Sunday, 17 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,17/12/17; Truth in Humour; Israel the model of democracy in the Middle East; Jobs Growth Australia; News Corp Culture Denied; When victims of crime are declared non deserving;





 Bolt's model of MiddleEastern Democracy

 In Gaza, Israel is shooting fish in a barrel |


  Turnbull's Jobs Growth

Woolworths is set to reap savings from its secret wage deal for its ''dark stores''.
The secret wages deal comes after a 12-month Fairfax Media investigation revealed how big employers and the SDA struck deals that left more than 250,000 workers paid less than the award – the wages safety net.

 Secret Woolworths deal with Shoppies union cuts wages



When asked how the allegations had harmed Fox News, Rupert Murdoch said it was "all nonsense".

Rupert Murdoch calls sexual misconduct allegations within Fox News nonsense and largely political.

Under the proposed scheme, child sexual abuse victims who have themselves been convicted of sex offenses would not be eligible for payouts.

'Agonising decision': Calls to allow prisoners access to abuse compensation

A clear case of State-sponsored discrimination when

The Turnbull Government has been accused of abandoning child sexual abuse survivors who went on to become criminals.

Bolt the Racist who's on holiday popped his head up twice last week both times to make racist slurs against African immigrants to Australia. Amplifying and promoting the negative stereotyping of the Sudanese and Somalis in particular. Here he is yes, he's stuck his head up again referencing himself this time in his research findings of TAPRI who researching the opinions online of 2065 Aussies that half feel there is too much immigration and that the country is full. 
The problem is however from the time Tony Abbott became opposition leader and since the Cronulla riots the right wing of Australian Liberal Party have been selling this idea to the Australian public soley for political purposes rather than actually evaluating the facts. 
 The largest print media company News Corp has been spinning this line since before Abbott became PM along with their anti-Muslim rhetoric so it's no wonder opinions have altered. Muslims were considered a problem by less than 10% of Australians until Abbott and the Murdoch press began vilifying as potential members of IS raising that figure to 30%. The same applies to immigration if the media and right-wing politics sell the concept that we are full and are allowed to do so daily then shit sticks and their opinion will get some traction. Here we have Andrew Bolt referring us to Andrew Bolt himself for proof and that online survey of 2,065 people. However, when compared to real research conducted yearly for the past 10 years Bolt is revealed as a promoter of selective bull to simply support himself.
The Scanlon Foundation Responded to the TAPRI findings which are significantly different to Andrew Bolt's surveyed 35,000 people

26 October 2017 – Scanlon Foundation response to TAPRI report

The Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion report has been referenced in The Australian Population Research Institute, Research Report, released today.
Some questions were raised about the difference between the two surveys.
The Scanlon Foundation’s annual Mapping Social Cohesion survey has been running for ten years, employing a robust methodology to chart public opinion on a broad range of issues affecting social cohesion. These include our sense of belonging, immigration, multiculturalism, discrimination, and political trust.
The survey includes a random, representative sample of the Australian population, including people born natively and overseas. It is the largest study of its kind with a collective sample of more than 35,000 people since 2007.
The research is apolitical and questioning is neutral.
The research employs consistent question wording to enable changes of opinion to be tracked over time.  For example, its key question on attitudes to the immigration intake has been used in Australian surveying for more than 50 years.
There is consistency in the findings of the Scanlon Foundation surveys alongside other research sources. For example:
The Australian Election Study, conducted by Australian National University Researchers after federal elections, found that in 2016 the proportion of the population that agreed with the proposition that ‘the number of migrants allowed into Australia has gone too far’ was at 40%, down from 52% in 2010.
The 2017 Lowy Institute Poll asked ‘Do you personally think that the total of migrants coming to Australia each year is too high, too low, or about right?’ 40% of respondents responded ‘too high’ (up from 37% in 2014), while 53% responded ‘about right’ or ‘too low’.
The method of surveying adopted employs a rigorous random sample of the population – not a sample of an opt-in commercial panel.
Results from the 2016 Mapping Social Cohesion report include:
The biggest predictor of acceptance of immigration and cultural diversity is age, followed by the level of completed education and financial status. Strong rejection of immigration and cultural diversity was around 7% among those aged 18-44 years and 4% among those with a Bachelor or higher level qualification, compared with 22% of those over 65 years of age and 22% of those whose highest level of education is up to Year 11.
Support for multiculturalism remains high at 83%, and the strongest positive association of multiculturalism is with its contribution to economic development.

A sense of belonging in Australia remains high at 91%, but is lower than the 94%-96% reported between 2007-2012.
Just 34% considered that the immigration intake was ‘too high’, the lowest recorded in the Scanlon Foundation surveys.
The 2017 Scanlon Foundation findings will be released on 29 November.


Bolt wants Australia to be declared a Christian Nation though he declares himself to be a non Christian as do the majority of Australians some 25 % acknowledge themselves as practicing Christians that's hardly a convincing number for his argument that we are a religious State. Meanwhile the Christian are selling their Churches for lack of congregations and Bolt t claims we are Christian by Culture. What pray tell Christian practices does Andrew Bolt  participate in? He never mentions any?
All this bruhaha coming from a person while born here admited he didn't like it here never felt Australian and only began to assimilate after he married. He identified as Dutch and not Australian until he was over 35. However he has no tolerance for immigrants particularly Muslims  and black Africans who  want more than he ever did to be regarded as Australians. Waleed Ali is far more and Australian than Bolt is he doesn't holiday in Egypt every chance he can. He can be found on Entertainment, Sports and current affairs programs has a knowledge base so much broader than Bolt is far better educated and as statistics show far more tolerant. He represents the 91% of Australians who are proud of this Multicultural Nation. One only need ask who then does Bolt represent? Not Xmas there are no Xmas trees in Christian Churches Bolt. There is Ramadan in Muslim Mosques. What does Christ have to do with a Xmas tree and Santa Clauss even Myer doesn't have him in their windows.


Malcolm Turnbull is claiming the Bennelong by-election win on Saturday as a big victory. True, the win takes a lot of pressure off him. But look closer at the swing - 5.5 per cent against the Government in a seat held by a popular MP, and just when Labor's Bill Shorten looked bad. The Liberals should be scared.


Should we be surprised to see Bolt stealing the ALP analysis of Turnbull's loss in Bennelong? Should we be surprised to see him break from his holiday to try to take the shine off the Liberal win?
"Shorten has not looked this bad for at least two years, which should be born in mind when assessing the Bennelong result."Bolt Suggesting this wasn't an LNP win and hammering home that thought with "If repeated nationally at the election, the Government would lose in a landslide."Bolt straight from the mouth of the ALP
The question remains where was Tony Abbott in assisting his team to the win Bolt seems to suggest would have been better had he been there? Or were they concerned had he made an appearance things would have been significantly worse?

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