Thursday, 21 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,21/9/17; Yes, But 'No ' Voters like Tony Abbott are all sweet on the outside but maggot ridden within; The media con when news for profit is propaganda; Syria and Yemen;

 Tony Abbott boxing while at Oxford University.


 Bolt tried to kill two pranksters they didn't head butt him they glittered him. He wasn't a victim. One thing is for certain Abbott opened a can of worms with his no equality for gays message and  plebescite and it goes to show just how angry people are and some to the point of radicalized reaction. If yo hold people down long enough and the react don't call yourself the victim.
 Bolt isn't someone who shows his face in public and he calls Christians cowards and victims and  and tells Muslims they not wanted. Yet he's the one who is hiding behind a media curtain. He is the voice of  the bully who is the real coward. What can one say to Abbott other than "you reap what you sow." Where were the cameras? They are usually only there when Abbott wants a set up photoshoot? The reality you don't even know whether the situation is real or not?` Now Bolt  will go on to to use this to condemn the "yes" vote in it's entirety but will he call them brave like he did the terrorists of Barcelona and the "no" voters gutless. No he will tell us what innocent victims they are persecuted by the pro gay majority. With Bolt you never know what tactic he'll apply only that he's for a side and  never a principle. He's just like Abbott whose a "yes" but "man". "Yes I love my sister but she's deeply flawed" Bolt's the same "Cate McGregor is great friend "but" not a real person lile me. 
Given his record can Abbott be trusted there's not a mark on him his only witness a staff member. Was he ina Hobart alley? Remember the Alfalfa Club Murdoch was his witness to bullshit then.
 Tony Abbott says he was injured after being assaulted by same-sex marriage campaigner in Hobart
 Tony Abbott's wrong: de facto couples don't have the same rights as married ones


Who gives a stuff Abbott's all Yes But about it and Bolt claims he's a victim

ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry cautions schools on same-sex marriage

  • Former prime minister Tony Abbott has torn into ACT Education…
Same-sex marriage could help prevent up to 3000 teenage suicide attempts every year, according to five of Australia's most respected mental health groups.

Source: Same-sex marriage could 'prevent 3000 teen suicide attempts a year', say health groups


Silenced? The "No" Side Is Getting Four Times The Media Coverage Of The "Yes" Side 


Terrorists: Al Qaeda have always been US and Israeli Allies

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