How do Israeli journalists report on a place they can’t reach? | +972 Magazine
For the past 11 years, Israeli journalists have been forbidden from entering Gaza. This has affected not only their reporting, but also the way fellow Israelis understand what is happening there.When democracy requires a free press why is it that Israel denies it's citizens one. It's obvious that Israel needs to control the narrative its citizens are told.
Australia's conservative right wing insist on controlling the Colonial narrative as much as the Israeli's do.
Counting the hidden cost of Israel’s freedom after 70 years
“Nakba means 'catastrophe', and it refers to the violent displacement of Palestinians that began in 1948.” Growing up in Israel, however, I only knew one of those stories."
This was all I needed to hear. For years, I put everything I was told that night out of my mind. When I finally realised that there was something wrong with the story I grew up with - the myth of nationalism, freedom and pride - the room came crashing down around me again.
I met Palestinians for the first time in my life, and we spoke, laughed and got along.
I don’t remember the second time I heard about the Nakba. There is no moment in time that I can bring to mind. But now I know of it. The trauma of hearing about it for the first time subsided, and it gave room to pain and obligation.
The Palestinian story of 1948 is an untold history in Israel. By erasing the Palestinian narrative, we have written history to suit our needs – this is not unique to Israel, but a facet of every colonising state.It's the story Indigenous Australians like Palestinians are denied by the anti - Democratic White Nationalists Andrew Bolt, Quadrant and The Spectator and others that laud the politics of Zion
James Cook Univerisity looks both stupid and savage: "Peter Ridd has been sacked by James Cook University for speaking to The Australian and breaking a gag order to expose disciplinary action being taken against him after he criticised the quality of Great Barrier Reef science."
"Peter Ridd needs $260,000 for legal costs to fight this sacking and the attempts to muzzle him. Go here to donate. Luckily, $128,000 has been raised already, but more is needed to defend him and science."
1 ) Bolt remorselessly attacks Science he constantly refers to it as just another religion does anybody find it strange and two-faced when here he is demanding science needs defending? When Peter Ridd hasn't been involved in any of the research referred to in the area in any way.
2) 97% of peer-reviewed science and scientists in the world agrees with the research findings of the effects of man-made climate change on the planet. Some 3% deny or disagree with it. More often than not the loudest aren't research scientists in the field.
Bolt with no scientific background not only demands that these outliers be given equal voice media wise but should have recognition on campuses and should be paid.
3) Peter Ridd hasn't been sacked for his beliefs but for breaking the rules of orderly conduct by staff at James Cook University to which he signed a contract. Bolt who constantly reminds us of the free market seems to want favor Anarchy rather than formal agreements where he sees fit.
4)"Aren't universities supposed to foster intellectual inquiry and debate?" Bolt asks. It's obvious that Bolt sees Universities as a verbal free for all. The process of Academic debate alludes him which indicates he hasn't a clue on the founding principles on which the institutions operate. He wasn't there long enough to understand. Ridd an outlier that's continued to cross the lines of academic debate. He is entitled and in fact invited to take his debate off campus if he wishes but is not invited to break the way it's conducted by staff on campus and ignore the rules of his contract which was freely signed.
Bolt ignorance "And now your university has sided with the shut-up brigade - the enemies of debate and true science. How shameful." is demonstrated here.
5) Bolt's the man that justifies a Palestinian being shot for publicly disagreeing with Israel but aschewsPeter Ridd being sacked for breaking the rules of his contract. It's not about principles at all is it just about sides
6) Andrew Bolt's The Bolt Report has rules of conduct and people Bolt finds too diffucult are simply cut off and rarely if ever invited back like James Matheson.
Bolt tried to impose his meaning on Miranda Devine insisting Tonight with Steve Price was "his" show while Price was away he soon learnt it wasn't when threatening to walk off and then backing down. He hasn't forgiven Devine since but has it seems abided by whatever rules applied even if he disagreed with them unlike Peter Ridd. Andrew Bolt is ever ready to egg other people on when he isn't ready to do the same himself. It's why he's been a News Corp hack most of his working life but never really a journalist.
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