Saturday 9 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,9/12/17; Bolt on Holiday Father and Son playing together; There's a lot of "grooming" going on"; Moderate Libs ruled the Marriage Equality Vote, News Corp No Tax Zone, Milo No Tax Zone,


  picture of nepotism - Nepotism in Business or Government as a Concept - JPG



 Error establishing a database connection

Question who did Bolt call to fix this and how long did it take??

 Bolt seems to be a technical Luddite his referral links often fail as does this one in which nepotism does not merit rules. His son's skills are showcased and obviously limited. He's meant to be the IT expert at the IPA. The job dad helped him get.

  It seems Bolt training his son to be a  talking head somehow comparing him to young Senator James Patterson ex John Roskam sidekick, where Bolt got James a job. In the world of Godfathers and egos, fathers want their sons to be just like them so nothing surprises here other than it's public nature. Handing his son his wealth, education but more importantly the contacts he's acquired along with the mindset shows his son off as not a self-made young man. Andrew's mother was his driving force along with his marriage did it for Andrew Bolt. Education and wealth totally unnecessary.

In the process here Bolt also compares himself to what he's not Milo Yiannopoulos ho ho it's the true Walter Mitty in him and not just a dad joke. What we are witnessing is not the example of meritocracy Bolt talks of but quite the opposite Nepotism.  James has inherited his leg up. As for their combined skill, you click the link and it says Error establishing a database connection. 


James is the IT officer at the IPA and Andrew Bolt is a paid monkey it seems father and son are showing off their genius together. Bolt certainly gives Gregory a hard time while subtly boosting his son. He simply can't help himself. 

Here we have 3 people behind their microphones father and son complaining about their lack of free speech in this nation with microphones in hand. You will never see them really debating. They mock the Sudanese Christians for their beauty pageant and being black. People who don't have the luxury of a megaphone if they did Bolt would be the first up complaining about the public disturbance. Bolt can't help his racist segue  Milo is a showman doing what it is he does for $$$ so what's Bolt's excuse.  He can't begin to understand just how ill-mannered and gross his born to rule posturing really is. What's worse it's from the son of immigrants, who didn't have a luxury private school education never passed university and simply married his way to the top because mom drove him to it. A mom who hated this country the day she got off the boat and Andrew Bolt is a reflection of just that. He doesn't go out and live with us.


Tony Abbott speaks at last year's IPA dinner (image from
Unless you have forgotten who once ruled the country and why Turnbull and the moderates must go.

Bolt's just their hack but his son James is being groomed for want of a better word. 

Is the IPA running Australia? - » The Australian Independent Media Network

 Abbott wimped it
"He targeted Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten for having pledged to protect religious freedom and freedom of conscience, complaining that the “promise made by the leaders of this parliament ... has not adequately been delivered upon”.
When the vote was called, just four MPs opposed the bill but Abbott was absent from the chamber, indicating that he abstained."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Moderate Libs urge Turnbull to reject right-wing fringe

So who are the senior Conservatives Bolt talking to that Turnbull isn't reaching Marriage Equality was passed 43 to 12 with Tony Abbott bolting out the door

" Moderate Liberal MPs emboldened by the same-sex marriage result are urging Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to embrace policies aimed at middle Australia rather than the right-wing fringe." Mark Kenny


News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch.

News Corp paid no tax on an Aussie income of $2.9 billion

Andrew Bolt claims he's not subsidized. 

 "These businesses are getting away with thumbing their noses at paying their taxes, and it's costing us all because it is ripping off money that should be going to our schools and hospitals," she said."We need to change the rules so that there is one set of laws for all Australians, and companies pay tax in the same way that all their employees do. It is absurd that a worker, who generates all the profit  a multi-national company brings in, would pay more tax than the company."

However the Chinese while formally complaining about the Cold War rhetoric being used by the LNP know plainly it at the instigation of the Australian media and in particular the Conservative fringe at News Corp who have spruiked anti -Chinese sentiment for domestic political use against Sam Dastyari and the ALP. Andrew Bolt has been a leading anti-China advocate for some time now corroding diplomatic relationships in the region which we have built up over time. He doesn't care what impact it might have on the economy as long as it favours local domestic right-wing fringe politics. 

News Corp is subsidised 30% for employing Bolt and we the taxpayers suffer for it. In the meantime News Corp pays no tax on a turnover of $2.9 bill dollars that offers Australians fundamentally no news and acts as a foreign influence on the politics of this country. What we are currently hearing is the Cold War Rhetoric of the 50s and 60s that BS that took us to the Vietnam War. It's the same rhetoric about ISIS and Muslims in Australia that has taken us to the Middle East to fight and bomb families in losing wars "for Australians" but in reality diabolical attempts to gain wins for the ultra-conservative side of politics.

 Gucci-clad Milo Yiannopoulos at a speaking event hosted by Senator David Leyonhjelm at a private dining room in ...

 Milo Yiannopoulos' wardrobe more entertaining than tired, racist barbs

Freedom To Deraud Show

  After the alt-right "star" takes his $250,000 appearance fee and venue and security bills are paid, the profits will be used by the promoter to build a "luxury supper club" in Darlinghurst, rather than pay off the $50,000 bill that Victoria Police slapped on organisers to cover the cost of security in Melbourne.



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