Thomas. When the best film wins an Oscar the people involved should remain anonymous. Nobody has the right to call themselves winners or gain reward or kudos from it. It's almost ,according to Thomas , profiting from a crime. Premiership players at this year's grand final watch out Tony Thomas is watching ready to put the boot if you declare your a premier. How mean a curmudgeon,how Quadrant of him but then it goes with the territory hatred of Australia posing as White Male Patriot in uniform with the steel capped boots alone but seething with jealousy for not being recognized.
“The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner.” ... “No individual, no matter what their involvement with the IPCC, can pass themselves off a Nobel Laureate." Thomas
If the IPCC didn't have any of these persons working for it would it have won the award no! Or is Thomas implying a vacuum and empty box won the Nobel Prize? Apparently, Thomas knows what the sound of a one-handed clap in a forrest is as well and he needs to be consulted first so we then all know. Those award-winning events like the Grand Final Premiers don't allow any player to regard themselves as premiers or gain any kudos from the win, bullshit. Thomas it appears has no trouble drinking top shelf Grange with nothing inside the bottle or just kicking the heads off babies either.
Check out the shocking price we’ve paid by treating global warming scaremongers like Tim Flannery as our gurus. In fact, we’re still paying the bills — just as some climate scientists are waking up to themselves and saying, “whoops”. A paper by warmist scientists in Nature Geoscience now concedes the world has indeed not warmed as predicted.
Every year since 2000 records for a warming planet have been broken but Bolt is saying there has been a slowdown in the last 15 years and he expects us to believe that. What he's saying in a disguised manner even though records keep getting broken the "rate" isn't as predicted by some models. His hero Spencer whose pointed it out for years figures also show rising temperatures. So yes a hurricane is coming but it might not knock over as many trees so we don't need to prepare for it.
Well, Hurricanes did come in Texas and Florida and they were severely worse than anything ever seen before and had governments prepared for them the costs would be far less. The only source of power for millions of houses and businesses was Renewables those reliant on fossil fuels are still dead. The only transport available is electric that which is reliant on fossil fuels is stationary. In other words, the disaster is so much less because of renewables. The result of these storms will see Insurance policies rise for those dependant on fossil fuel power and less for those on renewables. This isn't just a one-off event 4 major hurricanes have destroyed Bolt 's reliable energy sources and left what he calls unreliable untouched. Who is the liar?
Who is saying scientific modeling has to be precise to be believed? Science is a probability method for gaining knowledge its benefits outweigh anything Bolt has to offer. His language hides reality science makes it more understandable. Tobacco causes lung cancer it's not a causal statement we believe it. CO2 causes a greenhouse effect is a correlation which we all agree on Oh it caused 100 less than you predicted, therefore, your wrong whose the idiot here other than Andrew Bolt
Every week brings more proof that many same-sex marriage campaigners are the bullies and bigots they claim to oppose. Take Madlin Sims, who runs a children’s entertainment company in Canberra and has just fired Madeline, a Christian teenager who worked for her, dressed as Minnie Mouse. Pick the real bully here.AFL BULLIES FANS OVER SAME-SEX MARRIAGE
Why is the AFL imposing a collective position on what should be an individual decision - and when perhaps 40 per cent of players and spectators have a different point of view? "The AFL has divided its fans, clubs and some of its biggest names by publicly endorsing a yes vote in the national same-sex marriage survey."FAKE CLAIM THAT GAY MARRIAGE WILL "PREVENT UP TO 3000 HIGH SCHOOL SUICIDE ATTEMPTS"
Peddling a dodgy survey result to boost a dodgy argument: "Five of Australia's most respected mental health groups have joined forces ... in favor of same-sex marriage, claiming the reform could prevent up to 3000 high school suicide attempts every year." Marriage is not anti-suicide program, and the claim is based on a very suspect survey.Bolt is like the bad cop not interested in the facts or the truth only his predetermined conclusion to try to get a conviction it 's called confirmation bias. " He'd be a total failure at stats 101.
"A psychological phenomenon that explains why people tend to seek out information that confirms their existing opinions and overlook or ignore information that refutes their beliefs. Confirmation bias occurs when people filter out potentially useful facts and opinions that don't coincide with their preconceived notions."The fact is all emergency services have reported a spike in calls for help from LGBTQIs here in Australia since the ridiculous debate began and Bolt ignores that fact. Nobody needs to peddle any dodgy survey to report that. Bolts just trying to distract from that reality."Peddling a dodgy survey result to boost a dodgy argument: "Five of Australia's most respected mental health groups have joined forces ... in favor of same-sex marriage, claiming the reform could prevent up to 3000 high school suicide attempts every year."Bolt " Is that all Bolt has in his reasoned reply calling mental health experts liars. Professor McGorry has said a significant spike has been witnessed in children stress that can be attributed to the raging debate going on and Canavan's attitude of "Get a Spine" response. Bolt has turned to the Trump Matthew Guy defense of "fake news". The spike isn't being witnessed on any American survey Bolt it has been witnessed here. So why sidestep that fact and get your divining rod out and say "I suspect, acceptance of gays is actually greater. It is that acceptance, rather than the legalization of gay marriage, that surely helps the mental health of young gays." BoltWhen Bolt says "some of my best friends are gay" it sounds like "I'll put it in a little if it hurts I'll take it out" Very well known butch lies.Shaming the experts is what Bolt does, claiming he has more brains than they have put together or they are just liars. "Shame on the five mental health bodies stooping to these tactics - ReachOut, Headspace, Orygen, the Black Dog Institute and Sydney University's Brain and Mind Centre."But then Bolt also said Christians aren't prone to domestic violence only Aborigines are no mentioning most are Christian
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