Thursday, 19 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's bBolg,19/4/18; Why are clowns always sad losers? Richard Flanagan Booker Prize Winner answers Andrew Bolt's bigotry and ond facing up to the ANZAC myth;;

Image result for Image of a Circus

Well If Bolt remembers a circus and clowns he'd best look in the mirror because that's is exactly what he is.This Post about Rudd 10 years ago in 2008 started as a blog turned into a column which became an editorial about Rudd and no doubt radio commentary and has wound up back here where it began. Well like a circus Bolt goes round and round and round again and again and again for nothing much better than to show and bag an old video clip in which he calls those gathered fools, Lindsy Fox Lachlan Murdoch Gerard Henderson Bolt insists are Australian clowns. Cate Blanchett another, Waleed Aly and Miranda Devine over who he obsesses over were all onboard a ship of fools.
These are people who Australians identify with. Productive Australians unlike Andrew Bolt  who pay more in taxes than he probably ever earned and who brought revenue to this country which helped make our GDP grow People like Andrew Forrester in mining and Yassmin Abdel Magied an engineer who in the 8 years since she graduated achieved more in terms of wealth for Australia at 29 than Andrew Bolt has in his entire 59 years. Andrew Bolt a nobody a professional whinger who has never got down and dirty was left out and this ring of sour grapes are all he can offer.
Now the world or Australia didn't laugh at this circus and Bolt fails to mention it saved Australia from the GFC. Wayne Swann was there and all Bolt can do is wring his hands and bemoan what the rest of the planet actually admired. But then another circus came to town the one Bolt was a part of the one he was invited to and it was the actual, the real ship of clowns but while Australia wasn't laughing the world was and it was 2013.
 Bolt was beside himself he had the ear of an Australian PM Tony Abbott was his mate. But what we heard was Bolt going round and round promising the country Abbott would change again and again and again Bolt told us Abbott's said sorry. That he got the message and he would change. How many times did we see that repetitive promise which wound up mixed with the bloodied sawdust floor of that three ringed act? Peter Slipper, Bronwyn Bishop, Joe Hockey and others went with the world chortling and Bolt reduced to an embarrassed silence. Andrew Bolt simply stopped telling and selling us that BS that Abbott would change. Yes, Bolt knows about circuses he was part of Australia's biggest one when he had a PM's ear for a moment. One of the shortest moments in Australia's history at a record-breaking time when nothing was done.

 Bolt was beside himself he had the ear of an Australian PM Tony Abbott was his mate. But what we heard was Bolt going round and round promising the country Abbott would change again and again and again Bolt told us Abbott's said sorry. That he got the message and he would change. How many times did we see that repetitive promise which wound up mixed with the bloodied sawdust floor of that three ringed act? Peter Slipper, Bronwyn Bishop, Joe Hockey and others went with the world chortling and Bolt reduced to an embarrassed silence. Andrew Bolt simply stopped telling and selling us that BS that Abbott would change. Yes, Bolt knows about circuses he was part of Australia's biggest one when he had a PM's ear for a moment. One of the shortest moments in Australia's history at a record-breaking time when nothing was done.

Image result for Image of Tony Abbott as a clown
Bolt claimed Rudd went off like a threepenny banger in a milk bottle well he had nothing on McCrann News Corp's whizz-bang Economist, not a word of fact just all sarks which Bolt claims shows diminished IQ except in McCrann. Why because Credlin Murdoch's hope to turn Sky into Fox News has been criticized for her lack journalistic authenticity. Without any revelation of what she said to little Josh F, she came out and told the world she fixed things.
How Ingram and Hannity of her telling us she still pulls the strings behind those closed doors and for anyone to point that out is hate out of control. Where are Nikki Miranda and Paul? 

 Richard Flanagan: 'Our politics is a dreadful black comedy' – press club speech in full | Australia news | The Guardian

Richard Flanagan

I told a friend the other day I was to be speaking here in Canberra today and she told me a joke. A man is doubled over at the front of Parliament House throwing up. A stranger comes up and puts an arm around the vomiting man. I know how you feel, the stranger says.
It’s not a bad joke. But it felt familiar. I went searching my book shelves, and finally found a variation of it in Milan Kundera’s The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, set in communist Czechoslovakia in the dark years after the Prague Spring. In Kundera’s version the two men are standing in Wenceslas Square. RF
Yugoslavs were a well-educated, cultured people. But the system, like that of the Czechs, lost its legitimacy after Tito’s death in the mid 80s. A credit crisis became a full blown economic and then political crisis. Opportunistic politicians, devoid of solutions to the nation’s problems, instead pitched neighbour against neighbour. And suddenly nothing held. 
I witnessed a country slide into inexplicable nationalisms and ethnic hatreds, and in the space of a very short time, into genocidal madness.
It made me realise at a young age that the veneer of civilised societies is very thin, a fragile thing that once broken brings forth monsters. 
Dying for and Inglorious Empire

 The growing state-funded cult of Anzac will see $1.1bn spent by the Australian government on war memorials between 2014 and 2028. Those who lost their lives deserve honour – I know from my father’s experience how meaningful that can be. But when veterans struggle for recognition and support for war-related suffering, you begin to wonder what justifies this expense, this growing militarisation of national memory or, to be more precise, a forgetting of anything other than an official version of war as the official version of our country’s history, establishing dying in other people’s wars as our foundation story.
  Lest we forget we will all chant next week, as we have all chanted for a century now. And yet it is as if all that chanting only ensures we remember nothing. If we remembered would we 100 years later still allow our young men to be sent off to kill or be killed in distant conflicts defending yet again not our country, but another distant empire, as we have in Iraq and Afghanistan?
If all that chanting simply reinforces such forgetting, then what hope have we now in negotiating some independent, safe path for our country between the growing tension of another dying empire, the American, and the rising new empire of the Chinese? Because instead of learning from the tragedies of our past, we are ensuring that we will learn nothing. 
 But of late Anzac Day has become enshrouded in cant and entangled in dangerous myth. If this seems overstated ponder the bigoted bile that attended Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s tweet last Anzac Day in which she posted “LEST.WE.FORGET. (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine ...)”
I read this as a plea for compassion drawing on the memory of a national trauma.
Most refugees on Manus Island and Nauru are fleeing war, Syria has half a million dead and more than 11 million people exiled internally and externally because of war, and Palestinians, whatever position one takes, suffer greatly from ongoing conflict.

And yet as the attacks on Abdel-Magied showed, some were seeking to transform Anzac Day into a stalking horse for racism, misogyny and anti-Islamic sentiment. For hate, intolerance and bigotry. For all those very forces that create war. The great disrespect to Anzac Day wasn’t the original tweet but the perverted attacks made on it, in, of all things, the name of the dead. Those who think they honour Anzac Day by forgetting contemporary victims of war only serve to make a tragic mockery of all that it should be.

Freedom means Australia facing up to the truth of its past

We should, of course, question these things more. We could ask why – if we were actually genuine about remembering patriots who have died for this country – why would we not first spend $100m on a museum honouring the at least 65,000 estimated Indigenous dead who so tragically lost their lives defending their country here in Australia in the frontier wars of the 1800s? Why is there nowhere in Australia telling the stories of the massacres, the dispossession, and the courageous resistance of these patriots?
The figure of 65,000, I should add, is one arrived at by two academics at the University of Queensland and applies only to Indigenous deaths in Queensland. If their methodology is correct, the numbers for the Indigenous fallen nationally must be extraordinarily large.

As one prominent commentator noted, “Individually and collectively, it was sacrifice on a stupendous scale. We should be a nation of memory, not just of memorials, for these are our foundation stories. They should be as important to us as the ride of Paul Revere, or the last stand of King Harold at Hastings, or the incarceration of Nelson Mandela might be to others.”
The commentator was Tony Abbott, announcing the French museum, speaking of the dead of world war one.
And yet how can his argument be said not to also hold for the Indigenous dead? After all, Sir John Monash became a great military leader in spite of considerable prejudice. And so too Pemulwuy and Jundamurra. 
Read it all here'Our politics is a dreadful black comedy' – press club speech in full | Australia news | The Guardian

"China’s ambassador to Australia has warned that the relationship between the two countries has been marred by “systematic, irresponsible and negative remarks” about China, and trading ties could be damaged if the situation is not repaired."

Given the Chinese aren't getting this constant baiting from anyone other than News Corp and the likes of Andrew Bolt it would seem Bolt wants them to hit our economy in much the same way he encourages a Muslim domestic pushback in Australia so he can yell "terrorism". So much effort on the part of Bolt is barking at the those he wants to provoke and cause electoral confusion for Tony to use and call for Team Australia to rise to the occasion. On any other day, it's called sledging anti-Australian unless you want to disrupt.  Bolt's waiting to jump out of his box and yell "I told you so" at the sight of any reaction. " A worry as China gets touchier:"Bolt So childish. 


When you have a rash you don't just scratch it and it goes away which Bolt is claiming. You go to the doctor to see what the underlying cause is, find the Aetiology of the problem. In this case, it's the political stagnation set by the examples of the LNP federal government blocking infrastructure progress for decades and still blocking it now for little more than short-term political gain. Melbourne and Sydney aren't Australia, however, the congestion felt in Melbourne is due to the actions like Abbott's blackmailing Victoria and withholding $3billion dollars in order to influence an election. The money is still withheld. It's due to wasted spending on pork barrelling to influence electors in marginal seats while not addressing the larger picture. Immigration isn't the problem LNP politics and mismanagement is Abbott Joyce etc are practitioners of spending for politics and not for the country. One only has to look at any high st in Australia to see the boon immigration has done and is doing for this country.  Are there hidden costs to high immigration?
Bolt's answer to HIV a new disease was police Homosexuality then needle users then than. Bolt's answer to congestion in a room overcrowded with doctors is to throw the migrants out the Indians, Chinese the coloureds first to suddenly find there are no doctors no High St shopping centres higher unemployment and less young to look after the ever increasing aged. All due to the lack of future planning. Bolt's wants a plan to go backwards. Social engineering is an impossibility in today's careerist political climate made up largely of lawyers prepared only for debating over lunch

  1. 'Sham' Work for the Dole program slammed after teen's worksite death

    The Work for the Dole program is a "sham", putting young job seekers in unsafe and potentially deadly situations, say unions, lawyers and the family of a teenager who was killed on a Queensland worksite two years ago. LNP's "Pink Bats"

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