Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,18/4/18; Bolt's rationality is far from being dope; Lick Lick Lick the Fascist System; Bolt the Credlin Crusader;

Comparative statistics have no place in Andrew Bolt's world, do they? Conservatives avoid any comparisons that just might show how wrong they are. Legalising and or decriminalising cannabis remains a choice. Life is a risky business that guarantees death So any arguments about the costs and comparisons between drug risk indicate cannabis is by far the least riskiest drug in the market compared to ones currently available.
 So if Bolt was really interested in public health, crime reduction and government spending decriminalisation of all drugs is the way to go. It's been proven over the long term by more than 30 countries over decades. Bolts arguments of strict regulation have like all conservative arguments is to maintain as many cultural divisions as possible in order for some political traction and most of all justification of ever increased surveillance over citizens. Conservative Politics is a donor business. Business both legal and illegal supports Conservative politics it's an investment in profit maintenance and not public health. Reasoned thinking, research and consequences of decriminalisation and regulation have shown in more than 30 countries the benefits. Benefits Europhile Bolt on any other day regards as civilized. The Netherlands, Switzerland and Portugal and more than 11 other EU countries and increasing number of US states along with Canada and countless others around the world show Bolt's thinking is simply anal and constipated.

 Image result for Images of Licking  the boots of Fascism Corporatism
Post WW2 is mirrored by Bolt, Henderson et al. Australians wouldn't accept anything Japanese and our media raged at the sign of forgiveness and Conservatives more than most showed that hatred. Then it was the North Vietnamese. Now it's the Chinese why? Why do they want to ensure ignorance, suspicion and dislike of China is maintained? Afterall they want the same things but for a different purpose. Conservatives want a superficial democracy which is in effect a fully controlled Corporate State with a privileged elite supervising 95% of the population in order to realise increased business profits alongside ever-increasing poverty.
China has a one-party State that has despite corruption proved rational planning in less than 60 years has improved the material circumstances of 1.3 billion people. Bob Carr has every reason to celebrate the economic management of China.  Aging Conservatives like Henderson and Bolt continue to blame the poor for their circumstances their culture in case of the indigenous, refugees and demand a mono mindset in line with their dynasty ambitions like the Chinese emperors of old. Today they are ever fearful of the benefits progressive social engineering because it guarantees a loss of privilege simply due to critical thinking revealed by data information. They necessitate maintaining a fog by applying need for an ever-increasing voice of corporate media over any independent source. Fascism is simply another word for Corporatism increasingly needing to diminish Democracy.

Image result for Cartoon a male chauvinist defending a woman

Elaboration none, here none why? Bolt just can't help himself he wants to lend his authority to the situation when he hasn't any. He wants some of the attention but has been left out. Are we more informed by Bolt's "defence" of Peta Credlin? Not in the least, Bolt the warmist denier denies science and it's ability to "predict"  evidence openly presented. He denies rational prediction based on evidence.
But he supports reducing Peta Credlin's admonishment to prediction on her word alone Despite rat evidence clearly visible over the past decades of Tony Abbott's political life and behaviour. You couldn't get a grater kneejerk reaction from two Abbotophiles when Frydenberg stated the obvious "
Tony Abbott is intent on causing trouble. “He’s always going to try and cut across what the prime minister has been saying lately,” Frydenberg said on the Nine Network."

"If the admonition was carried out as a media figure – and let’s be honest, all of us in the journalism business have been known to periodically tell politicians precisely what we think of them and their various courses of action – in what universe is it OK to retail a private conversation in public, as some strange little game of one-upmanship? " 
Answer in a Fox News Murdoch media moment when admonishment is neutralised and admonishment plain and simple is reduced to innocent prediction after a "private" and undisclosed moment.

Frydenberg, for his part, reports that he’s unmoved by the admonition.
It’s all just one big meh. “I stand by my words and I’ll continue to call it as it is,” he says. 
 Sean Hannity's link to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen latest twist in Mueller probe - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

 Why what Andrew Bolt doesn't reveal is so much more important and why the ABC is so essential to this nations democratic balance.
The Hannity Case is so Serious it Requires a Consumer Boycott of his Advertisers


Not a happy team: "A furious Scott Morrison reprimanded Michael McCormack in a late night phone call after discovering the acting prime minister had used his first interview on the job to label the Treasurer Santa Claus with a big bag of Budget “goodies” to hand out."  
2h7 Link
1) Turnbull trusts his team Abbott never trusted anyone. A totally different attitude on leadership. Abbott was dumped.
2) Anything short of what the IPA wants is Xmas for Australians. Who are up to their bottom lip in shit. Conservatives want them to stand on their hands. Hardly a relief for what's yet to come if the ALP don't take over.

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