Barnaby Joyce affair shows how when men make abysmal choices, women pay the price
The Barnaby Joyce scandal is a horrible saga, with so many grubby angles to it, that even after observing it for a week you feel you need a shower, or at least a break. Wife, mistress, children born and unborn: all are collateral damage.
Turnbull actually seems the only one who who spoke up for the women "As a clearly furious Malcolm Turnbull described it on Thursday, in an extraordinary press conference, Joyce has “set off a world of woe” on his family, and “appalled all of us” with his behaviour, as well as raising “very serious issues about the culture” of Parliament House as a workplace."
Even News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt, not known for his feminist leanings, thundered this week about “the women left behind after helping their husbands build their lives and careers”.
However Andrew Bolt in typical blind posturing then theatrically attacked Malcolm Turnbull,revealing his primary motive over and above false faux feminist sentiment along with the media crowd baying and declaring the PM weak. ( Old Dog)
Fox host falsely claims the deputy attorney general said indicted Russians “didn't influence the outcome” of the election
This was done to hurt Hillary help Donald Trump. There's no question what the goal of the Russians was. So this really now takes us to the heart of what Mueller's mandate is, which is looking at this interference by the Russians and everything else that comes from it. Like were Americans wittingly involved.
He could not only buy a gun but keep it?: "Before Nikolas Cruz [killed 19 people] at a Florida high school this week, police responded to his home 39 times over a seven-year period... Cruz = who posted images of himself on Instagram posing with guns - made an alarming online comment about a recent mass shooting. 'Man I can do so much better.'"
"Madness. What's really needed: better gun laws or better policing? " Bolt with all his quotes doesn't know? That's delaying tactics of a conservative News Corp commentator more time and research is needed. Notice Bolt doesn't mention that Cruz was said to have been trained by a White Supremacist Militia group. No he prefers Mental illness, an unfortunate flaw in policing and another conversation about gun laws at some time in the future. Again it's The News Corp Policy not to even raise the shadow of White Christian Terror at any cost. Furthermore don't politicize the fact that Trump owes the 10 arms corporations in America a huge favor for their support of his Presidency. So much so Trump foregoes any mention of the gun laws and the 3% of white America that own 50% of the 350 million private weapons in the US 8 a piece and all legal. Trump has even loosened the laws to increase gun sales.
Global Warming Is Getting Worse, Fast
1)Global surface temperatures during the three years from 2014 to 2016 – each hotter than the last – boosted the total level of global warming since 1900 by 25%, according to new research.
2)A separate study has confirmed that heat extremes, too, have outpaced the global average. Maximum temperatures during the hottest heat waves have in the last 30 years risen three times faster – especially in crowded cities that are home to more than 10 million – than average temperatures as a whole.
3)And a third study warns that unless the world’s nations start to reduce carbon emissions, then within the next 17 or 18 years, planetary temperatures will be at least 1.5°C above the world average for most of human history.
And 35 to 41 years from now, these temperatures will have climbed 2°C above the level that held before the Industrial Revolution, and the arrival of fossil fuels as a global energy source.
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