Tuesday 28 November 2017

Andrew bolt's Blog 28/11/17; Canavan Abbott Bolt are all so confused; Abbott's Misogynist Plan will Fail; No Turnbull can't treat One Nation voters as morons Abbott can and does;





The selling of hypocrisy continues, without shame, Bolt claiming the attack on Australia Day is so dangerous but not so the attack on marriage equality where Conservatives like Abetz demand the right to remain Christian bigots. 
The aboriginal minority isn't deserving of the respect that  Christian Conservatives demand is their right not to be offended. To be able to say No No No whenever they feel fit. They sound as Abbott did when he was PM and his signature tune nope nope nope.. Will Abbott be voting for or against Warringah his constituency where the vote was a robust 80% "yes"?


 The desperation of Bolt trying to be believed is amazing. The hypocrisy of himself and the extreme conservatives he's a spokesman for is psychotic in that they can't  for a moment step back and see themselves in the context of their insanity.  Last week and today immediately after they lost the Marriage Equality vote they have been demanding respect, respect because they are different in that they voted "no" and that now they too should be deferred to in law. However not so Indigenous Australians they have lost to white Christian supremacists for 200 years and been told by their ass hole spokespeople like Bolt it's their fault.  However, today with the vote against him Bolt demands respect and freedom of religious belief for Christians who 66% of Australia says are wrong. Bolt still denies that same respect to be given to first Australians on what they believe is invasion day.He even denies the ABC the right to acknowledge it.
Equality is simply not a word in Andrew Bolt's dictionary.
As for the Somali for the moment he seems to have been arrested for little more than what he thought, read and believed which even Bolt insists we should all be free to do. One person in 24 million is a threat to this country in the meantime good Australian Christian boys are shooting each other up in drug wars carjackings and Bolt says nothing. If it was a Sudanese Bolt would have to ignore it because he'd most likely have been Christian. No this is a way of killing two birds with one stone the kid was not only Black but a Muslim to boot. It's strange just how Bolt uses the media to play out his Identity Politics. How often have we heard Bolt declare the police are liars when they have said we don't have an African or Muslim problem here in Melbourne, in fact, we don't have a terrorist issue.
 Bolt has publicly declared conservatives are weak pussies and need to clench their fists and be as brave as the Barcelona terrorists and prepared to go to war on our streets for what they believe in. Here in Melbourne as he did in Carlton. Isn't that an act of incitement to violence? Why isn't Bolt charged who protects him?
 Bolt must be desperate to have Cory Bernardi validate what he can't and be his witness. He has a problem, just as few people believe  Bernardi given his history of moronic statements. Is Bernardi the best Bolt can do to verify that he has a source?  Bernardi has been known to be a leaker and liar the equivalent of who else other than Bolt.They make a great pair. How is it they seem to be the only two offering up this truth up? What value would any Liberal have in giving secrets to Bernardi? now, Who else can they recruit to make a threesome?



 Image result for Images of confusion


 The Conservatives can't be more hypocritical than this can they? Eric Abetz spokesman for the minority of Christian "no" voters who demand that the laws of the nation need to pay "respect" to the 36.4% of Muslims, Christians etc etc who when clubbed together voted against the majority of 'yes' voters for marriage equality. Instead of amplifying their diversity Abetz speaks of them as Christians who must be paid attention and not be forgotten. Whereas Triple J who out of "respect" for the Indigenous Australian minority is being slammed by Conservative Senator Matt Canavan for changing the date for broadcasting their Hottest 100 Countdown. How hypocritical are these conservatives? How even more put out would they have been if Triple J had broadcast the Hottest 100 Indigenous Countdown out of "respect for the minority? How unprincipled and divided are these  Racist Right Wing fruitcakes begging for "respect" for themselves their side on the one hand and showing none for Australia's First Peoples?
What is more disgusting and lower than a snake's belly than the fascist media corporation News Corp and their tool Andrew Bolt normalizing this out of date, turn of the century Cultural White Supremacist Nationalism on National TV channel SKY. The joke, however, being on them Abetz demanding what Canavan is arguing against. "recognition of equality" for all Australians even minorities.
Even more stupid Abetz's 36.4% of "No" voters are so diverse made up of Muslims, Pacific Islanders Africans and other ethnic groups who are totally unlike Abetz's Conservative Christians. They actually believe in the Separation of Powers between the Church and State. How do we know? Because they vote Labor and you can find them in the Western Sydney and other similar electorates. Whereas Abetz and Abbott are MPs who have turned their backs on their electorates as shown in Warringah where 80% of voters said "Yes". How principled is this Conservative Supremacist Front who believe in a Christian State? 
 So much for minority respect
  1. ABC will be asked to reconsider triple j's Hottest 100 decision

    Communications Minister Mitch Fifield will ask the ABC to review triple j's decision to move the date of its highly successful countdown away from Australia Day.

    Labor is right to block ‘religious freedom’ amendments to protect same-sex marriage bill

    Given the government is interfering with the ABC's sign of respect for the first peoples

     Hottest 100
    People Outraged That Date Of Music Countdown They Don’t Listen To Has Changed
    By The Shovel on November 27, 2017
    Hottest 100

    People Outraged That Date Of Music Countdown They Don’t Listen To Has Changed  – The Shovel

Don't blame One Nation. Abbott destroyed Pauline once when he had her jailed then put his hand out and said sorry because he'd focused on destroying the Liberal Party by giving her the dream of a second life for the moment. He has been using Andrew Bolt at the behest of Rupert to do a number of Julie Bishop who for the moment is his immediate threat. How are these misogynist conservatives ever going to win the women's vote? They are like tag team wrestlers Bolt's stopped calling women "frightbats" and turned his sights on accused sexist males like Don Burke, Harvey Weinstein etc deflecting attention away from Liberal Conservative and News Corp misogynistic Culture.  The Murdoch-sphere was recognized publicly as the first domino to fall when the head of Fox News  Roger Ailes then Bill O'Reilly had to go followed by the rest. These weren't just exceptions in an otherwise non-sexist organization but pillars of News Corp's cultural ethos of organized misogyny.
Here is Bolt deflecting attention away from his team climbing the moral high ground. However, he can't deflect the sexist reality away from the Liberal Party with only 22% women MP's. The argument of equality and merit doesn't hold when compared with the ALPs 40%. Abbott doesn't attract the female vote and his problem is that Julie Bishop does. So watch the hoons try to destroy her and claim they don't disrespect women.

Terry McCrann, a Murdoch man the worst economic commentator in the country is it seems attempting to make some a social and political comment instead and raised to our attention by Peter BH Andrew Bolt's troll. Peter BH "reader" seems to fill in for Bolt when he needs time out. 
The fact is Pauline Hanson is the creation of not the PM but the Monkey Pod Room the conservatives in the Liberal Party who don't have the balls to do a Cory Bernardi and leave the Liberal Party and stand alone but encourage Tony Abbott's revenge on Turnbull. 
 We saw the kowtowing "I'm sorry Pauline" Abbott on National TV. He destroyed Hanson once for John Howard by having her jailed when she was found innocent it allowed Howard to steal her policies and supporters. Abbott has raised her from the grave by dividing the Liberal Party for the sole purpose of this time destroying Turnbull by causing division in the hope he'd be recalled like and raised like Lazarus and then swallowing Pauline again. Abbott truly is a Golem using Murdoch's tools  Bolt,  McCrann and Peter BH et al in the process. However, he has to kill off Julie Bishop in the process first who is polling way ahead of him as a drawcard alt-leader of the Party. Abbott you see doesn't have the women on side. He can't be seen doing it directly so he has been lent Murdoch's men.
Yes, this was a unique Qld event in the Labor State of Qld. The Nationals realized they'd made a mistake for joining the Liberals on the ballot. They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot but they along with Tony Abbott Federally provided Pauline Hanson to come in and nab the protest vote. The protest not just of Turnbull but the Liberal Party divided by Tony Abbott. Christenson's sorry is not a backing away but the stupidity that allowed One Nation in to feed their preferences to the ALP. The poor strategy is significantly different from any notion of political distancing.

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