Saturday, 23 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/9/17; Welcome to Tony Abbott's world of Cognitive Dissonance and the Incovenient Truth; Marriage Equality not the reason;

Besides being a pathological liar, Tony Abbott is a noted pugilist who in the past has thrown a few himself, particularly at women. At university, he kicked in a glass panel door when defeated in an election.Referred to a women Chairperson as “Chairthing”.He was accused of assaulting a woman at University and later acquitted. He was defended by a QC and the girl defended herself. Another woman accuses him of throwing punches at her. And hitting either side of a wall she was standing against. He says it never happened but others collaborated her story.He threatens to punch the head in of Lindsay Foyle who disagreed with him on a women’s right to an abortion.In 1978 a young teacher by the name of Peter Woof bought assault charges against Abbott. He punched him in the face. It never went anywhere. Abbott was represented by a legal team of six and the young man could not afford to defend himself.And he did punch out Joe Hockey’s lights during a rugby match.

What we see here in Abbott's explanation of the headbutt is a pure case of Psychological Cognitive Dissonance. Abbott can't come to terms with the fact that he just might be hated that much because of his documented history as an asshole. So logic dictates he needs to blame the headbutt on something else a useful political lie. 
Abbott and his staffer first said they heard no reference to "yes"  or "no" or SSM during the incident. The head butter agreed. Logic dictated a convenient lie from Abbott one that's now grown like topsy that the attack had "nothing to do with him personally but SSM. 
Andrew Bolt has enthusiastically jumped on board to boost and propagandize that lie which deflects away from the Inconvenient Truth of Tony Abbott's record (Old Dog Thought)

Cognitive Dissonance and the logic behind Abbott's lie
 " Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong.  When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief the new evidence can't be accepted as it would create a feeling that's totally unacceptable called Cognitive Dissonance. Because it's so important to protect that core belief they will rationalize, ignore and even deny any other explanation that doesn't fit". Hello to the world of  Tony Abbott and his history of Cognitive Dissonance

 Day to Day Politics: Is Tony never to be credited when he speaks the truth? - » The Australian Independent Media Network

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Abbott told Sky News the man who allegedly attacked him told him “you deserve it because of what you have been saying”.He linked the attack to what he described as “a lot of bullying in the campaign” by those advocating a “yes” vote.“I think pretty clearly this bloke wanted to make his contribution to the current debate and instead of doing it respectfully he did it through a little bit of politically motivated violence or attempted violence,” Abbott said. But the network quoted an advisor to Abbott saying the attacker had not specifically mentioned same-sex marriage.

 'Nothing to do with marriage equality': alleged Tony Abbott attacker speaks out | Australia news | The Guardian

  Seizing the moment

 "I'm never gonna to get the opportunity to headbutt that c**t again ... so I seized a moment."

"Nothing To Do With Marriage Equality," Claims Man Charged With Headbutting Tony Abbott 


David Barden, Eoin Blackwell
The school has surpassed its initial goal of raising $900 for Do It In A Dress.
 Did Madelaine the sacked entertainer consider crowdfunding?? If she didn't she certainly will now. It's a pity Bolt became her Don Quixote and in all likelihood stuffed up her opportunity

Bernardi Backfire: School Raises More Than $200,000 After Senator's Outrage

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A fine profile of rising Liberal star and former SAS captain Andrew Hastie. Strange that the hatred of Christianity, still the faith of most Australians, comes over as the biggest hurdle the very impressive and well-read man is having to face.
  Cognitive Dissonance: do all ultra conservatives suffer from it. Bolt certainly does "Strange that the hatred of Christianity, still the faith of most Australians, comes over as the biggest hurdle the very impressive and well-read man is having to face."Bolt. The man lives in Cloud Cuckoo Land and like Abbott can't face reality. The last 2016 Census indicated that only 25% of Australians admitted to being Christians and that the majority of Australians had no religion at all. The reverse that Bolt is preaching in his mythical Stereotype of who we are.
As for Hastie and Bolt, most educators clearly know parrots can be trained to quote Shakespeare
As for Hastie saying “People are sick of this crap. ­People are sick of trying to drag petty issues into public policy discussions.”  they certainly are and they are on the whole wondering why legal definitions of marriage that have been changed so numerously since Menzie's time needed to have been done in such an ugly and divisive way. The legal marriage age was once 12 years old which Bolt doesn't like to mention and was only raised to 14. In one state that was only changed recently. The essence of Bolt's Hastie boosting, excuse the pun, fails the litmus test when Hastie claims he is disparaged, yes "“I don’t want to shy away from it, but in an era of identity politics and cultural Marxism people are looking for every reason to delegitimise someone." but he clearly has the right to disparage others. He believes in "inequality" and his the right to promote it rather than the reverse and praise our differences in protected by Australian Democracy.



First Bobby Lupo was confronted by a gay marriage supporter who called him a "faggot", wanted to know which country he was from, told him to get a job and said she'd knock him out if she could get away with it. Now council officials tell him to move from the roadside with his "you can vote no" sign, which they claim could cause accidents. Watch.
 Confirmation Evidence is the Bolt's statistical methodology. Look for the exceptions on the fringe and you will find the exceptional events to support any exaggerated generalizations you want to make. When you see these things happening rather than taking in the bigger picture you can apply them to support any sort of misinformation. Psychiatrists and Psychologists clearly see it as a dysfunction and a psychopathic tendency never to admit you just might be wrong. Something I've noticed in Bolt over these past three years.
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Headline on RenewEconomy website: "Factcheck for Andrew Bolt: Climate models have not ‘exaggerated’ global warming". Grudging admission in the article: "Contrary to media claims, the study found that warming is consistent with the range of IPCC models, albeit a bit lower than the average of all the models." More than "a bit", but admission enough.

Sorry Bolt Theoretical science is all about adjustment and not absolute theories Newton's theories aren't absolute nor are Einstein's but we don't regard them as wrong. Theoretical astrophysics is adjusted all the time as are the theoretical models of Global warming.  However, that isn't as you tend to emphasize is any reason for declaring the planet isn't warming and that a warming planet doesn't have long-term negative consequences which you more often than not hysterically deny. 
Bolt insists baseload energy is best served by the continuing use of fossil fuels it's reliability to produce cheap and constant energy compared with renewables goes unquestioned. Sorry, it doesn't compute having seen the results of the hurricanes which Bolt tried to convince us were normal a few weeks back and not historically significant or boosted by global warming. Bolt quoted his favorite "imminent" Climate Scientist Roy Spencer as proof. However, Spencer who once said the planet was cooling revised measurements show it's warming and he even admitted that Harvey had dropped more water over a larger area than ever recorded and was a unique event. Yet Bolt tries nevertheless to tell all is well nothing abnormal is occurring and the planet is cooling. That 97% of the world Climatologists are just "religious freaks" and he knows better.
Well, millions of homes and businesses in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico have no power and will most likely be without power for months all of whose power is in the main generated by fossil fuels. Transport is at a standstill as neither gas or petroleum are available. The only places that had power and the only transport available and running during and after the storms is that generated by renewables. That for Bolt remains the inconvenient truth which you won't hear from Andrew Bolt data hound. Who prefers an Abbott lead government that doesn't believe in science.

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