Friday, 22 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/9/17; One Nation doing what it does best; Bolt's reliable energy has flopped big time; The doublecross is yet to come watch out you'll be blind sided; Crowdfunding freedom;

The High Court has ruled One Nation's Malcolm Roberts was a dual British and Australian citizen at the time he was nominated for election.

 One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts was a dual citizen at time of nomination | SBS News


Puerto Rico Quick Facts

  • Petroleum products fuel transportation, electricity generation, and industry in Puerto Rico, supplying three-fourths 75% of the energy consumed in the commonwealth.
  • In 2016, 47% of Puerto Rico’s electricity came from petroleum, 34% from natural gas, 17% from coal, and 2% from renewable energy. 
The monster storm has crippled several islands, including Puerto Rico, as it roars across the Caribbean with extreme winds and storm surge. Check back on this post for the latest on the powerful hurricane
Andrew Bolt's reliable energy sources in "normal"  hurricane-prone areas, like the Caribbean and the USA, he claims can only be fossil fuel based generators.Well, they are dead in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean Andrew Bolt, nada, stuffed. The only power sources operating are Renewables Solar and Wind. They are the only things currently operating. SA was what a 3-day blackout?

 Live Updates: Puerto Rico Could Be Without Power For Up To Six Months Following Maria




Will Sydney University give a science degree to a witch, too?: "Greens co-founder Bob Brown ... will receive an honorary doctorate of science from the University of Sydney." Brown is so "sciencitific" he said we faced "permanent" drought, blamed Cyclone Yasi on our coal mines and suggested aliens "extincted themselves" because they weren't green.
Yes, all  Bolt's reasoned thinking is yelling expletives over the fence. However, Science predicted that the Hurricanes this season would test the populations of the Caribbean. Bolt declared them to be "normal and not significant". They were of historic proportions. His most favored power generators run on fossil fuels have died a miserable death. Those that do remain operating are you guessed it renewables and Bolt claims he's a leading reasoned thinker.




The Doublecross is yet to come

While the postal plebiscite – Brexit effects aside – should be a resounding "yes", I suspect the battle is yet to be had in the parliamentary process on the enabling legislation.

 John Hewson: John Howard's republican debate tactics threaten same-sex marriage


 Tony Abbott boxing while at Oxford University.


Former prime minister Tony Abbott told me he was assaulted by a same-sex marriage campaigner after leaving a private event in Hobart. From The Bolt Report:
  Let's remind our selves of the Alfalfa Club and Abbott's false story to hide the fact he was there for a photo shoot to set up a fake news story for Murdoch's Daily Telegraph and yes he was busted. So what we have is a story by Abbott crying victim with only a personal staff member as a witness in the center of Hobart City. No photographers, no injuries, and no people. Of course, he let it out on Ray Hadley's 2GB and he knew MSM would lap it up without question only boosting the "No" vote's attention. 
Was Abbott the victim No when you're a politician with Abbott's profile and ability to centralize news you're not a victim. When you have had your foot on the throats of gays for time immemorial and you get a reaction from one you're not a victim. When you use that to say see we the good Christians are being persecuted you aren't a victim all you are doing is justifying your witch burning like the good people of Salem did for their religious and political agendas.  What is really happening is the destruction and mental well-being of Australian citizens declaring them not different but not equal Mr.Abbott. Simply said I don't believe a word you are saying, Tony Abbott, even if it did happen. 
Yes and here we have Andrew Bolt Abbott, Hadley etc etc "Milking the Event"



  Image result for Images of Bolt in Lygon st


 No if's or but's when Bolt was in Lygon st Carlton he just got glittered and he did try to Knock Kids Out. He tried to go for GBH now it's no guess who he vote's for and who the glitter bugs are going to vote for is there. Bolt went further on that day called all 'no' voters to stop being cowards and get up and do the same.
If this were the USA and one realized that the American Civil war was fought over Equality and Slavery it's pretty clear whose waving the Confederate Flag in Australia and would still be waving it in America today. Bolt certainly believes in letting Australians know who is who in his world and not everyone's equal. It's clear to see how civil wars start when the Bolt's of this world claim victim-hood with their foot planted firmly on the necks of LGBTQIs their children and yelling it to their face for trying to cross the line.

UPDATE: ABC is reporting a man has been charged in relation to the alleged assault. His motivation remains unknown. Tony Abbott is many things to many people. Leader, man-spunk, hunka-hunka-speedo-love… inveterate liar. And the latter one is on everyone’s lips today, after Abbott got his own lips nailed – he claims – yesterday by a More

 Is Tony Abbott Lying About Getting Head-butted For Marriage Equality? - New Matilda



Tony Abbott gives his first TV interview about the assault on him by a gay-marriage supporter. Watch here. Meanwhile, Twitter is full of Leftists cheering the attack and wishing Abbott gets hit again. They are the fascists they condemn. UPDATE: Tony Windsor confirms he's a disgraceful sack of hate.
Stealing the moment when it had nothing to do with SMS
Media attention given to Abbott is 100 times more than given to Kevin Rudd's god son and his face was severely damaged. Bolt let it slip by as an event to be expected and not really worthy of attention or reporting. Equality look at the difference and ask about equality of attention. Abbott's face is unmarked it was supposed to have happened in broad daylight to a super fit  boxer, bike rider, life saving surfer and fire fighter who can handle himself. He was allegedly head butted by someone far less of an athlete than he is. But look at the publicity given to his cause against that given to the 'yes' vote. Abbott we know is publicity horndog posing in all outfits and trying to get attention. He will literally do anything remember the Alfalfa Club "his special invite to dinner" it turned out lunch taken there by Murdoch at $200 a head with a camera man for a photo shoot to boost his image and steal media attention in Australia. If Abbott is comfortable lying like that and at other times for publicity what's capable doing now?



No, Tony Abbott's staffer did not say the man (now charged) who allegedly headbutted Abbott did "not say anything about same-sex marriage". He in fact says he didn't hear the man with the "vote yes" sticker say "same-sex marriage", but did hear what he took to be a reference to gay marriage: "You deserve this for what you've been saying". 

THE self-described Hobart anarchist charged with assaulting former Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the incident had nothing to do with same sex marriage.
Astro Labe, 38, of North Hobart, said he will argue his impulsive attack on the Liberal MP was motivated his longstanding dislike of Mr Abbott.
He said he had not intended to cause embarrassment to the same sex marriage cause, which he supports.
“It was nothing really remotely to do with that. It’s just about Tony Abbott — The f***ing worm that he is,” Labe told News Corp Australia.
“All it was is I saw Tony Abbott and I’d had half a skinful and I wanted to nut the c***.”

Now we have what seems to be a concerted effoert to protect Tony Abbott and explain the scene for him as if his own words are insufficient or might just be seen as a distortion of facts. Just see and feel Bolt's urgency in today's SOS for Tony and generalizing the "Yes" campaign as the viscious attackers on moral innocence when organizers have stated the only connection they have to the man is badge.

 As I said in no circumstance is Abbott the victim here but given the reality the "yes vote just might be the ones being head bashed by Abbott's tall tale. He is as much a victim as Bolt's claim that the Barcelona terrorists were heroic an brave or that Christians are the persecuted party here and just cowards for not standing up and fighting back. Create confusion and hide Abbott's self boosting BS that had nothing to do with SSM.Oops!!!



Just wearing a "yes" badge makes you a same- sex activist but wearing a 'no' badge a persecuted innocent according to Bolt. Good , Bad  or Ugly. Is Abbott saying he loved his sister BUT she's likely to be a poor mother to her six children good, bad, or ugly? Oh he's the persecuted brother! Given the percieved danger Abbott sees is he irresponsible for not putting her into child protection services as concerned uncle? 
The only activists I've seen in a concerted and organized fashion have been the 'No' voters Senator Canavan calling out  the 'yes' adults and kids to grow spines when the mental fragility was mentioned. Talking of ugly mindsets you couldn't get more uglier than Lyle Shelton offering aversion therapy or Andrew Bolt calling Conservatives to clench their fists and get out there and fight like he did in Carlton. Has anybody witnessed any member of the ABC try to attempt GBH? 

Has any body wondered why Jason Om also an ABC staffer reported this story and why Bolt is making it seem as if he's breaking the News? Or why is the idenity of the ABC technition blacked out? What is obvious here the ABC is not hiding this and has been extremely professional about it. I'll bet Bolt isn't as open about his emails as Jason Om obviously is.
 But has anyone even considered that "good" may have been a response to an earlier conversation. The blacking out of identities seems to suggest things may not be as straight forward  Bolt is presenting them. That all he's doing is taking the opportunity of shooting from the hip. Yes folks it's Abbott day at Bolt's blog which suggests we are in the process of Deflection,Distraction and Distorion.

The school has surpassed its initial goal of raising $900 for Do It In A Dress.
Madelin Sims may have just made crowdfunded Madeline's future path and not encroached on her freedom as Bolt is trying to make out.
Every week brings more proof that many same-sex marriage campaigners are the bullies and bigots they claim to oppose. Take Madlin Sims, who runs a children’s entertainment company in Canberra and has just fired Madeline, a Christian teenager  who worked for her, dressed as Minnie Mouse. Pick the real bully here. Bolt

 Bernardi Backfire: Craigburn Primary School Raises More Than $150,000


 Image result for Images of Black Pete


 One could well have said that given only 25% of Australians in the last census claimed to be practicing Christians. Christmas is simply a commercial occasion celebrating a holiday season. Is Andrew Bolt denying a company's right to legally advertise it's product in whatever manner it wants. I mean Andrew Bolt no doubt learned all about Black Pete and Sinterclaus when he was a child. Black Pete were white men doing black face in the Netherlands which today is a ver big point of contention and he's griping about a tree. 
We aren't destroying our symbols Andrew Bolt but we are changing their relevance from myth to reality in the same way the Germans did with any statues of Hitler. Also in the way they take primary school children to Concentration camps and explain their history to them lest they forget. Unlike the Dutch who no doubt still teach their children what friends they were to the Jews during WW2 when in fact they killed a greater % of dutch Jews than the Germans did German Jews. Yes symbols and their meanings do need to be to be changed but not destroyed.
Our history is the history of the British Empire one built on slavery indentured labor drugs land grabbing and the impoverishment of indigenous peoples wherever they were gorging on the wealth they could loot. When were we ever taught about the "black birding" that  took place. 100,000 Pacific Islanders stole to work on our Qld plantations. When was ever "resistance" protest and how many whites were hanged for killing Aborigines compared to the reverse.  A clue to just how benign colonists weren't might be found in the uprisings and revolutions attempted against them. The most successful the American war of Independence. Did you know the first language of America would have been German bar a single vote cast by a German for it to be English?  Churchill said when the Japanese were thought to overrun Australia "let them have it we will try to get it back later".
When you put the Glorious Empire into real data and context rather than the myth an Inglorious one  begins to emerge  and you come to see what was done in a very different light making our symbols worth changing for a more relevant history for our kids rather than just myths. 

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John Roskam exposes the "thoroughly Liberal" Turnbull Government and its new "emergency" laws for the gay marriage debate: "Under ... the Act legal action against someone accused of religious vilification can only be undertaken with the consent of the Attorney-General. In a free country the government doesn’t get to decide when a law is applied."
 It seems when the "no" vote is spending 5 times the $$ on media than the "yes" vote one might ask who is the most funded and organized rather than the biggest. It somehow suggests Roskam is calling for vigilante by media committees to determine what constitutes religious vilification because he in fact is preparing to do just that. The ACL has commanded more media space than anyone and has paid for it.
 How much media space did Rudd's nephew get when he was beaten by a " no" voter? How long was it news. He had the scars to prove it what has Abbott got little more than a story. Calling it "alleged" as Bolt calls anything he disagrees with it's god's own truth when Abbott says it totally unmarked. The truth doesn't matter it seems the media does that's why "milking" is the appropriate term


Genevieve Callaghan is a caricature of the sanctimonious, offence-taking and intolerant yes-campaigner: "Straight friends! ... I implore you to hold off getting married until we can all get married. Don't invite people who will have to choose between suppressing sadness or unleashing rage to respond to your invitation. And don't invite me."
22 Sep
" And there's another reason I hope her friends heed her call to not marry until and unless gay marriage becomes law. Any friend of hers seems like someone best dissuaded not just from marrying but breeding.Another reason for the rest of us to vote no." Andrew Bolt
It's a state of mind isn't it 



For a man who works from home is constantly so paranoid he's required to move his family around frequently in the dead of night and not regard it as domestic violence. Andrew Bolt is Butthead to Tim Blair's Bevis. Why is this event turned into a photo-shoot that looks so uncomfortable. It's as out of place as Tony Abbott in budgie smugglers. The only haters here are Trump's publicity team and the photographers embedded in the White House. 
This is Bolt's bigotry "I guess he should have got an illegal immigrant from Mexico to do it instead, in the liberal way." The fact is Trump has employed thousands of Mexican illegals  over the years and often didn't pay them knowing full well they couldn't complain.

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