US media outlets are recklessly promoting war with help from neocons, including Arab American right-wingers who do not represent the views of the region they are demanding Trump bomb.
American media outlets can't help themselves. They love war. They love war more than they hate Trump. They love war so much, they are cheering on the president they hate to militarily escalate in Syria. And if he doesn't escalate in Syria, it proves he is controlled by the Kremlin, they tell us. If he wants to demonstrate that Russia isn't calling the shots, he must bomb Syria. And he must bomb Syria to punish Assad for an alleged chemical attack that has yet to be properly investigated to determine whether it took place and who is responsible. The US media isn't interested in evidence, they have been repeating that Assad was behind this alleged attack from the beginning and through repetition it has become a truth.RTAPeter Ford, the former British ambassador to Syria. Ford told BBC Radio Scotland that “in all probability” the alleged chemical attack never happened and that the video and image evidence used as proof by the US and its allies was falsified. There are others who believe that the attack could have been real, but that the perpetrators were anti-Assad rebels trying to provoke fresh military action from the US — in other words, it was very possibly a false flag event which served its purpose perfectly.
One of the best questions to ask when something like this happens, is: Who benefits? Very clearly, in this case, Assad has not benefited at all, but the rebel groups fighting against him have.
Whatever the truth about this alleged chemical attack, the notion of false flag events being used to prompt military action should not be met with such skepticism. The US has a long history of using lies (or ‘fake news’ you might call it) as a pretext for war. It is important to look at recent events in Syria within that context.False flags are real – US has a long history of lying to start wars
If this was the case then the whole Bolt Report is a total misdirect by News Corp
Treasury tries to fool us: "Migration is making Australians wealthier, with the annual permanent intake forecast to add up to one percentage point to GDP growth each year ." But even if true, this works out per person to almost nothing: "The report found skilled migrants were ... lifting the standard of living by 0.1 percent of GDP per capita."
A Treasury report released by Treasurer Scott Morrison tries to fool us that our massive immigration intake - three times higher than 13 years ago - is actually good for us:"Bolt
Apparently, migrants are all cost with a minimum gain according to Bolt. The fact is less than 10% are refugees and receive help. Bolt never mentions that fact in his 245.000 figure. The Kew shopping centre is largely migrant run and employs hundreds of taxpaying bludgers. It's mirrored across the nation. Migrants are more the powerhouses of the nation more productive than Andrew Bolt and are consumers of the basics driving demand and supply of real things and not just propaganda and fake news.
As for the infrastructure well the last Victoria experienced they were being blackmailed by Tony Abbott to the tune of $3billion which is still being withheld for Matthew Guy's sake. Add the cuts Abbott made to health and welfare and the stalling and cuts to Gonski one might come to realize that while Immigration is adding to the economy the Federal government is not.
The lack of difference in our individual wealth is a misdirect firstly in saying "our" he represents less than 10%. But Companies and business have on average increased their wealth by 20%-25%
but haven't shared it in terms of wages. The government has changed the Labor laws to such an extent that that unions and enterprise bargaining has come to a halt. Casualized labour is now equal to permanent and wages, as a result, have increased less than 2%. Yet the cry is still the more profits a company makes the more it invests it doesn't.
To say "
"In short: this report is a farce that confirms the case against this high immigration that it seeks to defend."Bolt
Is scapegoating Immigration for the lack of infrastructure governments have blocked for decades and continue to do and finally have to find blame for. In the meantime, migrants are increasing the wealth of the country while governments bring it to a standstill especially the ones who don't pass bills like the record-breaking Abbott LNP
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