Monday 27 November 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,27/11/17; Normalizing Hate in Australia Bolt's Blogs and Commentaey;

News Corp normalizes hate in Australia in much the same way with The Bolt Report, Bolt's Blog,  Herald Sun  and it's other print mastheads.

Bess Kalb, a writer for “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” especially took issue with Fausset’s insistence that Hovater is polite. For example, in the same sentence that Fausset describes Hovater as a Nazi sympathizer, he immediately calls him “polite and low-key.” When writing of Hovater as a self-described “social media villain” who occasionally appears on alt-right podcasts, Fausset adds that “his Midwestern manners would please anyone’s mother.”

 NYT Accused Of Normalising White Nationalism In 'Nazi Sympathizer' Profile



"Don’t buy the media gloating that Hanson’s One Nation crashed on Saturday, proving that moving to the Right is poison." Bolt
Bolt is doing an Abbott basically he's declaring ONE NATION is the LNP's ENEMY. However, this time around instead of having Pauline thrown in jail as he did once before allowing Howard to steal her policies he's entertaining her because wants Turnbull eradicated. Rupert Murdoch and Bolt his tools in this very public war of betrayal. The assumption being if Liberals chose Tony Abbott they will destroy Pauline again and strengthen the Party with her votes. The logic seems pretty weak to me because Abbott remains hated for his own sake. But it's clear Bolt is following Abbott line destroy Turnbull pick me as PM  you will be rid yourself of the Hanson problem
Remember seeing Abbott Kow Towing to Pauline not so long ago on National TV. Does anybody believe he was telling the truth and coming in peace? Bolt is clear evidence he wasn't. When he says remove Turnbull their target is Pauline. Who needs enemies at a conservative love-in?

The reason Pauline failed in Qld wasn't due to Turnbull but because Qld voted against a $1 bill loan to Adani for a project they felt was too dangerous. The Federal LNP is failing because Turnbull allowed Abbott to divide it having the tail constantly trying to wag the dog. Bernardi the opportunist saw the division as a chance to steal both Pauline's and Abbott's thunder. But it seems nobody can put Humpty back together again.

 Image result for Image of Julie Bishop


Column Poor Julie Bishop. One of her fiendish Cabinet colleagues must really hate the Foreign Minister by leaking information so helpful to her that people would naturally think her the source. Have you ever seen someone make a minister look so bad by leaking so much to make them look so good? 

All the well laid plans of mice and men come to nothing if they can't get rid of the woman Julie Bishop because everyone sees her as the only uniting force between Abbott and Turnbull for the Party. She is their only chance to survive and it's why Bolt and Abbott invented the mysterious MP who claims to be holding the party to ransom. Ergo Andrew Bolt has to smear Bishop from outside the Party because sure as hell they can't do it from the inside and Tony with his track record against women can't be seen to be involved. Bolt has invented two leakers one for Abbott and one for Bishop can't name or validate either.



Julie Bishop


Here we have a case of the pot trying to hide the fact that the Murdoch kettle News Corp was the first lot to come under attention and filthy dominoes to fall. Is Bolt really trying to climb the moral high ground declaring he's not a "Psychotic bully" and "misogynist"? It wasn't that long ago Bolt was calling feminists "frightbats" along with Tim Blair. What about the time he tried to take a radio show of a woman he used to go in raptures over "the divine Miranda". A woman who was once a regular on The Bolt Report who we rarely see or hear of any longer why? Miranda Devine simply didn't allow Bolt to walk over her she was in a position of power, unlike Yassmin Abdel Magied. Bolt got his rocks off attacking the young 28-year-old engineer. Then we could go back in time to Bolt's Walter Mitty fantasy when he was unemployed, kept and engaged claiming that he was a "minder to a belly dancer". When Bolt was confronted with the truth he denied everything later being forced to make a public apology to his fiancee. This has all been documented so how is it he's the first to rush to the moral high ground?
As far as Corporate Culture is concerned News Corp was the first domino to fall and Bolt has been deflecting attention away from that fact ever since trying to yes take the moral high ground.


" This is extraordinary" Bolt.  What is extraordinary is Bolt's reaction to the freedom of opinion expressed by the smartest Barristers of ODC. This fighter of freedom is free to admonish the barrister yes but to say that their right ought to somehow have been restricted in law is quite extraordinary coming from someone who seems to know nothing about the law and who goes on to play victim by suggesting he's restricted in this circumstance. You couldn't find more pompous posturing if you tried.

" One Nation made mistakes and underachieved. But the Liberals would make a terrible mistake to dismiss a party that takes 14 per cent of the vote, much of it from them."Bolt
 Yes, the Liberals would and did make a grand mistake for allowing Tony Abbott to fracture the Liberal Party Federally and allow One Nation back. Hanson's comeback was largely a reaction to a fractured party by a minority within it.
 Remember when he had Hanson thrown in jail that alone allowed Howard to steal policies. Abbott this time around wants Hanson to destroy Turnbull whose biggest error has been to sit back and allow Abbott to do it.
 Even Cory Bernardi saw it as an opportunity to take votes from Hanson but he had to quit the Party to do it something Abbott would never do. His preference is to sink the ship
Bolt says One Nation "underperformed" if politics is about winning power and not about nearly winning power Hanson "lost" period. The Greens won seats, Katter won seats and Bolt wants you to remember when One Nation nearly won nothing.

You have to laugh when Bolt says "Newspapers in every state are now part of the boycott." News Corp owns 66% of the media in the country. So does anybody believe him the APC is biased or that the bias actually lies with News Corp whose actively trying to defy the APC? Who do you think the censors are and who is running the power play here?
PAYWALL to News Corp 
The problem it was the Nationals that took a hammering in the Qld and who are now blaming the Liberals seem to forget QLD historically has always been a Labor state since Jo.
Splitting the conservative vote with minor parties had made it harder for the LNP to win regional seats in Queensland and ultimately delivered power to Labor.
"For those that go to parties like One Nation, it is a cathartic experience, but it doesn't really deliver results." The Nationals suffered more than the Liberals in Qld and have made it clear that Opening the door to One Nation by running on an LNP ticket was clearly a bad move providing space for One Nation. Fragmentation is not unity it's confusion. Federally that suits Tony Abbott and assists in his revenge.

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